

As soon as Charlotte boarded a flight to Los Angeles, he phoned his boyfriend.

"Hello Karl, can you come over to the house?"

"Slow down, what? Why? You told me you'gonna have a dinner with Charlotte tonight."

He sighed getting into his car. "Well, as usual, she chose work over me. She's on her way to Hollywood to meet a client right now. So I guess no dinner."

"And are you okay? "

"Why not? At least, I can get to spend sometime with you babe. I've missed you so much. I made lunch for the both of us. Can you please come over, pinky please." Trevor pleaded pouting his lips.

"Okay, fine. I will be there in a few minutes."

Trevor smiled. "I love you." he hung up and grabbed his seat belt and belted himself up. He steadied himself inside the car before he turned on the ignition and in a few minutes, he was home.


"When did you start smoking and what's your reason for it?" she asked and he sat up, crossed his legs and dropped his cigar on the cigarette plate and sniffed his nose.

"Well, I started smoking when I was very young. Let's say, I was fifteen. You know, when you have friends, bad ass guys and you wanna belong, you know shit like that can make you smoke." he said shrugging.

"So you were influenced by friends, is that what you are trying to say?"

"Not entirely, I was always drawn to smoking, though, I stopped smoking when my parents found out about it when I was seventeen."

"Didn't they know you used to smoke before?"

He laughed."Hell no, not when I can win a lying contest." he took up his wine glass which Miss Bennie placed for him earlier and took a sip. "I lied to my mom and dad all the time."

Charlotte jotted down on her notepad. "Okay, so what made you to start smoking again?"

"Well, I don't wanna talk about that just yet. So let's talk about you."

Confused. "Me? What for?"

"Why did you wear a short skirt to come see me? Were you hoping you could seduce me or get me staring at your legs..." Charlotte turned off the record immediately.

She didn't mean to wear a short skirt to see him. She just got into an emergency at the airport when she landed in Los Angeles. She got a very bad stain at the back of her skirt so she had to change into something else and all she could get her hands on was the skirt she's wearing at the moment. She didn't think much of how Mr. Jack will see her as, but now he blurts it out, she can't help but feel mad and pissed off at same time.

"Seduce you? Why would I wanna do that? I don't seduce smokers."

He scoffed. "Then why would you wear a tiny skirt like that and red heels too. Perhaps you knew that I'm such a fan of red heels or..."

"Mr. Jack, I think we're done for today." she stood up and began to pack her things. She wanted to disappear out of his sight as soon as possible.

"Done for today? You barely asked two questions and you are going already. Does my handsomeness affect you that much?"

She scoffed and glared at him with anger. "And honestly speaking Mr. Jack. what are you feeling like? A god or something?" she said scoffing really badly while he stood up coming towards her.


Nobody danced dirtier than Karl, Trevor's boyfriend. He always wore blue silk boxers and black boots each time he danced.The sweatier he got, the more the slinky fabric clung to his obvious assets. He thrust his hips, rocking back and forth obscenely as he strutted his stuff across the tabletop. As the hip-hop music throbbed, he put his hands on his ass, arching his pelvis as he thrust out his half-hard cock. His boxers were clinging like a second skin, so damp now the outline of his G-string showed. Karl caught Trevor's eyes looking and winked at him. Trevor raised his beer to him to cheer him on and slowly lowered the bottle to rub it over his crotch. Karl grinned at him, as the bulge in his pants got bigger. Watching Karl always made him throw a boner all the time. Karl spanked his ass and Trevor nearly spilled his drink on himself. With a quick jerk, Karl pulled his pants free of his boots and rocked his hips, bumping and grinding. He turned toward Trevor again, the short, thick snake in his crotch taking on a life of its own as he pranced around the stage. He teased his fingers along the waistband of those sexy blue boxers. With one quick tear, they were gone, too! He worked his way around the table, smiling his wicked handsome grin as he came close to Trevor. He rocked his crotch a couple of beats, watching Trevor. Then he grinned and cocked his hip toward him. Trevor motioned for him to turn around and he did. Trevor's hands came to his ass and he squeezed gently. His cock is aching with a pain that's as enjoyable as it is excruciating. He wanted to badly to jack off inside Karl. So he grabbed Karl and headed to the bedroom. He took him on, his back on the bed, his hips slapping his buttocks each time he thrust into his butthole. Karl's hole was tight; it flexed against the shaft of Trevor's cock and felt delicious. Karl allowed him to kiss his lips. Trevor sucked his tongue while they fucked, while he pinched his tortured nipples and ran his hands over the welts release. Karl kept his hands busy with Trevor's prick, one gripping his shaft while the other circles his nut sac and tugs, just enough to make the man's body twitch and his cock pulse...


