
Chapter 77 Safely in Your Arms

Arei let out a heavy breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as he leaned against the now-closed door. He fumbled around in his pocket for the pack of cigarettes he'd bought earlier. "So much for quitting." He sighed as he took one from the pack with his lips and flipped the flint of the lighter with the other hand. He took a long draw before placing the pack and lighter back into his pocket and took out his phone. He quickly dialed his brother's number, taking another long drag as he waited for the call to connect.

[Arei?] Orion's deep voice sounded from the other end. [Is something wrong? It's bound to be late there right now... isn't it?]

Arei glanced down at the screen of his phone before answering. "Yeah, it's almost 2 am." He let out a loud puff as he took another drag from the cigarette.

[Soooo??? Is something wrong?] Orion asked impatiently. [Are you smoking right now? I thought you quit?]