

Chalila is a lucky girl. She has a complete family, is rich, beautiful and smart.but a strange incident happened to chalila he was trapped into a very strange world that he had never stepped on. so that the world that has good fortune becomes a strange and extraordinary world.

_littleprincess_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I woke up from my sleep, ohh.. my body hurts so much sleeping on a lesehan like this but, who gave me this blanket, it gives me enough warmth in my body.

Ahh. Most of the creatures but what's the name? he told his sister's name but not her name.

By the way, where's that cocky guy? I don't see him in bed anymore, maybe he's making trouble outside I don't care about that annoying human.

I better go get some fresh air this morning.

I moved from the wooden house walking while running, it was fun to see birds and butterflies flying, I like it here but I miss With my real world not this strange world.

I walked through this beautiful forest while humming softly, then I saw a large and beautiful blue flower. It was just like the hair clip I was wearing.

I ran to reach the flower, but when I arrived at the flower I was surprised to see a monster much scarier than the one that saved me yesterday.

One big eye, pointy teeth and a mouth full of slime the monster is black ahh it's scary to see him approaching me I'm already sweating cold.

"Huaaa mama .. help me .. " I shouted while running chased by the monster.

I've run far from that place but the monster is still chasing me, what is the revenge of that monster on me even though I don't bother the monster.

I feel like my leg is about to break running so far I don't know where to hide it's so stressful and...


I fell on the ground flat on a rock, my knees hurt so much bleeding. Meanwhile, the monster is approaching very close to me, and maybe this is the end of my life I squinted my eyes.

But, I didn't feel anything I was curious and I opened my eyes and it turned out that the wolf that I saw last night he pounced on the monster and tore the monster to pieces was really cool.

I saw the monster was helpless with great difficulty I tried to get away from the wolf. but my feet hurt a lot, and I limped walking.

The wolf came closer to me "don't pounce on me. I beg you don't pounce on me, I'm a weak human... and I smell like I haven't showered yet, just go there. You're looking for a beautiful human hushh.." I shouted at the wolf.

the name of the wolf's paw roared "grggrrghh" uh so scary he left me luckily the wolf is nice and cool .I admire looking behind me. without realizing ..


awhh my head bumped into something that turned out to be the annoying man's chest "hey are you following me huh?" I accused with my glaring gaze.

"I'm following you? It's okay you're being rude why did you hit me where are your eyes "he said bitchy .

ehh yes also how could that annoying human follow me. he is arrogant.

"Yeah, so what are you doing here, go and I don't need your help hush .. hush..."usir ku padanya .

"It's okay who wants to help you humans! Very weak self-confidence huhh",he said as he folded his arms across his chest.

Oops, why am I so confident, I'm so shy i better leave it before i leave it i stick my tongue out at him "wlee" then i run with a trepidation.


when i got home i searched in this room where is the ointment for my leg wound it hurts but the medicine was not there I found I gave up and sat on the bed .

"Mama I want to go home but how do I do it" I whined while crying.

"You are such a whiny woman" that cold voice that came from human thalio sucks. And I didn't pay attention to it. I kept crying regardless .lalu thalio pergi lagi.

a few minutes later my crying has subsided. and a cold aura was felt which turned out to be the appearance of an annoying human thalio .he carried like a potion holder I'd seen in a fairy tale movie.

then he threw it at me "it's not me who empathizes with giving you this wound oil, but my brother" he said in a cold tone ."thank you" I replied a bit lazy but it's okay I got this oil to treat my wounds.

I tried to open the oil cap but it's so hard it can't be pulled I whined again "momaaa.. this is so hard haaaa..."

"you are very spoiled" thalio pulled the bottle from his hand then opened it with one pull.

then he threw it at me "you are not polite to ask for this it's a shame if you don't want it help me you don't need to help me" I said in an angry tone and put on a face that I thought was already very scary.

he left me before leaving me he stuck out his tongue in a cool style "wlee"

very annoying I really want to cut his tongue it's so annoying!!

I smeared the oil slowly The wound slowly disappeared miraculously, and my leg doesn't hurt anymore .

luckily in thalio it's useful otherwise I'll still have trouble walking. now i can have fun.

ahh my body smells really bad, i want to take a shower but i don't know where to take a bath sister thali i don't know where i want to ask but i don't know where.

i went out of the house and i saw thalio sitting on the ground like a beggar haha ​​i was concerned to see.

"Hey annoying human what are you sitting there do you need food, O beggar" I taunted Sithalio who started to come to me with a very scary face.

"what did you say? i'm a beggar you will i punish you here" he approached me and i ran away "oyy don't chase me my leg hurts" i said with a tone full of drama

"it's okay you ran away you insulted me come here you damn weak girl!" we chased after which wasted a lot of time and a few minutes later appeared Kaka thalio who looked at us while shaking his head.

I gave up and got my head on the smack of the human thalio sucks.

"Thalia, why are you like a child, you are always cold and quiet," said Thalio's brother, warning him.

"This girl's sister is really annoying, why can't you find her I really want to wade through it and then I throw it into the river" he said in an annoyed tone.

"speaking of rivers, where is the river here which can be a place for bathing, my body is very sticky, I haven't bathed all day" I said to thalio's brother but it wasn't his sister who but his brother the damn thalio "just take a shower and let the crocodile eat you" he said while sticking his tongue out at me.

"isshh.. I asked your brother not to you, yes you are wleee" I stuck out my tongue back at him.

"Don't fight anymore, chalila, come here, let me show you the source of the water and you can wear Thalio's knitted shirt and I was given a big knitted shirt by Thalio's brother.

"Hey, don't let your clothes get dirty, just watch out until it's dirty, I'll sack you as crocodile food," he warned me. which I replied by sticking out my tongue. For some reason I really like sticking out my tongue to fucking humans like Thalio.

I'm very curious about thalio's real name maybe I'll light it on the street later, now I'm preparing the toiletries in this house.

on the road the silence that fell on us both then I started to open a conversation "by the way what's your name you introduced thalio's name to me but your name didn't"

"ooh sorry I haven't told you my name, my name is Xavio, you can call me bio," he explained about what his name was.

I just said oh, it turns out that the names of creatures in this world are cool, aren't they.

When I took a shower Vio had left me he reasoned he was looking for fish.

I haven't seen Vio since earlier and I went home alone because the river was close to the house, I just didn't want to try to find it myself.

when I got home it wasn't a nice sight I saw but what is this at the front door of the house the wolf is eating meat. Very greedy!

What's with the wolf he's always around here. is this where he lives? is he a wolf in sheep's clothing?

ahh.. let it be there, let me run away from being a meal the wolf's lunch.

while in the middle of the road I see while in the middle of the road I saw Vio was carrying wood and a container for his fish.

"ooh chalila let's help me cook fish for our lunch" he asked which I immediately agreed with enthusiasm.

~Appreciate every second of your time your one sheet of money because without one you can't be a thousand.

then give me one vote because it means a lot to me.~

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