
Chapter 71 Man or Monster

Joslyn fell against the wall of the large corridor leading through the center of the enormous mansion. She could feel her anxiety crash down on her as she fought to control the raged breaths that clenched her lungs. She clamped her hand tightly to her chest as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Her breathing hadn't regulated in the slightest when the door she had just exited opened and closed softly. The rhythmic pattern of footsteps drew closer, but she couldn't force her eyes open or her heart to stop pounding. A hand slammed soundlessly beside her face and the whisper of a breath brushed across her cheek. She squeezed her eyes together tighter. "What... what are you doing here!?" The quiver in her voice sent a wave of anger through her causing her to clench her jaws tightly together sending pain to radiating through the nerve-endings of her teeth. She jerked away when fingers brushed lightly across her cheek.