
CHAPTER SEVEN~~And stared at my lips

Trevor felt so disgusted just like he always felt each time he slept with Charlotte. Throughout the long drive home, he made sure he never made an eye contact with Charlotte or return her gazes and whenever she tried to touch her. "Hey I'm driving, can we get home first?" he will say trying to force a smile.

"I just missed you. I can't even wait to get home." she said and he smiled emptily.

"Let's get home first. And then we wash up, eat and then sleep." he said while she nodded.

"Lying in each other's arms." she added while he nodded, smiling more broadly with his eyes on the road.

His smile suddenly faded, he felt so bitter. He felt like he was such a coward who can't own up to his feelings. What's he gonna tell Karl? Probably another tale of his love and maybe beg him once more to wait until he's ready to face the world and what it has in stock for him. She suddenly rested her head on his shoulder and he almost withdrew if not that her head was dangling. He peeped into her face and she was fast asleep. He sighed and placed her head very well on his shoulder, driving carefully so he won't disturb her peaceful sleep. She must've had such a stressful day at Hollywood. He pitied her as he turned to look at her face again. Concentrating on work and trying to love and be there for him all the time, for how long is he gonna keeping deceiving her? He dressed her hair still driving carefully until he reached home. He drove into the parking lot and turned off the car engine. He relaxed on the car seat watching her sleep innocently. Someday, he's gonna tell her that he's gay and he have been deceiving her. How will she take it? She loves him too much, is she even prepared for such a heartbreak? He imagined her eyes filled to the brim with tears, won't that break his heart? At least, even though he doesn't love her, he have spent roughly three years with her.

He touched her forehead and trailed his finger down her nose and then her long lashes. He imagined how broken she's gonna be for the next few months before she will finally pick herself up again. She's someone who is easily moved to tears no matter how strong she claim to be. She easily cries, heart piercing cries which shatters him apart each time she starts that. He touched her nose and then her nose bridge, when he touched her lips, she stirred and opened her eyes. Their eyes locked into each other before she smiled at him. He wanted to take his hand away but she grabbed it and placed it on her cheek, she rubbed her cheek against his palm still smiling.

"Am I so beautiful that you couldn't wake me up when we got home?"

He nodded. "I can stare at you all night and I won't be tired. I wanna look at you some more before we get inside." he whispered while she chuckled.

She locked her fingers into his. She smiled while Trevor smiled back. A huge lump lurched at his throat almost choking him to unconsciousness.

Someday, he's gonna make her realize that all these were lies. Isn't he a bad guy? But he kept smiling at her and urging her on. "You're such a good woman, each time I realize how lucky I am to have you."

She giggled. "Trevor...now you make me blush." her phone buzzed right at that moment breaking the slow and pleasant tension in the car.


She disengaged from him to take her call, her manager was calling. Jeez! she haven't called him since she left for Hollywood until now! What have she been thinking? Not when she had sex, and another sex, and about to have another if not avoided tonight.

She gulped really hard caressing her forehead. "Brother Mark wants to talk to me?"she said nervously, getting out of the car and heading to the elevator where she would take a lift to her room, located at the 55th floor of the studio.

"So Charlotte, you went to Los Angeles and forgot that you have to report back to me. I've been waiting all day long."

"Uhmm...I...You know, why don't we talk about this in the office tomorrow?"

Trevor stepped into the elevator just as she was about to press the 55th floor with the phone still placed on her ear. She smiled at him nervously feeling highly uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Don't tell me you did something with that hottie! I bet you lost your senses the moment you saw him."

She coughed. "Hell no! He wasn't even that hot. He's just like every random guy."

"I know when you're lying Charlotte. I know you have a lot of gist for me tomorrow. See you." he hung up and she breathed steadily for two straight seconds.

Trevor turned to her and their eyes met, making her heart skip faster than before. She wondered if he, in any way listen into their conversation.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked.

So nervous. "Yeah I'm fine...just erm...a little bit tired." she replied while he nodded.

