
Chapter 44 Another Man's Bed

The sweet aroma of baked goods pulled Joslyn from a restless sleep. She hadn't fallen asleep until after daybreak but was awoken frequently by the pain in her temple or by nightmares losing Shelly and Russ both in different horrible ways. Joslyn tentatively lifted her head waiting for the pain of yesterday to hit her again, but when she was sure it wouldn't she moved to the edge of the bed and stood up slowly. She made her way through the large suite, stopping by the bathroom as she passed by it. She glanced into the mirror {Man I look rough, the cuts and bruises from a week ago have only begun to disappear and now I have even more… and a huge bandage on my head. This would have to look bad to anyone who saw me right now…}. She turned away from the mirror and headed out of the bathroom. She opened the door leading out into the main house and glanced around.

"Hey, pretty lady!" Raven called from the kitchen.