
Strange Love

There is often a fine line between love and hate. All too often in the supernatural world, those lines become complicated and blurred. For Joslyn Decker, her entire life has been one big complicated blur after another. All she wants is to live a quiet life, but this is blown to hell when one of the children she has helped raise declares his love for her and refuses to take no for an answer... Can Jos move beyond past heartache and accept his feelings, or should she find a distraction? Unfortunately, the choice gets taken out of Jos's hands with the past catches up with her as she tries her hardest to run from the present. What will she do, and who will she choose in the end? Will those choices lead to ecstasy or certain damnation? Come on, dive in, the water's nice. ;)

Jacquia_comics · Fantasy
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The twinkling of thousands of brilliant stars reflected against the calm, cool waters of the lagoon. Jos let the gentle sway of the rippling tide lull her body into a peace her mind wasn't feeling... hadn't felt in quite some time. A fluttering overhead caught her attention. She sat up in the water letting her eyes follow the strange creature as it landed several feet from her in the lagoon. She tilted her head sideways as she swam a little closer to the beautiful, gigantic white bird. Nearing it, she reached her hand out to touch it's dazzling white feathers, entranced by its beauty. It let her stroke it's magnificent neck and chest before outstretching massive wings and flapping, ready for flight. "Wait!" Jos called out as the bird lifted from the waters. To her surprise, it circled overhead before plunging down directly beside her and gliding the tip of one long wing through the water. It let out a soft honk as it circled her, splashing water up in a sparkling spray around her. She let out a joyful squeal of laughter as the bird made a second loop around her.

The large bird landed on the water surface and swam behind her. It gave her a gentle nudge before swimming off toward the shore. She laughed as she followed the bird from the water, gathering her dress as she emerged. The swan turned its gaze away from her as it waited for her to dress. "Such a gentleman." She giggled as she walked over to the swan and caressed its long neck. It let out another honk and began waddling along the beach. Once the bird was sure she would follow, it took flight staying low enough for her to follow.

Jos was standing before the familiar cottage before she'd realized where the swan was leading. "Oh..." She said, coming to a halt and clasping her hand to the materials of the front of her dress. Her troubled eyes moved from the cottage to the bird. She shook her head nervously. "No... I can't go in there..."

The bird came over to her and tugged on the hem of her dress with its beak. "No... no I couldn't..." Her troubled eyes moved back to the door at the top of the wrap-around porch. "He wouldn't want to see me right now anyways." She moved to turn but the bird moved behind her, nudging hard against her thighs with its head. When she continued to argue and struggled against its urgings, the bird began letting out loud honking noises. Her eyes shot to the door; sure, the bird was bound to draw his attention if it continued. "Alright, alright." She said pressing lightly against it's insistent shoves. "I'm going." She climbed the stairs slowly. Her hand trembled as it neared the handle of the door. She glanced back nervously the large white swan still standing on the beach. It nodded its head as it flapped its wings and gave another honk.

She swallowed hard as she turned the nob and pushed open the door. The room was completely dark with only the soft glow of the minuet slither of the crescent moon and the many dazzling stars to light the room. She tried to push words from her dry throat, but none were forthcoming, only a slight squeak emerged. She released the door, letting it close behind her as her eyes trailed across the shadowy room. Her eyes landed on the large bed and the massive body resting there. She tiptoed slower toward the bed, her eyes landing on the wide tattooed expanse of his bare chest and stomach. She reached out a hand and tentatively ran a light touch across the crest on his chest. She quickly drawled back when he let out a pleased moan, but she wasn't fast enough. His hand came up to cup hers, holding it there.

"Umm, Kitten." He mumbled as another arm snaked around her waist pulling her onto him. He wrapped both arms tightly around her as he nuzzled his face against the top of her head.

She froze in his arms, afraid to move. When his breathing leveled out once again and his grip loosened, she risked a glance up at him. His thick lashes rested against his high cheekbones, a dark trail of stubble lined the sharp masculine curve of his jaw, his full lips were slightly parted the moister there glistened in the moonlight. She wiggled her hand loose from where it had been trapped between their bodies. With trembling fingers, she brushed the stray strands of his hair away from his face taking as second to run her fingers through its silky fullness where it gathered around his ears. Her eyes studied his sleeping face memorizing every detail of it. Her fingers glided over the trail of stubble that led to his full lips. She traced the full pucker of his bottom lip with her index finger. Unable to resist the urge a second longer, she lowered her lips to his letting them linger there savoring the sweet taste of whiskey.