"I will run you a bath when we get into the room."he said calmly pulling her closer just as the elevator chimed and then opened. They stepped out and walked into their room after he unlocked the door. Charlotte left him and headed straight to the room where she can calm her beating heart due to nervousness. Can she withstand a day without spilling to Trevor that she cheated on him?? Will she even survive a day?

As she placed her head on Trevor's chest, lying on the same bed with him, hands in her hair. Their duvet covering them, all she could think of was, how she will keep this a secret from Trevor forever. Him, being so nice to her made everything worse. He fluffed her hair, patted her shoulder and then kissed her forehead, he cuddled her, threw the duvet over her, so it'd cover her body very well.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked and she immediately feigned sleep. She didn't want to get into any conversation with him tonight. She can't risk getting caught, all because of her conscience.

"You're really sleeping." he said as he palmed her face, he made her lie properly on the bed, kissing her forehead one more time. "I wish I'm a better person to you babe." she heard him say and she clutched the sheets feeling so bad.

He wants to be a better person for her? And what did she offer him in return? Cheating on him and being a bad girlfriend, of course, that's the only thing she's good at.

"I love you babe." he said kissing her eyes and she felt her inside shaking up. She clutched the sheets biting down the urge to cry. When he hugged her to his body, she sobbed silently.


Mrs. Smith rushed into Mr. Jack's room with all her underlings behind her. She snapped her fingers and everyone began to clean and pick up all his clothes which were all over the floor. They all went into the bathroom and got it ready, she sent them away and went to Mr. Jack's bedside. She tapped him and he stirred before opening his eyes.

"Why do you wake me up so early Mrs. Smith? I don't pay you monthly to be doing this." he said and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "How can I help you?"

"Sir, your schedules for the day starts soon, thirty minutes from now precisely." she said and he yawned.

"Really? My cigarette plate please." he requested and she didn't bulge or move. "I was talking to you Mrs. Smith."

"Sir, it's so early to start the day with smoking. It's bad for your health."

"Please don't start my day by nagging me to stupor." he rubbed his aching head. "Ugh! My head hurts alot."

"I made a hangover soup for you already." she replied and he nodded. "Thanks." he got out of bed and strolled to the bathroom and as if he remembered, he halted and turned to Mrs. Smith.

"Mrs. Smith, did you find anything on Miss Charlotte?"

"Yes sir, she lives in New york, 13th street cooper square and on the 55th floor of Lorinth's studio. She's single and the only child of her adoptive parents. Her father passed away when she's young and she's left with her mother who's suffering from lung cancer and she's in the hospital. "

Jack nodded listening to Mrs. Smith detailed explanation. "She's single?"

"Yes, she's not married yet."

"That means, she has a boyfriend or something like that right?"

She nodded. "Yes, the name of her boyfriend is Trevor Williams."

He creased up his brow advancing towards her. "Tell me more about her boyfriend."

"Well, there's nothing much on him. He's a free lancer and from what I dug up about him, he has a complicated personality, I think from what I saw, I think he's gay but, I'm not sure." She said shrugging.

He smirked and began to pat her head. "You did a very good job Mrs. Smith, I will give you a raise in your salary. How about that?"

She smiled or rather chuckled. "Thanks so much sir, I appreciate."

He shook his head. "I'm the one appreciating you. I mean, you always make me feel so proud of having you." he patted her shoulders and then left for the bathroom. Miss Charlotte...I'm coming for you. Just wait a moment, I will be NYC soon, and when I do, you'd be my wild ride for the second time...he thought as he sank himself into the shower, letting the warm foamy water seep into his skin.


Miss Charlotte arrived at work looking so tattered and unkempt. She have barely settled into her seat when Brother Mark rushed into her office screaming.

"And someone has so much to tell me!!!" he clapped as he settled into a seat.

She looked at him and grumbled. "Please don't bug me this morning, I'm too tired to speak right now."

"So tired in the morning?" he chuckled. "Trevor spanked you or you couldn't get your mind off Mr. Jack?"

