

It has only been 2 days that sora came home for his semester hollidays and he was all ready board of not having to do anything rather than eating and sleeping. Thus, when his phone rang sora quickly answer the call.

Hello, rahel where are, I have been waiting for an hour out in the sun, sora shouted.

sorry man I'll be there in an houre. my motorbike broke down on the way, rahel replied.

come fast or else you're dead, sora replied with a smile. actually he could never get angry at rahel not matter what, they have been friends since school days. rahel was the only friend he had in his village as he was send aboard for studies at a very young age. His full name is sora pasha, age 25 years old and a recent university graduate. Rahel was going to take him out to celebrate.

While he was thinking about this someone pocked him in his shoulder from behind, turning he saw rahel standing there with a very crafty smile, what's with that suspicious smile stop it or I'll break your face, sora said with a very serious expression.

Try and see if you have what it takes to break this handsome face of mine, rahel replied whit a cheeky smile. get on we are getting late,saying that rahel started walking to his motorbike.

you are the one who's late not me, sora replied while walking behind him. Rahel started the engine which was making very loud sound to which I started cursing him telling him to

fix it, what if we crash on the way somewhere.

don't worry if we crash we'll die together, rahel said looking back at me from the front of the bike.

stop with the melodrama, sora said.

They were talking about what to order when suddenly a truck came out of nowhere speeding from behind and hit the back of the bike where sora was and that's when everything started to go black as if it's the darkest of night where he couldn't see anything. Sora heard someone calling his name desperately trying to reach him but he couldn't see the person who was calling his name and the voice was getting farther each moment. At that moment he heard another voice calling him which was very familiar to him it was the voice of his father who had died two years ago telling him not to fight with his destiny but to happily accept it. That was the moment when he lost conscious for the last time.

That night the local news reported an accident where one person died while the rider of the motorbike survived miraculously after being hit by a truck which lost control.

We have made a mistake now what should we do about it, said an angry voice hovering over the body of sora who just died seconds ago.

what else let's send his sole to the other side after all we can not undo what had been done, came a reply from nearby. That's when a light unlike any other light seen by anyone started to come out of sora's body shorting straight for the haven above.

It done now all depends upon his karma and destiny,said the second voice

true,lets hope he has earned some karma during his life, said the first voice.

ok we have done all we can now let's go back. after which another brilliant pillar of light shot to the haven and two bleary figures could be seen inside this pillar of light with wings on their back they were the angles of dead.

This is my first experience in writing a book so I hope everone will give their review on how to make the story better and point out the mistakes I my writing. I hope to continue writing this story to the best of my capacity, I hope everyone will give me their support

rajanhacreators' thoughts