
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The antics of Bia's crew -Welcome on board-

Gentlemen and Ladies welcome to a world that apparently is very similar to yours. Here we have all the big cities and all the big states too. But we also have some things more, and it is not the dragons, vampires and werewolves you are thinking about.

I am talking about the oddly things.

Boys that never grow, invisible men, and cats in boots. You know which place all those figures appears. Welcome to fairy tales world, this is the antics of Bia's crew.

Bia looks like any other girl in the world. Actually, she is too like any girl in the world.

That's because her parents are too like any ordinary parents. They are so ordinary that if there were a crowded place, you would never find them. Bia's parents like it because it helps them to do their "job". But Bia never liked not being recognized. Because of that she always wears a big red head tie. She very lively and smiley and never really suffered from anything. She was poor but never hungry, she was small but never lost a fight.

She was also very bold. Because she did not have any brothers, and her parents were out the most part of the day, she always tried to find new ways to entertain herself.

And that is all I can say about what she is and looks like.

Now you might be interested in why someone would do a whole book about Bias antics. Nothing better to answer it than her first adventure.

She was so small that she still could not speak right. At least for the ones who tried to understand her because in her mind she always spoke with elegance. She also still did not know what was bad and what was right because her parents though she was too small for something so completed.

She was in her home, that is not exactly a home because she lived in a ship. It was an old still ship with sails and oars. Her parents were working and Bia had also still not learned from then that you should not speak with strangers. You may think she did not know many important things. But this is because for her parents those things were not so relevant. She knew more things like how to climb the ship's mast and what to do in a storm. Now back to the story.

Bia was sitting in the bow of the ship watching the crowded port. She was very concentrated and sitting right on the end, clinging to the ship's railing, she swung her little legs forward and out of the ship.

Just a while after she noticed a sailor's son trying to speak with her. When the boy had to yell from the dock so that she noticed him: - I have a kitten, do you want it?

Bia answered yelling too:

-Yes! I love kittens!

But because she was too far from the boy and the words didn't come out as she thought they did, the boy screamed even louder: What did you say? I can't understand you!

And Bia replied right away:

-Come here up! I will open it for you!

At least "come up" the boy understood, furthermore he got up in the ship with a kitten in his arms.

When Bia saw the kitten from close it was love at first sight.

- How lovely! Is it a girl or a boy? What is its name? How old is it?

She filled the boy with questions while tried to take it from his arms.

- It is not it, it is a she. Her name is Calypsos, and she is just the age to starting eating fish and already catcher her first mouse. But... you need to do something for me. - He spoke with insecurity and was always looking at the sides.

If Bia were older, she would have noticed that the boy's behavior was strange and that the kitten was strange too. It had no eyes and was full of spots like a wild cat. Probably exported from Africa with her mother, but when the seller realized she was defective, he abandoned her. Not that Bia or the boy knew or even cared. I only told you that to really entertain you.

But instead of try to perceive anything strange she simply said happily:

- What a complicated name! But I like. Now give me her!

As she said it, she was already grabbing the kitten. The boy lost his trade item, but he did not try to take the kitty back. He actually even cleaned his hands on his clothes. It was more like he was glad he did not need to carry it anymore. Still, he tried to continue the deal.

- So... are your parents at home?

- Nope - Bia answered short for she was distracted playing with her new friend.

-And... is anyone else at home?

- Oh, grandfather is in the keller and grandma is in the kitchen. - The boy did not know, but this was just a lie. Bia did not lie because she knew the boy wanted something. She just did. It was something she always did, she loved to make up stories about herself and make others believe it. Some moments ago when she was starting the port she had planned what she thought to be an excellent story. When she saw the boy, she already knew he would be her next victim. Nobody taught her to do it, nobody even lied to her before. But it was something in the families blood. She did lie quite well because the boy never doubted for a second that there was no gramps on board.

- Well, and what are they doing? - Bia was just waiting for this question. So, when he did it, she tightened her red bow on her head and said with a smile that she went from ear to ear:

- Dad is at the cemetery and Mom went to buy more sweets, Grandpa is taking care of the boy that Grandma is going to cook. I have to behave myself, or the witch will come and get me too, do you want a candy? - You might see this as a very creepy story, but you must consider that there was news in the port. About a witch that attracts children with sweets to cook for them and then bury her bones in the cemetery. Everyone talked about it and of course Bia's parents made sure to warn her to not accepting any candy from strangers. At that time she was just starting out with her pranks and for Bia, this was the perfect inspiration for her first masterpiece.

As you must imagine the sailor son was warned by his parents as well and now his face was completely colorless.

- Th... the, The Witch! You, guys... are witch pirates! - He shouted was he ran out of the ship.

Bia was now laughing very hard. Never had someone that believed so much in her, that was because since then, she had only pranked adults and just discovered that other children were much funnier to play with.

When she stopped laughing she arranged some branches, feathers and threads and was soon completely immersed in playing with the kitty. Her new playmate was very active. The two became best friends instantly. After playing until they got tired the two fell asleep right there in the open.

Everything seems very peaceful now. But when her parents arrived they would discover that the boy deported Bia's parents for witchcraft and piracy (not that the latter one was not true, but that is another story). Later she would discover that the boy was after an alleged pirate treasure that her parents had (another invention from Bia). Anyway, the story ends with Bia's family sailing in the open sea with her new company as fast as they could away from the port while the guards' screams were left behind.