He stood infront of her, breathing into her face. "You wanna know how I'm feeling like?" Jack asked smirking, watching the nervous expression written all over her face. He could see how she tried so hard to avert her eyes from his face, his chest and even his hairy muscular hands.

He touched her hair to tease her and she frowned immediately. "Mr. Jack, you're crossing the line."

"Crossing the line? When you stood rooted on the floor without moving. You're obviously in my way Miss Charlotte."

He smirked again watching her eyes dilate in anger. "What's your deal? What do you want?"she asked, her nervousness growing and almost getting noticed.

"What I want?"

"Yeah, you knew you were gonna have a visitor and then you came clothed in this robe, were you hoping you could seduce me with your body? or you wanted to show off your great body?"

Jack laughed. "Oh, you even admit that I have a great body. I didn't know that I affected you in a great way like this. Are you feeling horny down there."

She scowled. "Pervert!" she turned sharply and made to leave when he spanked her butts making her reel in anger almost immediately.

She turned sharply, "Mr. Jack!! What did you just do?!!"

"You have such a great ass, I couldn't resist." he said raising the hand which he used to spank her while she raged the more.

"What do you mean by that? I know you're flirt and I have heard so many versions of your story everywhere but please, don't try that with me! I am not gonna take it lightly with you. Goodbye!!!!" she shouted and grabbed her suitcase, she was almost near the door when Mr. Jack hovered around her back grabbing her waist and sniffing her neck.

"I smell strawberries. Do you use a fragrance like that?" he breathed into her ears while the hairs on her stood immediately.


After his orgasm subsides his knees shake and he pulls himself out of Karl's ass. His chest heaved while he smiled. He squatted and then fell back to sit on the bare concrete floor. His erection, still wrapped in the condom he wore earlier and still hard, pointed upward. A pouch of white cum hung from the tip.

"Fuck this. You were so damn good baby." he said while Karl settled down next to him. The floor is cold but Trevor wanted to touch him, hold him. He put an arm around Karl's shoulder and Karl looked at him. They were both naked except for their socks. Trevor lay back and Karl did same thing resting his head on Trevor's shoulder. He drew un imaginary lines on Trevor's chest.

Trevor's chest is rising and falling quickly; "Trevor." Karl suddenly called.


"Charlotte. Do you like her? Do you make her feel exactly the same way I feel each time you touch me?"

Trevor peered into his face and began to fluff his hair. "Are we gonna talk about now? We just had a great sex, a lovely one at that. We should leave that conversation for a later day, don't you think?"

"But I wanna talk about it now because she bothers me so much. You never let me meet you unless she's out of the picture and you don't show me off like you do to her. " he pouted while Trevor pecked his forehead.

"Not yet, I can't show you off now. "

Karl sat up already getting tensed. "Why?" he frowned. "Because we're guys? Don't tell me you hate the fact that you're gay!" he raised his voice getting a little angry.

Trevor sat up. "No, it's just that my parents isn't ready to except the fact that I'm gay. My sister found out and I jumped the fence and ran away from home. " Trevor held his hands. "A time will come when I will hold your hand freely and walk you down the aisle." he kissed Karl's knuckles. "Trust me babe. I mean it."

"What about Charlotte? She loves you so much."

"Forget about Charlotte, let's talk about us. Okay?" Trevor kissed his lips while he pouted. "It's you I genuinely love Karl. My crazy dancer." he teased touching the tip of Karl's rock hard nipple while Karl giggled.

"We're really terrible chaperones," Karl said and they both laughed. Lying here on the cold floor of the living room with Karl's breath so close to him. He felt good. Everything about being with Karl feels preposterous and right and good. But with Charlotte...He can't tell...