"Umm..." He moaned as one of his hand moved up to tangle in her hair. "Kitten..." He whispered her nickname on a husky moan. He held her tightly against him as he deepened their kiss.

Jos could feel his length growing against her thighs. Her eyes searched his features with curiosity. "Are... are you awake?" She whispered before he could pull her down into another kiss.

"Umm..." He moaned again as he shifted himself against her. His free hand stroked over her body, tugging at the damp fabric of her thin dress. He ran his hand down her thigh stopping at the sensitive bend at the back of her knee teasing it and stroking it with his middle finger as the others gripped her leg and urged it to his side.

Jos mirrored the movement with her other knee as well, bringing them both to either side of his hips. She bit back a deep moan as he rolled his hips beneath her.

He entangled his fingers deeper into her hair, kissing her more passionately. The hand that had guided her to straddle him was now trailing up her thigh under her dress to grip her ass. He used his grip to pull her down harder against his rolling hips, causing tiny moans to erupt from her with every stroke.

It was obvious to her, he was drunk. {But if this is the only way... and he seems to want it just as badly... with me...} She thought as he continued to plunge his tongue possessively into her mouth. Jos let the weight of her body rest against his broad chest as she wedged a hand between them and began working the fastenings of his trousers. She fumbled and struggled through the task with the limited space she had to work. The girth of his shaft pressed impatiently against the sturdy buttons as her fingers fumbled to release it. With the last button undone and the weight of his cock springing out against her, Jos let out a victorious moan. She stroked the smooth length as she repositioned herself across his lap. To her surprise his tight grip on her ass eased allowing her better mobility. With as little warning as she could manage this time, Jos shifted and swiftly pressed down onto the head of his cock. "AAAOOOUUUWWW!!!" She wailed as pain replaced desire and caused a new wave of molten heat to radiate through her core.

Arei's eyes shot open as he suddenly jerked up in the bed as a second cry echoed through the room. He clutched Jos tightly to him as his foggy brain searched the room for any sign of a threat. It didn't take the fog long to clear as he realized the dream, he'd been having was in fact reality. He swallowed hard as he fought to hold himself as still as possible. The tight grip of her core around the head of his cock sent an animalistic urge through his entire body. "Shit Kitten, what have you done!" He whispered gruffly, trying to keep any harshness from his tone. When she shifted most likely to dislodge his cock, they both cried out in pain. Her tight center pulled at the bar piercing through the head of his cock. "Oh... Oh... hold still, Kitten..." He whispered against the top of her head. She whimpered and buried her face into the hands pressed against his chest. He feathered light kisses to her head and stroked her back as he searched the dark room. His eyes landed on a bottle setting on the nightstand beside the bed. They both let out a groan as he leaned over to retrieve the bottle. "Of course, there would be lube here." He didn't know whether to roll his eyes or thank the gods for his brother's promiscuity. He poured some of the thick liquid out in his hand. "Alright, I'll have to shift you just a little, alright Kitten."

Her watery eyes met his, "It hurts... I think... it... it's hung! She finally blurted before burying her face back into his chest.

Arei chuckled causing another pull of the bar inside her to cause them both to suck in a breath. "Ahwww." He growled as he tried to figure out the easiest, most pain free way to get the fluids on the both of them. "What did you expect, Kitten? I told you my cock isn't met for virginal sex." His brows scrunched together as he was yet to find a way to get the lubrication where it needed to be. "Hah fuck it!" He growled again. "These sheets are done for after tonight anyways." He cupped her cheek bringing her eyes up to meet his. "I'm going to lean back slightly, if you can try your best not to move... alright?" When she nodded, he did as he said. Leaning back he took the bottle and dumped a large amount down her mound and onto his groin. When their positioning didn't seem to be bringing her any greater discomfort, he let his hand trail the thick fluid through her folds. He stroked her bud making everything slick with the lube. "This is why I continued to hold back with you. I knew it would hurt you." He smiled, hooking a finger under her chin to bring her gaze back to his. "Though I couldn't have predicted it would also hurt me." He winked at her trying to ease her tension.

Jos moaned as the first wave of pleasure began to course through her since she'd brazenly mounted him. Her hips shifted against his touch causing her breath to catch as the movements caused his shaft to press farther into her.

