
24. Shh, everyone is sleeping (Lumax)


A/N: Hey, sweets! I'm super glad you guys enjoyed last chapter so much. This is for an_actual_trashcan, Asiaad and a Guest, who wanted some Lumax smut. I'm still holding myself back from doing this too explicit because I don't know how you guys will react lmao. I hope you guys enjoy this! Xoxo.

PROMPT: Lumax smut.

"Shhh!" Lucas shushed her quietly as Max began chuckling deeply, still laughing as Lucas tripping on his mom's tulips a few minutes ago continued playing in her head.

His shushing only made her laugh harder, and he kissed her to get her to shut up. His tongue sneaked inside her mouth with a warm hum, and she wrapped her arms around his neck with a contented sigh, leaning into him as he leaned back to rest against the wall. Making out in the stairs on their way to his room was probably not a good idea, but at the moment, it seemed like a perfect one.

Wet noises echoed from their mouths as they kissed greedily, and Max's breathy sighs mingled with Lucas' puffs of air as he lifted a hand from her waist and ran his fingers through her red locks.

A tingling feeling on his groin made him regain focus on their plans, and he broke their kiss to take her hand and guide her upstairs again, trying to be quiet as his dad's snores became louder the closer to the second floor they got.

They passed his parents' bedroom with a cautious look at the closed door, and he sighed in relief once they were inside his bedroom. The minute the door closed with a soft click of the lock, they were on each other again.

This kiss was more frantic than the one they shared in the staircase, their breath puffing out hotly and heavy as their tongues rolled against each other's.

Lucas began guiding her towards the bed without breaking the kiss, walking backwards while clutching her hips. Once his thighs hit the bed, he separated their lips with a wet sound, and the room erupted in panting as they looked at each other with lusty eyes.

"Off." Max demanded as she tangled her fingers in the hem of his hoody.

He obliged, removing the item with quick hands, and then shrugging his T-shirt off once she pulled it up to follow his hoody.

He helped her pull her shirt from her body, chuckling when it got stuck on her head.

"God damnit, Max," he chuckled quietly as she began struggling with the red thing. "Why did you have to have such a huge head?"

"Shut the fuck up or I swear you won't be getting any." Her muffled voice answered in a heartbeat.

He laughed and then proceeded to smile wolfishly as her purple bra greeted him once the shirt was off of her.

He leaned down to kiss her neck softly, shuddering in pleasure as her cold hands made contact with his warm back, running her palms all over his dark skin.

He kissed the space between her neck and jaw, grinning when her lips parted and her eyes closed with a furrow of her eyebrows at the sensation of his lips.

He stopped his kisses and just looked at her, smiling as her eyebrows furrowed further in confusion.

Her eyes snapped open and blue hazy orbs flew down to look at him. She smiled when she caught him staring at her. "I- What?" He laughed again and leaned in to kiss her lips again.

They kissed for a few seconds more, before he turned around and abruptly dropped her on the bed.

"Shhh," he shushed her with alarm as she fell with a loud squeal. "Max, shhh!"

She muffled her laughter on her forearm as she threw an arm across her face, her eyes crinkling and her hair a bright halo around her head, and Lucas seriously couldn't be any more in love.

He leaned down to press an open mouthed kiss to her stomach, just below her belly button, and he was rewarded with a quiet moan as her hips lifted from the bed.

He leaned back as his fingers popped the button of her jeans open, unzipping them and pulling the fabric down her creamy legs as she watched him with heavy eyes.

He eyed her patterned panties with a smile, adorned with green and red dinosaurs, as he began removing his own pants. He tickled the arch of her foot as she lifted it on his stomach, leaning down to run his fingertips on the skin of her calf briefly as he finished taking his pants off with his own feet.

His breath hit her forehead when she sat up suddenly, running her hands on his stomach as she leaned in to kiss his chest, teasingly flicking his nipple with her tongue.

She leaned back with a smirk as he panted above her, taking her hands behind her back to unsnap her bra with agile fingers. Her stomach fluttered at the way his eyes darkened once she threw the purple garment to the floor and her breasts were bared to his gaze.

He leaned down and took her head in his hands, kissing her deeply with a groan as her hands rounded his body and gently squeezed his butt.

They broke the kiss when the need for air became too much, and then Max scurried back on the bed while she panted, sharing a heavy look with him as Lucas crawled on the bed and on top of her.

She moaned when her nipples rubbed against his bare chest, whining on the back of her throat when Lucas leaned down to flatten his tongue on one of her rosy tips. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on his pillow as he teased her hardened buds, basking in the feeling as she ran her fingers through his short hair.

