
strawberries and cigarettes

JEON VINCE , the future mafia king of JEON EMPIRE . what he will do when he will know the truth of this family and their past? what he will do when he fall for someone who is a spy send by his enemy ? "will he will choose love or hate ? " jeon vince " you know I will always win . sweetheart " .................... DAVIS PERSEPHONE, the second daughter of DAVIS FAMILY. grownup in beautiful and intelligent woman. what will happen when she will cross the path of life with JEON VINCE. Davis persephone " play with me and let's see who will win ! honey " ___________________________.................................................... This my first work so please forgive me if I make any mistake . English is not my first language. And hope you're not angry with me . for not updating. Is just I lost my that I'd. but now I got it back. so I decided to complete this novel from this I'd. __________________________......................................................

shasha123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Fatal Beauty

George "Go their and sit with them and ask to 'Light your cigarette'..... "

Seph " But ! , I will choose that from whom ' I want to light my cigarette ' .

George " Ok , that your choice. "

Seph  turn her heel to go to the VIP Area.



Jeon Vince

I was sitting with my brothers and friends having fun after a long busy week .

Vince " Tyson brother , how is everything going with company. "

Tyson "Well everything is going great."

Kyler " Oh ! come on stop that business talk of yours and  say do you all  have planned to get waste or hooked up tonight."

Kaiden " Well ! I plan to get wasted but hooked up , Nah  bro !  that shit gonna trouble me lot . "

Kevin " Yah yah ! We know how you saved your ass last time . you and your actor ass , Hahahahha !"

William  " Hey !don't tease  him . You know how difficult it to be popular actor  , you will have many stalkers, crazy fans  and those paparazzi.  They will not let you live and have fun . " 

kaiden  " Yes brother,  you know my pain . So , hooked up No Nah Never ."

Kyler  " You all no fun.  I am gonna get wasted  and hooked up too ."

killian "  Kyler stop that playboy / womanizer  ass of yours  or you will gonna have HIV or AIDS or any sexual disease. "

Vince " Oh ! come on , Let's  have some fun . We will not gonna have this opportunity every timee... " I was interrupted by one of the bodyguard  .

Bodyguard " Young master jeon,  That girl at the entrance said you called her ?" ....' He said  I  called a girl ?? ' ( A frozen  formed on my forehead  ).

I turn my eye from bodyguard  to the entrance.  Where that girl is standing , Not ever far from my eye  .

('She is looking like a goddess,  I bet if goddess would be here she  will be jealous of her. She is wearing a hot red dress with off shoulder sweetheart neck  . That dress reaching till her mid thighs  and those long leg of her's is looking smooth like butter . Her black high heel and Her slender hand hold that black shimmery clutch. ')

As I was lost in her admiration. I heard myself saying " let her come "

Bodyguard walk back to her to tell her that she can move forward.

('As she start walking towards me . I felt like sounds of my surrounding 

stop . Only I can hear is her heel sound as they come in the contact with floor making the sound * tak tak tak * .

As she come closer the more clear my view got . She have a perfect slim hourglass  figure.  That light golden skin is screaming get my marks  .Making me wonder how it will feel against my skin . I move my eye upwards ,  to her long slim neck where that black chocker is .

Well , I must say that chocker having his best life.  slowly I move eye to towards lips damn those heart shaped lip with red lipstick , high bridge nose with mole on it and those  eyes ,double eyelid  with green hazel eyes . Those soft cheeks with little mole on the left one.

Damn ,  She is a fatal beauty ')

('Her long  black silky hair is like looking the dark nighty sky  , Making me think how they will feel when I will move my fingers through them' .)

('I was lost in  her green hazel eyes don't know when I directly staring in them . I don't even realise when she sat besides me .

I snapped out of my thoughts') , As she said  " Hey " (' Her voice is sweet as honey and warm as sun that can melt any cold ice ')

I heard myself greeting back " Hey "

('Her presence besides me made me smell her sweet fragrance,  It smell like fresh and sweet . It's like  when  strawberries field smell after  rainfall.  Perfect combination of fresh natural soil and strawberries fragrance. ')

I said " how can I help you "