Arei watched her lively expressions as he fought his own urges and impulses. "That's it, Love. There's no rush." He watched her eyes squeeze shut in a grimace as her next shift brought him a bit farther inside her and she pulled back. "It will only continue to hurt as long as you keep it pressed were it is. If it hurts too bad, we can stop. I'll give you release in other ways."

Jos shook her head. "No... I... want this..." Another pained expression fell over her delicate features as she tried to take more of him and failed again.

Arei tangled his hand in her hair again and pulled her down for a tender kiss. "I don't want to hurt you like this." He held her gaze for a long while as his thumb continued slow circles around her bud. "Are you sure it's what you want?"

Jos nodded and kissed his lips again. "I want you." She whispered breathily.

Arei searched her eyes, "I want you too, Kitten." He captured her lips more passionately this time, seducing her with his mouth and fingers until her body was completely lax against his. He stroked lightly against her not pressing too far upwards as to not hit her maidenhead too hard. The lube was making the resistance less, though her tightness still gripped his width painfully snug. He could feel her orgasm build and didn't stop her when she moved her mouth away from his and began trailing fevered kisses along his neck and collarbone. He waited until her pants were coming out in close succession before gripping her hips and plunging his length upwards, quickly piercing her maidenhead in one thrust.

Jos bit into his shoulder as the pain of his movement shook her body. She waited for more pain, but when it didn't come, she glanced up at him.

Arei held himself rigidly still. "I'm giving your body time to adjust to my size." He said soothingly. "When it stops hurting, I want you to try moving just a bit."

She nodded turning her embarrassed gaze back to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped her hands tightly together as she tried to move her hips. She let out a low cry as she felt each bar of his shaft scrape across the tender flesh of her freshly broken maidenhead.

"Easy, Love... There's no hurry." He could feel the pull of each bar as it was forced along her tight walls. Pain mixed with pleasure as each one raked along her tight embrace. He'd never maintained so much restraint in his life as he was this very second. A masculine animalistic voice in the back of his mind cried out to him to stroke out his release and empty his seed as deeply inside this beautiful creature as he could, but he fought back that urge. He followed her lead as she remained astride him, stubbornly pushing herself to take all of him. "Easy..." He whispered against her lips. "I'm all the way in now. Let your body adjust." She nodded against his grip causing him to smile. "I love you, Kitten. Only you... forever, you." He kissed her lips as he slowly shifted under her. "You're the most beautiful, stubborn, hardheaded, magnificent creature I've ever met." Keeping the same slow pace, he began to withdraw and thrust shallowly inside her, her panted moans urging him on.

She clawed at the back of his neck as the pain of his size and the many piercings merged with the joy and pleasure of finally getting what she'd longed for... finally filling that emptiness that had been growing inside her, that ache to have all of him. She nipped and sucked his throat, increasing the pressure of each as his strokes grew deeper and movement more fervent. "I need you, please..." She moaned against his neck, not knowing quite what it was she was begging for but knowing there was still something else she needed before her body would be completely satisfied.

Arei groaned as her words caused his cock to jerk inside her. He carefully rolled her over onto her back and raised up on his knees over her. He balanced her on the bend of his thighs, holding her hips with one hand for added leverage while he stroked her clit with the other matching the building strokes of his cock inside her hot, tight body. He watched her expression change as the pleasure took over and she was lost to another orgasm. He waited until she'd fully enjoyed yet another one before he released her to the mattress and brought his body over hers. He leaned against one elbow by her head as he balanced her other leg against the bend of his thick arm spreading her to accommodate his size better. The sight of her head thrown back as she bit hard into her lower lip was his undoing. With several strokes as rapid as her tight body would allow, he found himself falling over the precipice of passion into a violent eruption of his own release that shook his entire body. He released her leg without withdrawing from her body. He rested his forehead against her damp brow as he waited for both their heavy pants to subside. "My gods, you're magnificent..." He breathed as he places light kisses across her forehead, nose, and lips. "I have an idea..." He said as he smiled down at her.

So my dumbass couldn't figure out how to explain a swan noise. Soooo, the day I had to submit this chapter to my editor, I litteraly had to go through and fill in a bunch of (insert swan noises idfk)'s all over the place... hopefully I got them all lol...

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts