
Chapter 63: Strange Date (2) *Unedited*

[Third Person's PoV] 

Stephen and Mimosa were walking through the Capital hand in hand. As they were passing through different buildings Stephen saw Mimosa eye a café before looking away. 

"Are you interested?" Stephen asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Hm?" Mimosa asked, looking at Stephen in confusion. 

"I saw you looking at that store just now, so I was curious if you wanted to go?" Stephen asked. 

"It's not a store, it's a cafe actually, it could wait" Mimosa shaking her head. 

"What are you talking about? It could wait? If you're interested let's go inside." Stephen scoffed as he took her towards it. 

"But are you sure? I was supposed to be giving you a tour?" Mimosa said, tilting her head in confusion. 

"You are giving me a tour, plus this is a date, the point of this is to spend time together. It doesn't matter where we do it now, does it?" Stephen smiled confidently as he led her inside. 

Mimosa's cheeks turned slightly pink, "I suppose you do have a point…" she muttered, subconsciously tightening her grip around his hand as she felt butterflies in her stomach. 

As they went inside, a waitress smiled politely at them and guided them to an available seat by a window. 

As Mimosa sat down she picked the menu in front of her and began kicking her feet with an excited look. 

'Cute…' Stephen thought seeing her excitement, as he looked at the menu he saw different types of cakes and pastries with different kinds of drinks. 

"I take it you like these kinds of things?" Stephen wondered. 

Mimosa was a bit embarrassed to be seen that way as she nodded, "I have a bit of a sweet tooth and this place has one of the best…" 

"So what do you recommend?" Stephen asked curiously as he continued to examine the menu. 

"Now that's a good question…" Mimosa muttered, "I always can't seem to make up my mind when it comes to these things. Since the Macarons are great but so is the chocolate shortcake." 

"Why don't we order two different things and share it between ourselves?" Stephen suggested noticing how much of a hard time she was having picking out an order. 

"Eh? Would that be alright?" 

"I don't mind" Stephen shrugged with a nonchalant expression. 

"Alright then, we'll do just that," Mimosa smiled, "Oh, and you should try these with the Black Tea it would compliment the sweetness perfectly" 

She then back pedaled a bit waving her hands in front of her, "Not that you have to, it's only a suggestion" 

"Don't worry, seeing as you suggested it, I'll give it a try," Stephen said, reassuring her that it was alright. 

When the waitress came back they gave their order and waited.

Outside the Cafe Noelle and Wanda were seen observing them from a distance. Noelle had her hands over her eyes, "I can't make out what they're doing or saying?" 

"Well to me it seems like they're having a great time, Mimosa is laughing while Stephen is talking animatedly with his hands" Wanda said, reporting to Noelle what she was seeing. 

"What?" Noelle asked, looking up towards her, only to see Wanda with Binoculars over her eyes. 

"Where did you get Binoculars!?" Noelle exclaimed, taken aback.

"I borrowed them from Gordon, he was happy to lend them to me" Wanda smiled as she continued observing. 

"Why would Gordon have Binoculars?" Noelle asked in confusion. 

"He likes bird watching…" Wanda chuckled. 

"Give me that, I want to see what they're doing as well" Noelle said as she snatched the Binoculars from Wanda. 

When Noelle looked towards them she saw the waitress appear, handing them their order and then thanking her. 

Her eyes widened as she saw Stephen grab a macaron and feed it to Mimosa who was blushing and still went and took it. 

Noelle let out a low grumble in annoyance, it was Wanda's turn to be curious, so she snatched the binoculars from Noelle. 

She looked through the binoculars and saw a bright red Mimosa pick up a macaron stretching out her hand, shyly feeding it to Stephen. 

Who was laughing at her embarrassment, however she also saw Mimosa began to chuckle, "Woah, those two don't play…" Wanda muttered. 

Noelle stood back up, still annoyed as she muttered, "That's it, I'm leaving" 

Wanda looked towards Noelle as she was walking away and asked, "Aren't you curious if they would kiss towards the end of the date?" 

Noelle froze mid step before turning around and stomping towards Wanda snatching the binoculars she was holding out for Noelle to grab with a smirk. 

She was back on her spot grumbling, "I'm only on the lookout to make sure he doesn't take advantage of Mimosa. She can be a bit ditzy sometimes" 

"Uh huh" Wanda said with a straight expression. 

As Stephen and Mimosa finished with their meal Stephen noticed Mimosa still had a bit of chocolate by the corner of her lips. 

"Here, you still got a bit of chocolate left" He said as he reached out and wiped it with his thumb. 

He then casually licked it off his thumb, Mimosa stood frozen, steam rising from her head. "You…You c-could have just told me" Mimosa stuttered, unable to look him in the eyes as she looked down. 

"You would have wiped it off with a napkin and it would have been a waste of such good chocolate" Stephen said tilting his head in confusion. 

Noelle had a bright red expression as she witnessed the scene, "T-That playboy!" 

"Playboy? Isn't that his fiancé?" 

"I mean look at how smooth he did it! He must have done this a million times already with a million different women" Noelle screeched. 

Wanda looked towards Noelle teasingly, "Would you want to be one of those million women?" 

"Wha–!? N-N-No! A-Absolutely not!" Noelle stuttered turning bright red. 

'Can you be any more obvious?' Both Wanda and Nero thought simultaneously. 

As Stephen and Mimosa exited Mimosa was giggling behind her hand while Stephen had a bright red expression. 

"Why would you think it was proper etiquette to drink tea with your pink out?" Mimosa asked between her giggling. 

"It's just what I've seen and heard… I can't believe I was lied to" Stephen muttered as his ears were turning redder. 

Mimosa only chuckled to chuckle, she reached out for his hand, interlocked their fingers together and leaned on his arm, "I thought it was cute~" She teased, looking at his embarrassed expression with a beaming smile. 

"I'm just glad I found out now before I would have completely embarrassed myself…" Stephen sighed, shaking his head. 

Both Stephen and Mimosa continued with their tour of the capital with their three spectators following behind them. 


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