
Stranded Time Traveler

Congratulations on your rental of the FC1000! Sit on this chair and choose a specific date/event or press the random button. Rafael started by choosing to see the first humans to land on the moon of Saturn, Enceladus. After that, he selected to see the global conflict of opposite opinions about the public release of the ELSpan. Then, to see the third city destroyed by a nuke. "Damn... let's try something random before I see the global reaction of the ITER success" *Click* 5... 4....3....*PI*PI*PI*...2..."Warning"...1..."failure of"... 0

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142 Chs

Unexpected things

The text indicated the [Section 10.12.3: Latitude and Longitude] to determine them and also [Section 10.12.2: Compasses] to know the magnetic north. 'Even a simple sundial isn't that simple' *sigh*

Opening the right page to determine his latitude he started reading it. After few minutes he just dropped his head and hit his face on the book. 'I thought this would be easy... Well, actually I just need to do all this if I want a precise sundial. But then, what is the use of a poorly made one? What if Cenric reject the idea of paying me to make a bigger one for them? All my effort would be in vain. I'll ask him first and see what he says'.

While walking towards Cenric's house, he saw he talking with another man and picking something from him. The man walked away and Cenric was looking at the object on his hand while preparing to enter his house.

"Good evening sir". Turning to the side he saw Rafael coming near him. "Oh, good evening Mr. Rafael. Anything you want to talk about?"

"I was thinking in making a sundial or a clock, I don't know how you call it, for this village but of course I can't do it for free so I need to know what you as the leader of this village thinks"

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying. What is this sundial and clock?"

"It's something that track the passage of hours of the day. It uses the shadow made by the sun projected on the floor to tell the hours".

"Ah yes, I know what it is! Every city has one of those. About the name I have never heard it so that's why I didn't understand what you proposed. About that, thank you for the offer but Floutt already promissed that he will make one in the future for his villages. I could accept your offer to create one so we don't have to wait too much but we don't have that spare money to pay you, I hope you understand".

"It's fine". 'You actually saved me lots of work'. Rafael thought.

"By the way, this noble called floutt, who is he? You said that he commands some villages, right?"

'Is he trying to gain information on floutt and his villages? I'll just say what is common knowledge for now'. Cebric thought and then answered.

"Baron Floutt manages his city and 3 villages, this is one of them. Actually, tell me about yourself. You seems to be a successful and rich merchant so where are you from?". He gave a superficial and simple vison about the noble and tried to change their talk. Rafael didn't perceive it because his brain was over thinking on what to say.

"Ah me? Oh I assure you I'm not that interesting but..."

At the same time he was talking, his head was frying. 'I'm from the east, ok he already knows it. Aahh, but I can't be from a place too far at east, okay okay. A small village not too far from here, maybe a month or two by horse'.

"I came from a small village, east from here..."

'But I shouldn't give too much information! When people lie, the more information you give the easier it is to find something is amiss!'

"There I...". Rafael seemed to hesitate. 'There what?! THERE WHAT??!'. He was screaming internally with himself.

Cenric noticed it. "If it is something that brings you bad memories or something like that then it is fine. I don't want to make you unconfortable". He wasn't truly concerned with him and only said that because of etiquete and not to rise any suspicion on Rafael's part.

"No problem. It does brings sad memories but there are happy ones as well". He thought that this would end the conversation.

"Could you tell me some of those? Are you married perhaps?"

While inside his head he was cursing the man in front of him, outside he smiled as if remembering great memories. At the same time he began to panic. 'You fucking fuck, for fucks fuck, fuck...'

"No no, I'm not married yet. Not yet, Hahahahah..."

"Oh hahahaha... Of course, I'm sure you'll find a great woman to make yours". He laughed with Rafael. None knew if the other was faking the laugh. "You are good looking and has wealth so it will be easy. Speaking of that, how have your merchant life started? What is you main product?"

'My main product?! Aaaahh whatever, I'm creating paper so I'll go with that'. Rafael just gave up trying to think in other things.

"About that, remember that experiment I said I was doing? So, that is my main product, I call it paper".

"Paper?! You mean a thin sheet where you can write on?!". He looked shocked by what Rafael said.

"Yes, that one"

'Oh my Lord! If he really knows how to make paper he becomes more valuable than this entire village! I need to inform Baron Frederic about this but I already know what will be his decision. I need to befriend this man and bring him under his banner but if I don't succeed, then...'

Rafael was looking at Cenric who was with his eyes wide open staring at him without saying anything for seconds. 'By his reaction he knows what paper is and how valuable it is. This is good and bad at the same time. He can choose between helping me make a monopoly over papermaking or capture and torture me until I explain how to make it'.

Amis who was hiden at some distance away was watching everything Rafael did but right now he was confused. 'What's happening?'

If anyone by chance looked at Cenric and Rafael they would see both staring at each other without moving, blinking or talking for 5 or more seconds.

The sun wasn't at it's highest point at the sky anymore.

Just search for "Swearing cockatoo" and you'll, maybe, understand all the swearing Rafael did.

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