
Strange Tales of a Little Mystic

[Strong language and scenes: be advised.] A mysterious event in an uneventful human habitat in the middle of a dark and impenetrable jungle ignites the flame of this strange tale that is about to unfold. In the jungle of Akunomori, a boy of five wakes up cold, unclad, and scared. Unable to remember his past and his name, he searches for safety amid the ghostly hoots and howls of the nocturnal. As he cautiously inches ahead, a pack of massive wolves appears. To his surprise, they escort him to the safety of a cave, where he meets an ancient man. In the safe refuge, the boy gets a place to rest, clothes to wear, food to eat, and a name—Mizuno. As time goes by, Mizuno meets curious creatures who challenge human logic. Under their tutelage, he learns the ways of the jungle and gradually discovers his hidden abilities. However, it seems the key to unlocking his dormant abilities is hidden in the memory of his past. The danger and death in the jungle slowly rub off the innocence of his childhood. Meanwhile, far away from Mizuno, in the city of Ayodale, a seven-year-old girl, the lone survivor of the incident, regains her senses. The terrified little girl tries to remember her past. Her doctor-in-charge, Juli Emerson, adopts and gives the child a name, Suho, after her late daughter. To her awe, she finds that her adopted girl also has the same strange illness that killed her own daughter. Is it a mere coincidence, or is there something more to it? A witch from a vicious cult, in an effort to find a prophesied boy, binds a powerful jinn to Suho. Was that it or does she have a hidden agenda against Dr. Juli? Three other entities want to capture Suho to learn about the incident. What will happen to her now? In the middle of all this, Juli unfortunately receives romantic attention from the King, jealousy from the Queen, and becomes a piece in a dangerous game of thrones. Join this epic adventure as you search for the past to answer the present.#Instagram:@Mashuk_Musafir23

Mashuk_Musafir23 · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Mysterious Nurse

#Sudden Attack on the Girl

Suho was spending her time quite boringly and blankly in the hospital. Dr. Juli was fervently waiting for someone to come and claim Suho's guardianship.

She was determined to adopt her. "If no one comes within the next few days, I won't wait any longer. That girl can't survive without proper care," she said, discussing things with one of her friends who came for a visit.

"And...you're it? The proper care?" asked Dr. Juli's childhood friend and cousin, Lucy Heralds.

Dr. Juli couldn't answer. She knew what was coming next.

"Juli! You think you are doing good, but if something like this happens a hundred times more, would you accept those hundred kids? Why are you so drawn to this girl?" Lucy was trying to reason with Juli.

"Lucy, I don't know! You can't have control over your heart! When it starts loving or hating something or someone, can you stop?"

"But..." Lucy, too, was at a loss for words. Although she knew this little girl could actually heal Juli's wounded heart, the decision was still a bit rash.

"Think! If you take her in, you'll have to do all the motherly duties; are you really ready for that?"

"Lucy! Who is ready for anything at all? I've seen many mothers who came for treatment because they were having trouble coping with the new duties. Many of them chose to be housewives and were mentally prepared for their babies. But they still couldn't handle it!"

Juli stopped for a moment and looked right into Lucy's eyes. "Do you know what the solution is? Just bear with it because you love your child. Once you know and decide you love your baby, you dare to fight against the whole world, don't you? You're a mother yourself! You should know that!"

Lucy, again, could not say anything. What Juli said was all true. It was impossible to reason with Juli now. After so many years, she was feeling alive again! She would not want Juli to look like a lifeless person anymore! However, taking this sudden decision would definitely put her in a difficult position!

"You could at least get remarried first and then take a child, no? Single mom is not an attractive option in the market!"

"Who says I want to get remarried?"

"You won't? Ever? You're not even thirty yet!"

"All I can think of is Suho now. She will be my salvation. I can become a human again, a living human being with happiness and emotions."

Lucy sighed heavily. Juli was not wrong, and she also did not want to see Juli dispirited.

"Okay then! I'll support your decision! However, you should talk to your parents about this! You don't want the kid to face psychological pain again. You need to make sure everyone treats her as your own child. You better not approach this unprepared!"

Juli was so excited at the prospect of renewed motherhood! After her cousin left, she was dreaming alone in her office about the things she would do for the little angel. Time drifted slowly for Dr. Juli as she kept weaving a future with the threads of her newfound dreams.

There were only a few duty calls for her. The day was very long and boring. She was just waiting for a chance to visit the little princess. She visited Suho during her lunchtime and tea breaks, and the long day blended inch by inch into a peaceful, lonely night.

She shut down her computer, gathered things, and stretched a bit. She was ready to leave her duty. However, she wanted to visit Suho one last time today.

Dr. Juli just came out of her office, entered the elevator, and pressed the button for the topmost floor. Suho was there. The elevator kept stopping on almost all the floors. She felt a bit uneasy.

It was quite late at night. The lights inside the cabins were turned off. Even the corridor leading to the VIP cabin had only a few lights on.

Dr. Juli was still on the elevator when a short figure, light on her feet, appeared in the corridor. The figure wore a female nurse uniform and had her face hidden under a mask.

She was carefully looking around and avoiding the cameras on the way, as if she already knew where the CCTVs were.

She took advantage of the partial darkness and blind spots and moved cunningly and quietly toward Suho's cabin, as if a snake were slithering its way toward its prey.

Dr. Juli impatiently looked at her watch—almost half past eleven!


The elevator announced its successful stop at its last destination and opened its door. Dr. Juli almost leaped out of the elevator and quickly started walking toward Suho's cabin. It would take a few minutes.

In the meantime, Suho was sound asleep on her bed when the suspicious-looking nurse slowly and silently slid open the cabin door.

The cabin was dark, with only a dim light near the headboard of Suho's bed. The nurse looked around and checked the corridor to make sure she wouldn't be interrupted while she did her job!

The door slid shut silently. The nurse made her way to Suho. She looked at the child. She did not want to do this, but it could not be helped. It was something ordered by someone very high and powerful.

She looked at the kid again and took a deep breath. She was wearing disposable gloves. She wished she would not have to go this far. She bent over Suho's body. Two trembling hands slowly moved toward Suho.

Dr. Juli was only a few meters away when she saw the door of Suho's cabin slowly getting shut.

"What was that? No one is supposed to be doing rounds at this time! Even nurses are at their stations! Who is it?"

Dr. Juli felt an unknown fear. She had had a very bad feeling since the beginning of the incident and the transfer of the little child. She was now in front of the door, holding the handlebar. She was a big girl, but her whole body was shaking. It was a normal reaction to a dangerous situation. She was not trained to react bravely in this situation, but if it was for the girl, she was ready to change. With sweaty and shaking palms, she yanked open the door.