Her underwear was uncomfortable, her legs were already shaky, and the part where she most wanted him throbbed painfully, so she smacked his shoulder with her hand to gain his attention.

"Hurry up, stalker." She murmured once his eyes lifted to her face. She punctuated her words with a look at her nether regions as she lifted her legs up to rest against his sides to make room for him.

He kissed her chest one last time and then lifted himself up on his knees, grunting when her fingers brushed against the tent in his white boxers. He reached out to his bedside table, taking a yellow square from the drawer and then placing it on her chest as he panted, jerking his hips back and forth as her expert fingers moved inside his underwear.

"Max." He mumbled in pleasure as he moved above her, and she decided to be selfish and end his fun there, wanting his attention, too.

She took her hands from his crotch and sat up further, making room for her legs as she hooked her thumbs on both sides of her panties and pulled them down her legs.

She laid back with a sigh, shuddering from his lusty look as he continued playing with himself. She parted her legs as an invitation and chuckled softly as his eyes widened comically, quickly pushing his boxers downs his hips as his gaze traveled down her body.

"Okay," he whispered as he took the condom from her chest, tore it apart and put the latex on himself. "You ready?"

"Yes." She whispered back, welcoming him in her arms once he was on top of her again.

"Remember we have a full house, okay?" He murmured as she kissed his chin, placing her hands on his hips as he lined himself up with one hand and leaned his weight on his other arm "Be quiet." He said to her as he kissed her.

Then he thrusted in.

She gasped against his mouth when he entered her, furrowing her eyebrows in pleasure as he stretched her out quickly, and then her sounds were swallowed by his kisses as he hilted inside of her.

"Shit!" He swore lowly, moving past her lips to rest his face on her neck. The tight muscles on his back moved as he shifted to brace himself on both forearms, careful of not pulling her long hair underneath his arms. Her hitched sighs rushed against his ears as he began moving, grunting and panting with the effort as her legs wrapped around his moving hips, and he winced when her cold heels rested an inch above his ass. As much as she wore sneakers and socks, Max's feet were perpetually cold and in moments like this, he wished he could do something about them.

Instead, he concentrated on her pleasured moans, trying to keep himself from moaning too loud as he remembered his parents were just down the hall. His hips snapped back and forth as they moved together, their breaths mingling with their sounds as their skin met each other's.

"God!" She hissed when he hit a particular spot, spasming beneath him as she took a hand down to help herself reach her peak.

"No, baby," he grunted against her ear as she began tightening around his shaft. "Just me."

"I'm going to kick your ass for that later." She promised with a gasp, closing her eyes tightly against his shoulder as her mouth hung open and her eyebrows flew high on her forehead.

Her keening began to be high pitched and the way her hips snapped up to meet his rapidly made him thank the lord, because he was nearly there, too.

He picked up the pace with a moan, thrusting into her quickly as he smothered his gasps against her neck, and then he felt her tense, tightening her legs on his hips to the point of pain, and he knew she was coming.

He leaned down to swallow her moan with a kiss, covering her lips with his own as her body erupted in goosebumps and she shuddered underneath him, and then he was nearly blacking out, too. Stars exploded behind his lids, his hips chased the feeling, his fingers fisted the sheets around her head, and he fleetingly felt her hands rub his back with soothing fingers as he came in her embrace, whining against her skin as shocks ran through his body.

He took a few minutes to recover his breath, basking in the warmth of her body as she continued hugging him to her chest, and she breathed against his hair, closing her eyes as she began relaxing against his blue sheets.

"That was amazing." He rasped out a few minutes of bliss later.

"I know." She murmured into the quiet night.

A sharp pinch on his side made him yelp in pain, and he looked down with a glare as she soothed the sore spot with her thumb while she smirked.

"What was that for?"

"If you ever say something so stupid to me like that ever again while we're having sex, I promise we'll go celibate until we're 50." She told him with raised eyebrows as she tried to keep herself from laughing at his affronted look.

"Sorry." He pouted with a frown, and then he removed himself from her arms. He stood up and removed the condom, tying it up and throwing it into the trashcan next to his bedside table. Max took the box of Kleenex from the first drawer, taking a couple to clean herself, and then she passed it to him so he could do the same.

Once they were clean (or as clean as they could be without taking a shower), both crawled in his bed, Lucas reaching out to pull the sheets around them and snuggling her under them warmly.

"I love you." He told her happily as he kissed her shoulder, moving his head around the pillow to settle himself for the night.

"I love you, too." She whispered with a contented grin, and they shared one last kiss before giving in to their sudden sleepiness.