
Strangers + Enemies + Lovers + Friends = ?

I once met a guy who I knew nothing about and hated, and somehow he became my fling. Then one night, I could not look away as I witnessed my love for him. Together, we were broken yet somehow complete. Together, we were wrong, but we were always right. We made each other happy and made our wishes come true. Till one day, I tossed him aside, hoping we weren't true. With one quick choice—one that altered us irrevocably—he threw me away too. I once had a guy that I had feelings for. No, I once had a guy that maybe loved. It's so strange, how I use to hate you to now love you in the end, but now all you want is for us to become friends... but I can't. So let me ask you: what are we then? -Author's Disclaimer- This story has many laughs and drama, as it is about slow-burning love. Read on if you enjoy romance and chick-lit with a dash of erotica. Please don't blame me if it doesn't turn out how you want it to. Just pass on the love. 'I only know love, when it hurts.' - Lovell Curts

Lovell_Curts · Urban
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29 Chs


I drove in. I didn't have to wait for a second to see someone's presence as I made my way toward the entrance. Alfred was already there waiting for me, with a big grin on his face, and a few staff, of course. He was the head butler and was in charge of managing all the affairs of the Jamison household. He and I, grew fond of each other, especially when it came to CJ, we were like peas in a pod in terms of his welfare. I turned off the car and stepped outside, as Alfred scurried down the steps to embrace me.

"Miss. Harrison, it's so nice to see you after all these years," he said, holding onto my shoulder gently and taking a step back to look at me properly.

"Oh, I can say the same thing too, Alfred. You haven't aged a bit."

"Stop it," he began playing with a few hairs at his front line on his left side. There were a few obvious gray hairs. I looked him over, for a man his age he seemed fit to jump over any high fence. "I'm getting old," he stated.

"Where? All I see is a man getting wiser. "You're aging like red wine," I stated firmly. His smile brightens.

"Oh, come. Give your keys and let me -"

"No, that won't be necessary. I won't be staying long." Alfred apprehensively looked at me, then at the car, and back at me. He arched his lips at me.

"Nice car… latest model?" I briefly turned my face to acknowledge it. It was a Porsche Cayenne.

"Yes," I said as he began guiding me to the door.

"Life in Boston has been good then?"

"It has."

"So… what brings you here?" He looked at me with curious eyes. I inhaled slowly and deeply.

"Two things," I said. Then he arched an eyebrow at me this time when I said this.

"Maybe, three… it has been, just a little bit more than three years, at least," I said, chuckling to break the ice I was feeling. Alfred looked over at me, concerned, and I bit my bottom lip. His eyes spoke to me. He knew, and I know exactly what I truly fear.

"The reason why I said two at first is because… I don't know if the third option will even accept me," I admitted.

"I understand," he said as we stood at the door. "He doesn't know you're here. I didn't tell him you were coming."

"Alfred, what if -"

"Please, he won't do anything rash… like fire me. I'm too old for that. Remember, I'm the wise one, and I know he's the stubborn type so. The most he will do is scream, or worse, run away," I smirked when he said this. "So, do what I do and follow me," I nodded my head.

Alfred turned the doorknob, and we entered the foyer, turned immediately into the elevator, and went to the first floor. We disembarked in a mid-section that could either lead to the dining room, or the wet bar, which was then close to the kitchen.

"Stay here, Miss. Harrison. I will try my best to retrieve him." I hummed at Alfred as he began to make his way, but he didn't need to go far.

"Alfred, I thought that Matthew's game match was—" His voice seemed to echo into the room as he came in from the hall from the living room. When I heard his voice, it felt like the next best thing to being touched by him.

He was putting on his watch as he approached. He immediately stopped as his gaze rested upon us, or rather, upon me, when he found himself hooked. There were no more sounds for a couple of seconds as he latched his watch to secure it, never removing his eyes from me. He only placed both hands into his pocket and then took a firm stance.

"Mr. Jamison," Alfred spoke, as he tried to break the tension in the air. "I was just coming to search for you." To inform you that-"

"Leave," Carter said coldly, as he cut Alfred off. A shiver swept over my body that made my nerve endings stir. His tone was harsh, as his eyes cringed at Alfred and then softened when they landed on me.

Alfred's eyes bounce between us as if to see if this was going to be war or at least mutual grounds for where a conversation would be held. I guess Alfred felt reassured, as he began to take his leave.

"Yes, sir," Alfred said, boarding the elevator. My eyes fluttered between both of them, Carter's posture never changing. Alfred smiled confidently at me as the elevator doors before they came to a close.

My eyes slowly drifted back to Carter. His eyes flowed over me from head to toe. My nerves were haywire the message that seeped through his eyes was more potent than any words.

I smiled nervously when Carter's eyes met mine again. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked me over. I spent that period studying him as well. Although it was cliche for me, he was the picture of tall, brown, and handsome. He was six feet and five inches taller than I was, with his silky light pecan brown skin and blazing dark brown eyes. The simple suit he sporting; black pants and a white t-shirt. Made him look so hot, showing off his lean built body. I periodically stalked his social media accounts, but he appeared better in person.

I pondered whether he was scrutinizing every detail about me the same way I was about him. Physically, I hadn't altered all that much. When we first started hooking up, I was a broke graduate student without the time or money to get my hair layered. Now my chestnut brown hair was treated and flowed gracefully. I also devoted myself to exercising at least four times per week. I was primarily on a chicken and fish diet which I followed, which helped me to maintain a toned physique. Otherwise, I had my permanent hazel eyes, was five feet and nine inches, and cool creamed complexion.

Just seeing him, I counted myself fortunate. I could only recognize the one I needed and adored. In all of this, I waited for maybe a minute, before I slightly gaze away.

"Katy… It's nice to see you," Carter finally said noticing my discomfort, covering it with a small smile.

"Hey," I said nervously. We continued to stand there, staring, until I cleared my throat. "Sorry for just dropping in on you like this."

"Oh. No, it's okay. Come on in." I sighed in relief as he turned and I followed him into the kitchen. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, that's fine. Were you on your way out?" I asked, noticing that he mentioned something about a game early and how quiet the house was, plus his attire.

"I have time," he answered plainly.

"I attempted to contact you, only to realize the number was no longer in use. So I reached out to your office, and Lizzy informed me that you changed your phone number and were working remotely."

"Yeah, it's Spring Break for CJ. I was spending some time with him," Carter explains.

"Oh, that's, awesome. Any plans?" I asked him, attempting to ignore how bizarre this exchange was; small talks like we were just strangers.

"You know how my mother is. She's always plans something big; this year we're going to Legoland."

"Aw, he's going to love that! I watched the Lego Movie because he recommended it. I was singing 'Everything is Awesome' for like a whole month," I commented. He gave me a genuine smile and it gave me the confidence to continue.

"Um, that was one of the actual reasons why I wanted to talk to you. I'm not sure if you heard that I'm returning here, to San Francisco, but I am. I paused, waiting for his reaction. Yet he just stared at me, unaffected by my words. I felt uneasy and flustered all over again. "I was wondering if it's okay if I started hanging around again. For CJ,. With CJ, I mean. "Jeez, let me try that again," I said, taking a deep breath and avoiding his eyes.

All of a sudden I was getting all this sensation I used to get in the pit of my stomach when I see my first butterfly. That initial expression, smile, and heart-fluttering flutter were all indelible. All the first stab, like a beautiful sunset with oranges, delicate pinks, and vivid purple bruises. He was giving me good-natured jitters. I like how uneasy I feel around him. Really, really, really well.

I took in a deep breath and mustered those feelings aside, not allowing them to take control. "Is it okay, if I start being a part of CJ's life again?" I finally asked.

His eyes were briefly blazed with something, but before I could make out what it was, it seemed to just vanish.

"When did you ever stop? He always boasts that he is the only child to receive gifts from his best friend, Katy, throughout the year. You're like his Mrs. Santa Claus," Carter simply replied in a dry tone.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I thought CJ wouldn't remember how close we were or the nicknames we used for each other, but we did maintain touch over the phone and through the care packages I sent him. To hide my tears, I grinned.

"I really gotta get going now," he said abruptly, looking at his watch. His whole demeanor seemed to switch.

"Of course." I followed him back to the elevator. I was about to step in when he stopped me with his voice again.

"You need my new number right?"

"Right, so that I don't have to stalk you to contact you," I joked, putting his number in my phone.

"Alright, see you around," he said, exhaling noisily through his pursed lips. Something felt off, now he was barely looking at me. His face which was full of anticipation now was timorously doleful.

"Yeah… see you around," I said softly as the elevator door closed.