
Chapter 18 Friends Like You

"Shell, I have to be at work in about an hour. You want to come and hang out there for a while?" Raven called out from where she was sitting on the soft dry sand.

Shelly turned toward her, a lost expression on her face. "What did you say?" She started walking back toward where Raven was sitting.

When Shelly had gotten closer, Raven repeated herself, "Do you want to go hang out at the bar for a while? It's a Sunday so we won't be terribly busy."

Shelly thought about it for a few seconds before nodding yes. "Yeah, why not?! I'm not in any hurry to go home and see what awaits there."

Raven moved to get up, "Ok well I have to drop back by the apartment to grab my work clothes." Raven looked Shelly straight in the eyes as she added, "You should consider talking to your brother while we are there."

Shelly looked down at the sand, "No, I'll just wait in the car. I don't think I could take seeing either of them this morning."