
Chapter 95 The Darkest Night

A cool, damp breeze blew through the pitch-dark room. The rumble of thunder sounded in the distance as thick clouds rolled across the sky in thick masses blocking out the soft glow of the stars and heavens above. Shelly shot upright in the bed. A cold chill ran down her spine as she quickly rubbed the sleep from her tired eyes struggling to adjust them to the darkness. She gently shook Rin's shoulder to wake him up.

"Rin... Rin..." She whispered as a strange sense of fear and anxiety began to feel her body. "Wake up... I think I heard something."

Rin rolled over onto his back cracking one sleep heavy eye. He reached out to pull her against him but found her legs instead. When he realized she was upright in the bed and trembling, he pushed himself up on his elbow and asked. "What is it, love?" He asked as he rubbed up and down her legs.