
STRANGER: Chronicles

A crime Drama with a dash of mystery, romance, and action; a gripping tale of a young person's journey through a cruel, heartless world of black lagoon.

MinThu · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: A Stranger in Roanapur

As the sun began to rise over the chaotic city of Roanapur, the bustling streets came to life with a mix of sounds and smells. Nathan, a normal 17-year-old kid from modern-day Myanmar, found himself in the middle of this lawless and dangerous world. Confusion filled his mind as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was going to bed in his own bedroom, but now he found himself in a place straight out of the Black Lagoon anime.

Dazed and disoriented, Nathan cautiously stepped onto the grimy streets of Roanapur. He took in the sights of dilapidated buildings, neon signs flickering with provocative advertisements, and a diverse crowd of dubious characters going about their business. Fear gripped him as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was far from home, trapped in a timeline that was not his own.

Navigating through the crowd, Nathan felt a mix of curiosity and trepidation. He had always been a fan of the Black Lagoon anime, never imagining that he would become a part of that world. Memories of the characters, their stories, and the dangerous underbelly of Roanapur flooded his mind. He wondered if the events unfolding around him would mimic those he had seen on his screen.

Trying to maintain a low profile, Nathan hurried along the streets, his eyes darting around for any sign of familiarity. He hoped to stumble upon something or someone who could provide answers. But as he passed by the seedy establishments and dark alleyways, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He sensed that he was being drawn deeper into the heart of this lawless city.

Just as panic threatened to overtake him, Nathan noticed a flickering neon sign that read "YELLOW FLAG." Intrigued and desperate for guidance, he decided to enter the establishment. Pushing open the creaky door, he was immediately hit by a cloud of cigarette smoke and the raucous sounds of conversation.

The interior of the Bar matched the gritty atmosphere of Roanapur. Dimly lit, with a mishmash of worn-out furniture, the bar housed a motley crew of individuals. Nathan hesitantly made his way towards the counter, where he spotted a bespectacled man engrossed in front of a computer screen.

Benny, the tech-savvy member of the Lagoon Company, glanced up as Nathan approached. His eyes widened at the sight of the disoriented teenager. Benny was no stranger to the unusual and the extraordinary, but even he was taken aback by Nathan's presence in Roanapur.

Nathan stumbled over his words as he recounted his bewildering journey to Benny. He explained how he woke up in a world that mirrored the Black Lagoon anime, far from his home and the familiar confines of the modern world. Benny listened intently, a mix of concern and curiosity evident in his expression.

Benny, being well-versed in the unpredictability of Roanapur, realized that this was no ordinary situation. He understood that the boundaries between reality and fiction were often blurred in this lawless city. Determined to help Nathan, he gestured for him to take a seat at the counter, ready to offer his assistance.

As Nathan sat down, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps with Benny's knowledge of Roanapur and his own understanding of the Black Lagoon anime, they could unravel the mystery behind his sudden arrival. Little did he know that this encounter would mark the beginning of a perilous journey, full of danger, adventure, and the unexpected merging of two worlds.

Benny leaned back in his chair, studying Nathan intently. He had heard tales of strange occurrences in Roanapur, but never had he encountered someone who seemed to have crossed over from a different timeline. Despite the danger that assisting Nathan could bring, Benny's curiosity got the better of him. He decided to offer his help.

"Listen, kid," Benny began, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and intrigue, "Roanapur is a messed-up place, and your situation is far from ordinary. But I've seen stranger things happen around here. We'll figure something out."

Nathan's eyes brightened with a glimmer of hope. He had feared being left to his own devices in this hostile environment, but Benny's willingness to assist him filled him with a renewed sense of determination.

Together, they formulated a plan. Benny would introduce Nathan to the Lagoon Company, a group of modern-day pirates who operated in the treacherous waters of Roanapur. Their leader, Dutch, was a seasoned and resourceful individual, capable of navigating the complex power dynamics of the city.

Guided by their knowledge of the Black Lagoon anime and the modern world, Nathan and Benny set out to find the headquarters of the Lagoon Company. Along the way, they encountered the seedy underbelly of Roanapur, witnessing criminal activities, brutal acts of violence, and the ever-present aura of lawlessness.

After a series of inquiries and discreet conversations, they finally arrived at a seemingly inconspicuous building, tucked away in one of the more run-down areas of the city. The sign above the entrance read "Lagoon Company: Ship Charters & Supplies."

Nathan's heart raced as they entered the building. The atmosphere inside was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The air was thick with tension, as if each person present was constantly on guard. The sound of muffled conversations and the clinking of glasses filled the air.

As they approached the center of the room, Nathan laid eyes on the members of the Lagoon Company. Each one exuded an aura of danger and unpredictability. There was Revy, the ruthless and trigger-happy gunslinger with a fiery temper, and Rock, the former Japanese salaryman who had adapted to the life of a pirate. Balalaika, the leader of the Russian crime syndicate Hotel Moscow, observed the scene with a calculating gaze.

Dutch, a towering figure with a calm demeanor, stood at the helm of the room. He regarded Nathan and Benny with a piercing gaze, assessing their intentions. Nathan could feel the weight of his scrutiny, aware that his fate rested in the hands of this enigmatic leader.

Benny took the lead, explaining Nathan's extraordinary circumstances and the need for their assistance. He emphasized Nathan's knowledge of the Black Lagoon anime and their shared desire to find a way for him to return home.

Dutch listened intently, his face betraying no emotion. After a brief moment of silence, he finally spoke, his voice carrying a deep sense of wisdom.

"I've seen a lot of things in Roanapur, but a person from a different timeline? That's a first. We'll do whatever it takes to help you, Nathan. But remember, this city has a way of changing people. You'll have to adapt, survive, and prove your worth."

Nathan nodded, his determination unwavering. He knew that he was about to embark on a journey filled with danger, uncertainty, and the unknown. With the support of the Lagoon Company, he hoped to unravel the mystery of his presence in Roanapur and find a way back to his own time.

Little did he know that his integration into the world of Black Lagoon would test his limits, challenge his beliefs, and push him to become more than just a normal 17-year-old kid from Myanmar.

Nathan's journey in Roanapur had only just begun, and he was about to experience a confrontation that would leave a lasting impression on him.

As days turned into weeks, Nathan became familiar with the routines of the Lagoon Company. He learned to handle firearms under Benny's tutelage, honing his skills to survive in this dangerous world. Rock, ever the pragmatist, provided valuable advice on navigating the murky waters of Roanapur's criminal underworld.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues, Nathan found himself exploring the outskirts of the city. It was during this solitary excursion that he encountered her—Revy, the infamous gunslinger known for her ruthlessness and hot temper.

Nathan had heard stories about Revy from the anime, but seeing her in person was an entirely different experience. She stood in a dimly lit alley, a cloud of cigarette smoke swirling around her as she stared him down with a predatory gleam in her eyes.

Nathan's heart raced as he found himself face to face with Revy, the notorious gunslinger of Roanapur. He had admired her from afar, knowing her reputation as a fierce and formidable woman. But now, standing in front of her, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness wash over him.

"Uh, hi," Nathan stammered, his voice betraying his unease. He shifted on his feet, unsure of what to say or how to act in the presence of such a dangerous and unpredictable individual.

Revy looked him up and down, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. "What's your deal, kid? You lost or something?" she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

Nathan cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "No, not lost exactly. Just, um, new here. I mean, in Roanapur. I'm not from around here," he explained, his words stumbling out in a jumble.

Revy raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Not from around here, huh? That makes two of us. But you better have a damn good reason for being in this city," she said, her voice tinged with a warning.

Nathan's mind raced as he tried to think of an explanation that would satisfy Revy. "I, uh, woke up here. Literally. One moment I was in my own world, and the next, I found myself in the streets of Roanapur. I have no idea how it happened or why, but I'm trying to figure it out," he admitted, hoping that his honesty would be enough to earn her trust.

Revy regarded him silently, her gaze searching his face for any sign of deception. After a tense moment, she let out a sigh. "You're either the craziest son of a bitch I've ever met or you're telling the truth. Either way, I can't let you wander around without knowing who you are," she stated, her voice firm but not devoid of a hint of curiosity.

