
Chapter 81: Strange Beach Episode (1)

[Third Person's PoV]

When Stephen returned to base, he noticed that Asta and Yami had come back from their meeting with the Wizard King.

Yami shared the news with everyone, saying, "Everyone clear your schedule for tomorrow—we're going to the beach!"

"HELL YEAAAAAAAH!" Magna shouted, while Luck, Vanessa, and Charmy jumped up in celebration.

The next day…

"IT'S THE BEACH!" everyone shouted, leaping into the sand with their arms in the air, dressed in their swimwear.

"Look at all these babes in bikinis!" Finral exclaimed excitedly.

Meanwhile, Stephen walked alongside Asta, both kicking the sand lightly with their feet. "You know, I never did ask how your day at the mixer went," Stephen said.

Asta raised two thumbs up, exclaiming, "It was great! I met this cool girl—her name's Rebecca!"

"Oh?" Stephen raised an eyebrow, looking at Asta with a surprised expression.

"Yeah, we became really good friends after realizing we have a lot in common," Asta said with a smile.

"Just friends?" Stephen teased, nudging him slightly.

Asta tilted his head in confusion. "Yeah. What else would we be?"

Stephen sighed, placing a hand over his face and shaking his head in exasperation. Before he could press further, they heard Luck calling out, "Hey, guys!"

They turned to see Luck burying Magna in the sand from head to toe. Asta's eyes sparkled as he ran toward them.

Just as Stephen was about to follow, someone called his name.

"Oooh, Stephen~"

Stephen sighed, looking up toward the sky. "Oh Lord, give me strength."

Turning toward the voice, he saw Vanessa reclining on a beach chair under a parasol made of large leaves. She held a mug of beer, which she placed on a small table beside Nero, who was perched on a pillow. Vanessa beckoned him over with a teasing smirk.

Rolling his eyes, Stephen walked toward her. Once he arrived, Vanessa leaned back, one hand on her hip and the other on her chair. "So, how do I look?" she asked.

Stephen tilted his head in confusion, looking her up and down. "What's different?"

"Wha–?!" Vanessa exclaimed. Motioning up and down her body, she said, "I'm wearing a bikini, obviously! Doesn't it look good on me?"

"How is that any different from your underwear?" Stephen asked, raising an eyebrow.

Vanessa opened her mouth to respond but hesitated, closing it again. Finally, she exclaimed, "I'm losing my sex appeal!"

"Don't I entice you anymore? Make you nervous? Make you want to blush?" she questioned in shock.

Stephen snorted, turning to walk away. "You're unbelievable," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

Before he could leave, Vanessa grabbed his hand with both of hers. "Wait, wait! I was only joking! I actually need something from you. Pretty please!" she begged.

"Fine, but only if you answer me honestly: why are you targeting me?" Stephen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Eh? What?" Vanessa blinked in surprise.

"I mean, you've been teasing me ever since I joined the squad. Asta's just as new as I am, but you don't tease him or any of the other guys. So why only me?" Stephen pressed, narrowing his eyes.

Vanessa paused, withdrawing her hand slowly as she looked down, seemingly contemplating the question.

'That's a good question,' she thought, putting a hand to her chin. She glanced back at Stephen, who raised an eyebrow at her silence, and began to examine him.

'Is it because he's cute? Well, that's part of it, but not the whole reason. It's strange... It just feels natural to tease him. Not to mention, I didn't hesitate to share a bed with him when he was drunk. I know how I dress, so I'm usually guarded, but with him, I'm not.'

Vanessa suddenly snapped her fingers. "Because your blushing makes you look ten times cuter!" she declared.

'She's clearly lying,' Stephen thought, 'but it seems like she doesn't know the real answer herself.'

Shaking his head, he said, "Forget it. So, what do you need?"

A mischievous smirk appeared on Vanessa's face as she leaned over and grabbed a bottle of sunscreen. Flipping onto her stomach, she kicked her legs playfully and held the bottle out to him.

"As a doctor, you must be good with your hands. Could you apply sunscreen on me? Pretty please?" she asked, batting her eyelashes. "I don't want to burn."

A tick mark appeared on Stephen's forehead, but he smiled politely, taking the lotion. "Certainly. It would be my pleasure."