She frowned, "Brother Mark, I only had an interview with him and I have sent my work to the editors to work on it. I'm sorry that I didn't call to tell you about how I am progressing with everything. So, can you please get up and leave? I have a lot to think about." she pleaded, while he chuckled.

"Tell me what happened. I couldn't sleep last night because my head was filled with so much imagination." he smacked his lips, rolling his small eyes seductively. "My favorite line in Troye Sivan song came to my head_*And I could already feel your kiss.*" he shook himself feeling affected by what he just said. "I can almost imagine what was going on between the both of you."

"Brother Mark." She said, frowning.

"Please tell me what happened and I will leave."

She sighed. "I...I fucked him." she admitted while his voice seized. She knew he would have that expression on his face. "Happy now? Please leave!!" she yelled but he covered his mouth, his eyes filled with surprises.

"OMG! Babe! You're a bitch!!"

She frowned when she heard him say that. "Hey don't call me that."

"But come on." he laughed clapping his hands. "You did it with him when you just met him. Do you know how many women who'd line up just to get him down on their beds. Wait, how did it even happen?"

She sighed. She recalled her eyes roaming around Mr. Jack's body immediately she set her eyes on him. His huge and tall height, his eyes, his muscular body, veins everywhere, he's the type you'd spend the whole of your day sampling every bone and every muscle on his body. Or the hairs which appeared everywhere on his body. How could she resist him.

"He was so hot and sexy. I think he just had a bath when I saw him. I could smell a clean shaven beard the moment I saw him in his robe." she said while he giggled loving the story already.

"Like a daydream, I wanted him. I know I did but I wanted to control how I felt. He let me loose in a way that Trevor couldn't..."she mumbled.

"Okay. I love this steamy story."He said drumming his hands on th table and smiling mischievously.

"Tch! But I feel like shit right now after sleeping with him."

He frowned. "Why? That's absurd." he made a face for her while she scoffed.

"I cheated on innocent Trevor. The moment he came to pick me up at the airport, I realized what I had done. I couldn't sleep last night."

"Eeew...that explains why you look so horrible." silence for a while and then he continued. "It's really bad that you cheated on him but me as a man, as straight as I am, I don't think I will be able to resist Mr. Jack's advances, no one will, not even Trevor! Come on! He's not even as hot and sexy as Jack!"

She frowned. "Hey, Trevor is my boyfriend and he doesn't deserve what I did to him. He's the only person who comes through for me. He's the biggest support in my life and I fucked up! Don't you get it? " she peered into his eyes, "I'm so ruined Brother Mark, he's so nice to me and I can't even bring myself to tell him about what I did. He will be so heartbroken."

"Calm down Charlotte. " he held her arm. "Slow down okay? It wasn't your fault. You can say he raped you and that's it."

She flinched. "Hell no! he didn't rape me!" she shook her head repeatedly. "I loved every move, every grunt, every moan, every spank, every push into my ..." she swallowed the last words. "I wanted more from him, I wanted to be trapped inside his study with him forever, I screamed for orgasm with him. So, I can't even call it rape, my conscience can't come in terms with that."

He looked at her. She's so torn apart. He felt for her. "I understand. You need to rest. How about we hang out tonight?"

"No, I have a date with Trevor and I don't wanna miss it for anything."

"Okay, how about now? Marie Addison, is having a birthday today. We can go hang out at her party."

She perked up her brow. "I don't wanna go anywhere. Not Marie's birthday either. I'm not in good terms with her."

"Don't tell me you guys are still not on talking terms since last year."

She nodded. "Because I criticized her in one of my Tv shows. Remember that day? We've not being talking and I don't care. Not like I lied."

"But that was bad."

"Bad? How? She's such a snitch and she should know that. I hate her lifestyle so much, I don't like her."

"Psst! She used to be fond of you. Let's go, she will love to see you."

She grumbled. "Alright, fine! I will go." she said.

"But we need to fix you up. You look so messed up