
Stranded Somewhere

A group of friends trying to have a final summer vacation to the waterfalls before returning to school when suddenly they got stuck in the middle of a compound surrounded by a forest. Now the friends are struggling to find a way to escape as they continue to be traumatize and endanger themselves as they are stranded somewhere.

Fuenshi · Horror
Not enough ratings
39 Chs



After two hours and a few minutes have passed, we are almost finished surrounding the estate with torches. It is also around this hour where Gregory and others will be back from their hike and also for lunch to be ready.

"Whew! We are almost done, we only need about 15 more torches and we will be done!" Johnny exclaimed,

"GUYS! WE ARE ALMOST THERE!" a familiar voice came from outside the wall,

Everyone stopped from what we were doing as all of us heard a familiar voice coming from the east side of the wall opening.

"Wasn't that Troy just now?" Sheila asked in the open,

"Yeah… But why is it coming from the other opening? I thought they went out from the left opening." Steph said,

All of us knew and saw Gregory and the gang went out from the left or the west side of the wall opening and knowing that our agreed plan is to walk straight for an hour then comeback then they should be coming back from where they came out from but the shout just now came from the right or the east side of the wall opening and all of us were sure that that was Troy's voice just now, none of us could be mistaken. But if they are coming from the right side then does that mean they walked in circles?

All of us stood up and slowly walked to the right wall opening and saw Gregory and the gang entered the compound.

"Guys! I thought the plan was walking straight for an hour then walk back?" Steph asked them.

Gregory and the gang stopped in their tracks and just stood there looking stunned while staring at us. It is as if they have just seen a ghost or they can't believe what they just saw.

"The hell guys! Why did you walk around? If you also got lost, then we don't know how to look for you! You guys are lucky that you got back here." Johnny blatantly said,

"Maybe they didn't walk that far and just kept a sight distance to the wall then walked around it." Claire speculated,

None of them replied. They still stayed put at their places, not moving.

"Guys, are you alright?" Jane asked worriedly,

"No way…" Jefferson stunned,

"This can't be…" Troy mumbled,

"Guys? What's wrong? Why are you guys looking at us like that?" Wesley said feeling awkward,

They immediately entered the estate as we also follow. Venus and Kristen heard the commotion and immediately walked in the living room. They were about to shout 'Lunch is ready' but after hearing the commotion they just went to where we're at.

"Guys, tell us. Why did you walk in circles?!" Johnny keep on asking as all of us approached them,

"We didn't, we just walked straight for two hours and about thirty minutes." Gregory said as his face shown the clueless expression,

"If you guys just walked straight then how did you reached back here and gone to the right side of the opening?" Kristen asked,

"We are as clueless as you are. What we did was walk straight for one hour and a half then when we were about to walk back, we saw this similar looking compound which is just straight ahead of us, we thought this is a different compound and would ask people for help but we didn't expect this to be the same compound." Jasmine replied,

"I have a theory." Troy said as he's trying to calm his mind,

"I think we just walked around the world." Troy said,

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Johnny said,

"I think Troy is right. We walked around the world. It is like this, like many games where when you pass through the corner end of the map you will end up in the other end of the map, opposite to where you pass through which basically means that we are trapped inside this forest. This is the entire 'game' map already." Jefferson added,

"That's absurd. That is foolishness." Sheila exclaimed,

"How can you even prove that?" Jane asked,

"Who needs proof?! After seeing the door disappears and some faceless sighting that Daryl and Nadia saw, there is no need for proof anymore. I don't want to stay in this place any longer." Jasmine desperately exclaimed,

"We don't need to prove what just happen, if you guys won't believe or accept our answers then don't. Go out there and prove it yourselves." Troy blatantly said,

"So anywhere you run is just going to end up here in the forest. Great! This is bullshit! BULLSHIT!" Claire shouted,

"What about Kevin and the others?" Sheila asked,

"As much as I hate to admit it, there's nothing we can do anymore. I don't want to go out there again. It's already creeping me out." Jasmine said,

"We'll we can't just leave them out there." Gregory said worriedly,

"They already passed a night. A night where faceless are active and running rampant. It's already a very big possibility that they are eaten already." Jefferson angrily reasoned,