For some reason, Vanessa felt a bad omen as Stephen began applying the lotion to his hands.

"Ahh~" Vanessa shivered slightly. "Your hands are cold," she said as he touched her back.

Sitting beside her on the chair, Stephen said, "Here's a medical lesson for you." He began running his hands across her back in a deliberate manner.

"Did you know that throughout the body, there are multiple pressure and acupuncture points?" Stephen said, his voice low.

He sensually ran his hands up her back to her shoulders, making Vanessa sigh softly as she rested her head between her crossed arms.

"For example," Stephen continued, pressing his thumbs into her shoulders and rotating them skillfully.

"Ahhh~" Vanessa unexpectedly moaned, caught off guard.

She quickly covered her mouth with her hand in shock as her face turned a deep red. She turned to see Stephen smiling down at her with an extremely arrogant expression on his face.

Her face grew redder as she felt Stephen's hands move lower down her back. His fingers moved up and down her back in a way that made her shiver as they reached the sides of her waist.

He moved his hands and rubbed his fingers in small circles, causing a tickling sensation on her waist. Stephen moved his hands lower as his fingertips gently brushed the sides of her waist and then stopped just above her buttocks.

Stephen moved his hands upwards and then stopped them in the same place. His eyes stared into hers as a cocky smirk appeared on his lips. Her eyes widen in realization of what Stephen was trying to do, and she quickly turned her body to the side so he couldn't see her.

Stephen was surprised at the sudden movement, but continued applying the sunscreen. He ran his hand through the middle of her back, causing goosebumps to form on her skin.

As he reached the center of her back, his other hand moved around and pressed on the opposite side of her waist.

He repeated the movements until Vanessa was squirming underneath his touch.

When he felt her start to tremble, he stopped his movements. His fingertips traced patterns on her skin, as she tried to calm her breathing.

She felt his hand move back up, and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. His hands reached the middle of her back again, and he began rubbing the sunscreen there.

His movements were slow and deliberate, and she knew he was teasing her. His other hand came around and he started drawing shapes on her arm. He drew a circle on her shoulder blade, then another on her forearm, and then one more on her elbow.

She was surprised by how sensual it felt. She was beginning to feel frustrated with herself, because no matter how much she tried to resist, her body couldn't help but react to his touch.

When his hand moved back to her middle back, her breathing hitched and she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. Stephen could feel the change in her body, and he knew she was close to her breaking point.

His hands slowly trailed down her sides, and his thumbs stroked the area above her hips.

Stephen applied the sunscreen again and moved to her thighs. He squeezed her legs gently, as he began massaging her muscles.

She bit her lip harder, trying not to moan.

Stephen smirked, as he continued his massage.

Vanessa felt like her body wasn't hers to control anymore, she felt as if she was at Stephen's mercy, 'Am...Am I seriously turned on right now?' This wasn't how she planned for things to go. She wanted to stop it, but at the same time she didn't. Her body betrayed her, she couldn't open her mouth to tell him to stop, her voice refused to leave her lips.

It wasn't fair, Stephen's hands were driving her insane, her body was heating up, she was sweating, her face was red and her breathing was getting more and more shallow, it was like the oxygen in her lungs had suddenly disappeared.

She could feel his hand getting closer to her butt, she was getting excited, 'Oh god, no I don't want this! But I really do!' Her mind screamed, her body didn't care, the tension was killing her, it was too much.

And just as she reached her climax Stephen withdrew his hands, "There you go," He said as he stood up. 

"What!?!" Vanessa asks, twisting her body to look at him. 

"Yeah all I had to do was apply sunscreen to your back, right?" Stephen asked, tilting his head. 

"Don't stop! I was right there! Why did you stop!?" She asked, her eyes shaking with madness. 

"Because I already applied enough? And I know you're here I see you" Stephen said tilting his head. 

However as Stephen fein ignorance she saw a teasing look in his eyes, looking down towards her. 

Vanessa pressed her face back between her arms looking down at the beach chair, 'That idiot! I was so close to cumming as well! Why did he stop! A second longer and I would have been his. But all it did was leave me wanting for more!'

A crazed look appeared in Vanessa's eyes, 'I have to find a way to get him to do it to me again… And there won't be an escape next time' However Vanessa's face then turned beet red, 'I need new bottoms' 


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