Nathan nodded, grateful that she was willing to entertain his story, at least for now. "I understand. I don't expect you to trust me right away. But I assure you, I mean no harm. I just want to find a way back home, if that's even possible," he replied, his words infused with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

Revy's eyes softened ever so slightly, a flicker of understanding crossing her features. "Listen, kid, Roanapur is no place for someone like you. It's a cesspool of violence and chaos. If you want to survive, you'll need to be tougher than you've ever been. And I don't mean physically," she warned, her voice carrying a weight of experience.

Nathan took a deep breath, realizing the gravity of the situation he had found himself in. Roanapur was a world vastly different from anything he had known, and he needed to adapt quickly if he wanted to navigate its treacherous waters.

"I understand, Revy. I'll do whatever it takes to survive and find my way back home. But I hope I can count on your help and guidance along the way," he said, meeting her gaze with determination.

Revy's lips twitched into a faint smirk, a glimmer of something resembling approval in her eyes. "You've got guts, kid. I'll give you that. Let's see if you can keep up," she replied, her tone challenging yet tinged with a hint of curiosity.

And with that, their paths intertwined, and Nathan embarked on a journey he could never have imagined. Ashe followed in Revy's footsteps, Nathan felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Roanapur was a dangerous place, but he was determined to adapt and survive.

In the days that followed, Nathan found himself immersed in Revy's world. He learned to handle weapons, honing his skills under her watchful eye. She taught him the importance of staying alert, of trusting his instincts, and of never showing weakness.

Their days were filled with danger and uncertainty. They took on jobs together, facing off against rival gangs, navigating the seedy underbelly of the city. Nathan soon realized that Revy was more than just a skilled fighter; she was a force to be reckoned with—a survivor in a world that demanded strength.

But amidst the chaos and violence, there were moments of respite. Nathan and Revy would retreat to their small, rundown apartment, where they would share stories, thoughts, and dreams. In these quiet moments, Nathan began to see beyond Revy's tough exterior, glimpsing the vulnerability hidden beneath.

They talked about their pasts, their hopes, and their fears. Revy shared fragments of her own troubled history, allowing Nathan to see the scars that had shaped her. In turn, he opened up about his life in Myanmar, his passions, and his dreams.

As their friendship grew, Nathan couldn't help but feel a growing admiration and affection for Revy. She was a complex and flawed individual, but he saw the fierce loyalty and strength within her. Her unwavering commitment to survival and her willingness to protect those she cared about resonated with him.

But Nathan also knew the boundaries that existed between them. Their lives were intertwined in this dangerous world, but the stark reality of their age difference and the circumstances they found themselves in kept him from pursuing his feelings further.

Yet, in the stolen moments when their gazes locked, when their laughter filled the room, Nathan couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them—a connection that transcended the boundaries of their world.

Deep down, he knew that their relationship was complicated. They were fighters, survivors, and their lives were always on the line. But the budding affection he felt for Revy was a spark of humanity in a place that often felt devoid of it.

As they faced new challenges together, Nathan vowed to protect Revy, to stand by her side. Whether it was fighting off adversaries or navigating the treacherous waters of their own emotions, he was determined to be there for her, just as she had been for him.

And so, as the days turned into weeks, Nathan's heart swirled with a mixture of emotions—admiration, affection, and an underlying sadness. Their bond was undeniable, but the realities of their circumstances loomed large.

For now, they would continue to walk the dangerous path laid out before them. Nathan knew that their journey was far from over, and the challenges that awaited them would test their resolve and strength.

But in the quiet moments when the chaos of Roanapur faded away, Nathan allowed himself to believe that, just maybe, there was a glimmer of something more—an unspoken understanding that existed between them, an uncharted territory that held the promise of something beautiful, yet untouchable.

And as they faced the unknown together, Nathan clung to that hope, cherishing the moments he had with Revy and finding solace in the bond they shared—a bond forged in the fires of Roanapur, amidst the chaos and the violence, and grounded in a deep and unspoken connection that defied the constraints of their world.

.............to be continued.

I drew the cover art btw lol

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