

The Story of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin falling for eachother

DaoistGB4ayl · Book&Literature
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And Jumped the fence and I ran

Remus POV

It was right after my thirteenth birthday and I was packing my bag in our dormitory. The whole thing was a lie to keep the others from discovering about the wolf . All of it .The packing , the going away because my mom is ill .

"Rem?" said the voice of someone entering the dorm.

I didn't startle .I knew someone had been coming-wolf senses.I turned around to see Sirius' bright grey eyes staring into mine .

He looked nervous. I frowned.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I-" Sirius edged closer and glancing at our beds .Sirius sat down on his.

"Can you sit down?"

My frown deepened but I sat down on my bed moving my rucksack away to sit directly opposite to him.

Sirius' eyes dropped to the bag.

"Going away again ?" he asked .

I glanced at the bag.

"Yeah " I said looking back up at him.

"Mum wants to see me after my birthday ,you know, since she's ill and we don't-

"Yeah,yeah"he cut me off . He was not looking at me ,focusing on my bed. "That's - that's kind of what I want to talk to you about ."

My stomach dropped .

"What - what's there to talk about?"My voice unintentionally breaking.

Sirius exhaled and finally looked at me his normally sharp eyes unusually soft and gentle.

"Rem,I know you're not going to see your mum."

My heart dropped and my breath caught in my throat and the words just wouldn't come out.

"And I know you're not leaving the school grounds at all and that you're- you're always gone on full moons."

He knew. He knew . And then the tears started.

"Wait,Rem no",he said hurrying off the bed to kneel in front of me "I didn't tell anyone, It's okay."

"But you know."

"I -"he hesitated "I do yeah."

"I'm sorry."

"Wait ,Remus what- what are you sorry for ?Don't ."

"I'm sorry, so sorry" I said shaking my head .

My heart was speeding up .He knew . Sirius knew he was a monster .There was no way he was going see him as anything other than a werewolf.

He wasn't going to be his friend anymore. James and Peter were not going to be his friends anymore .

"Remus,stop - stop apologising .You don't have to ."

I forced myself to look into his eyes only to see no disgust or hatred. Sirius must be really good at acting.

"I'm a monster."

"What?- what no .What are you talking about ?"

"I'm a monster and now you know i-"

"Remus no",he said squeezing my hands."You're not a monster. How could you- I read about it .You can't control it. "

"That doesn't matter." I said shaking my head again .

"Of Course it matters!"

I couldn't look at him .

"Rem- Rem look at me."

I looked up and thought I was gonna drown in a pool of grey.

"You're not a monster. "He said not a tinge of doubt in his voice."You're my friend . You love chocolate . You fold your own socks .You always do your homework last minute but help everyone do it a week before the deadline . You're the nicest person I know. You're my Friend."

Those words made my whole body heat up .

"You understand."

"Yeah,yeah I understand."


5 minutes later

"You alright?"

"Yeah, all good."