
Strangest Kind Of Love

{COMPLETED} The King of the almighty South Empire holds a ball in courtesy of his daughter's birthday as an avenue for her to find a young man to marry because, he felt like he was going to die soon and he wanted to fulfill all his wishes on his bucket list before he actually kicked it. Which getting his daughter (Princess Rosaline) married to an eligible bachelor was apart of. 23 year old Princess Rosaline meets a fine young man -whom she names Mr. Good Looks - at a bar in a drunken state the night of the ball. She had ran away with the help of her personal maid and best friend (Mira) and her fianceé (Fredrick) who was a palace guard. Princess Rosaline had lost track of time and ended up getting to the palace after it was cancelled because the King found out about his daughter's absence. Rosaline is then forced to marry Prince Rexford. Prince of the Wearlof Empire. A powerful neighbouring Empire to the South Empire. He's chivalrous and let's not forget about his looks but little did she know about his little agendas. She crosses paths with Mr. Good Looks again and falls in love with him. A guy who she only saw at night and would sneak into her room and she wouldn't even know how he got in but, she never questioned him because she trusted him and all she knew about him was his name! Mr. Good Looks finally uncovers all his secrets to her and her entire world shook. She was finally able to connect all the dots and discover all about Prince Rexford. In a feud between love and power, there is a thin line of hatred. At least, all is fair in love and war...right? * Check out my other book titled Empress Of The Netherlands also on Webnovel. Author IG : lovetheexplorer

author_love_ · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Manners 101 - Part 1

Rose was in her bathroom, taking her usual midnight shower at around 11pm. She was getting ready to go to bed since, her hopes of Raph showing up that night had been crushed.

When she came out of the bathroom to get dressed, he was there, seated on her bed like it were his with his back facing the bathroom door emmiting his usual cold and distant aura. As usual she didn't notice it maybe because she wasn't a very observant person. His hair was damp as if he too just got out of the shower and he was dressed in his pajamas. A black top and grey sweatpants. He seems really fond of dark colors too.

Rose wasn't wearing anything decent. She thought she'd be the only one in her room so, she wasn't wearing her bathrobe. The only thing covering her shame was a towel just was just below her feminity. But she had totally forgotten all these facts as she yelled "Raph!!"

He immediately stood up like he were a kid caught in the act of stealing. She ran up to him and hugged him really tight he could hardly breathe. Or, so she thought. He stood there, astonished. He wasn't expecting this reaction from her. She looked up at him with pursed lips like a child about to throw a tantrum. "Why did you come late?" she said with an accusing tone.

"I was busy"


"Just busy" he answered in a nonchalant tone.

"Yeahhhhhh. Busy with taking a bath? Because, you smell really nice. Like..." She inhaled his scent to point her finger on what he smelt like. "The earth...and rain. That nice but faint smell after a rainy day. Ughhh! I'm officially intoxicated by your scent". She was no longer obeying the personal space rule. She tiptoed and buried her face in the nook of his neck and inhaled his scent once more.

What she didn't know is that he always smelt like that. But, she had never noticed because it took great concentration to make out his scent. It was just too faint to realize it was even there.

"What soap do you use" she asked

"I think it's called personal space please"

"Oh yeah"

With widened eyes - because of realization - she took a step backward. "Come, let's go to the balcony and I'll give you the manners 101 class you missed when you were young" Without waiting for his response, she grabbed his arm but, he wasn't moving. She turned around to see why when he said "Like this?"

"Like what?"

"You're still in a towel"

She had totally forgotten that she was indecently dressed! All the excitement she was feeling evaded her rationality. She turned red out of embarrassment.

"I'll just go to the balcony and wait for you there. I'll close the door behind me" he said like a polite gentleman.


"Why? Do you want me to get you dressed because, if that's what you want, I can make it happen." his naughty side was coming alive as he was wearing a wicked smirk.

"NO! I just don't trust you enough. How am I so sure you won't be looking through the peep hole."

"Ok, I'll just leave you for the night. It's even already late"

"Don't go!"


"Elm, how about we do this. You stay here and I'll go to the other side of the room." She immediately ran to other room. "Elm, close your eyes." He did as he was told. "Now, turn around, for extra protection. Do not open you eyes nor turn around even if you hear me c

screaming for my life ok?"

"Got it"

Once she was sure he was doing as he was told, she scrambled her room for her pajamas and when she found the pair she was looking for, she went back to her original position and started to get dressed quickly. She was about putting on her shirt when Raph said "The funny thing is that I can still see with my eyes closed"