"You can't really tell. Maybe they found a place to hide in!" Sheila rebutted,

"We didn't even saw anything in our hike! Where are they supposed to go and hide? Huh?!" Troy exclaimed, putting pressure to Sheila,

"You guys only walked in a straight line. What about other directions? You can't really tell you know." Sheila rebutted again,

"Unless you want to go out there and wonder aimlessly too, I would suggest you do it." Jasmine replied,

Sheila stopped convincing them, she looked like she is about to cry, though, guilt went through them and Troy, Jefferson and Jasmine immediately pampered Sheila not to cry.

"There's nothing we can do huh? The last time I talked to them, we were having a debate. I never really thought it would be the last. I just don't want to remember them where the last thing I did was arguing to them." Sheila murmured as she felt extreme guilt swallowing her.

Amidst all that, Nadia just fixatedly glared at me. The pressure that she is giving off intensified to the point that it is suffocating. The way she looks at me feels like I am completely naked in front of her. I looked at her very anxiously. I don't want to admit to anything.

"GUYS! SHUT UP! Daryl has something to say." Nadia said,

The atmosphere immediately quieted down as all eyes are fixed at me. I immediately went pale as my heart palpitated very heavily, my breathing became erratic.

What do you want from me Nadia? WHAT?! I haven't even done wrong. I haven't done something horrible that deserves to be looked at as if I'm some criminal.

"You have something to say Dar?" Gregory asked in a very soft voice,

"Yeah Daryl. Tell us about the liquid that covered the faceless that you saw because the one I saw wasn't covered by anything." Nadia blatantly said,

I wanted to run away; with this much pressure that I am feeling is too unbearable. I want to go home. I want to go home.

I opened my mouth as all my limbs are shaking vigorously. Just by opening my mouth takes a great toll to my spirit.

"haa… The faceless that I saw was… was… covered in blood." I helplessly said, I feel like I want to cry now,

"Covered in blood?!" Jane said with a puzzling look,

"Yes… We all know that there are no other creatures in our immediate surrounding and the only ones who went out from all of us here are Kevin and others so in conclusion, as much as I hate to say it, maybe it's their blood." I explained my theory,

"What if it is the blood of other faceless? Maybe they are just eating each other." Gregory said looking for an excuse to not to believe in my words,

"If that is the case then Kevin, Carlo and Ryan should have already returned and we wouldn't have to ever worry about a faceless appearing since they would have already gone extinct due to cannibalism even before we got ourselves trapped in this piece of shit place." Jefferson rebuked,

Everyone felt fear in our hearts and in our body as everyone felt all our hair stood.

"Haa… Our only chance is the basement doors. I just really hope that it would help us escape this place." Jane sighed as she said very weakly

"Have you seen any significant landmark?" I curiously asked as I gripped both my hands tightly,

"Nope. There are just trees everywhere you look. No huge boulders, no ponds or lake, no river, no nothing, not even a distinctive tree or a single mosquito, all of trees are maple-like trees." Gregory answered

Everyone sighed from feeling helpless. The forest is becoming a nightmare to everyone.

After the commotion died down, all of us ate our lunch. We informed Gregory and others about our findings and the things that we agreed and planned, they also felt terrified to our findings and the entire possible scenario that we can think of. All of us want to get out of this place so much that if given a single wish, we would spend it at that.

"Sorry to pressure you like that." Nadia walked next to me and apologized,

"It's just that all of us here really need to know it. If everyone didn't know then we will be risking everyone's life to someone who we will never find." Nadia expounded,

"It's alright. You just did what you believe is right. It's just that I just don't want to admit it myself. So, I am also sorry." I replied and apologize to her on my behalf.

"I'm really sorry…" Nadia muttered, feeling downcast.

Our lunch was amazing and all but all of us don't feel like eating. All of us looked lifeless that we continue eating without even conversing or frolicking to one another like we usually do. We could have already lost someone and we can't even do anything to help at all, we only got more and more terrified for every second we get to stay here. All of us had the same train of thought now; we just want to go home.