
Chapter 1

Many times the mind is unable to comprehend what is hidden,especially when it comes to matters of the underworld that we are completely ingnorant of .so that he does not get into trouble with them because of his ingnorance , he is in need of him .

The story of a girl who decided to write her whole story so that others would know that happened to her , and that some people would not make a mistake like her and become exposed to the other world .

One day , her father bought a huge house like the places of the the rich , and it was not very expensive . The girl attributed the reason behind this to the fact that the house is abandoned and needs a lot of repains , as the walls contain paintings in bright colors , but they are corroded....

The study started and everything revoled around me as usual . The girl in every honor of the house made a cage with birds , and the view was amazing , giving a sense of psychological comfort , which was reflected in her study and rapid acquisition of information in record times .

And there was a small room in the house containing repair tools and equipment of that kind . The girl wanted to use that room and make it her " SMALL KINGDOM" but she postponed the implementation of the idea util the middle of the school year vacation so as not to distract her from her studies .

Finally , the vacation that the girl was wainting for come to do what she wanted , and during the preparation and repair of the room , the girl found on the back wall strange and frightening forms of drawings at the same time that have a bad effect on those who see her ....
