
Stranded Blood

Exiled due to an internal betrayal, Gianna, a former vampire clan leader, finds refuge in Immerstad, a land untouched by vampire rule. Her precarious situation worsens when Kurtis, a betrayer from her clan, seizes power. In this vulnerable state, she's rescued by Tohpati, a wealthy businessman, who offers protection in exchange for her servitude. This deal forces Gianna to confront her pride and adapt to survive, providing a glimmer of hope for reclaiming her lost status.

Air_Tuya · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Bite of Redemption

Chapter 3

"Where the heck did that vampire go? It's gonna be a real problem if she gets caught by humans out there!" Tohpati scolded, frustration clear in his tone.

He took a deep breath, attempting to clear his mind. Pacing back and forth with his hands on his hips, Tohpati anxiously awaited Gianna's return, wondering if she had gone back to Morbantis to reunite with her clan. Dismissing the idea, he remembered that Gianna had been purposefully exiled for her safety from her clan members. Lost in thought, Tohpati sat on the sofa, the very spot where Gianna used to wait for him to return from work.

As he glanced at the wall clock, it read a quarter past eleven. At the same time, the front door creaked open, revealing a woman in a black coat, moving cautiously to avoid making noise. Gianna, closing the door behind her, gasped at the sight of her master seated on the sofa, irritation etched on his face.

Anxiety filled Gianna as she looked down, hastily pulling her slightly open coat to conceal her curves, all clad in black attire. The coldness emanating from Tohpati's gaze sent a shiver down her spine. Despite her human status, Gianna couldn't help but feel genuinely intimidated by the glint in her master's dark eyes.

Tohpati's voice cut through the tension, heavy with a veiled threat. "Where were you?" 

Gianna's chest tightened, feeling the weight of her master's tone. Fear and apprehension lingered at Tohpati's menacing demeanor. She lifted her head, meeting his stern gaze, and responded cautiously, "I-I was hunting in the urban forest. My food supply ran out," Gianna explained, swallowing hard. "I didn't want to bother you, so I thought it best to go out and find my sustenance."

Tohpati's disbelief was evident. "Didn't I straight-up tell you not to hunt in this city or even the urban forest?" He shook his head, rueful of Gianna's actions. "You're quite stubborn, aren't you?"

"But I didn't catch a thing," Gianna muttered, her tone all sullen.

"Urban forests aren't exactly wildlife hotspots. So, what were you doing, besides hunting at this hour? And, no dinner prep? You're still under my protection here, got it?" Tohpati snapped, his frustration showing. 

Gianna nodded obediently, quickly moving to prepare her master for dinner. As she passed Tohpati, he suddenly reached out and tightly gripped her hand. 

"What's going on, my lord? I need to get your dinner ready," Gianna groaned, feeling the pain in her wrist from Tohpati's tight grip. His expression hardened, his grip on Gianna's hand unrelenting. "You think you can just brush off what you did earlier? Hunting against my explicit instructions?"

Gianna winced, struggling with the pain but trying to maintain composure. "I didn't mean to defy you, my lord. I was just hungry, and I didn't catch anything, I swear."

Behind the seemingly desolate residence, hushed whispers and tension filled the air as two figures engaged in a heated dispute. Tohpati, driven by frustration, made a beeline for Gianna's private room. Without warning, he forcefully opened the door, pushing Gianna inside. The impact jolted the weakened vampire, and the bedroom door slammed shut, locking abruptly. 

"Please, my lord, why did you lock in?" Gianna pleaded, her voice echoing through the confined space as she approached the door. Desperation and confusion marked her expression as she attempted to break it down with the last of her strength. "I'm sorry for not asking for permission first. I promise I won't do it again!" 

Silence hung heavily after Gianna's plea, desperate calls yielded no response.

"My lord?" Gianna called once more, met with a terrible quiet. Suddenly, the muffled sound of approaching footsteps reached Gianna's ears prompting her to press closer to the door.

"In the meantime, I'll punish you until tomorrow night. You're pissing me off, you damn monster!" Tohpati's enraged voice echoed through the room. It had been a while since she had ventured outside, following her master's carefully laid plans. Yet, she had neglected simple rules, disappointing Tohpati profoundly. In this moment of reflection, Gianna grasped the weight of her disobedience and the consequences it carried.

"I'm truly sorry. Please, don't confine me like this," Gianna pleaded, her voice laced with desperation. Her body went limp, and an abrupt shiver ran through her, an unusual physical reaction for her. Slumped against the door, it wasn't sadness that overwhelmed Gianna; it was the insatiable hunger attacking her gullet. Despite consuming the leftover bag of blood earlier in the morning, her current level of ravenousness was unbearable. The effects of exile and living amongst humans had noticeably weakened her strength. 

Gianna's desperate pleas echoed in the stillness, unanswered. Weakened and hungry, vulnerability overwhelmed her in the confined room. Minutes felt agonizing as regret and fear enveloped her, recalling the simplicity of following her master's guidance. Disobedience cast a shadow on the security she once knew. Hunger persisted, a relentless reminder of her weakened state. The room became a suffocating chamber, encapsulating her body and emotions, straining trust with her master.

He, unmoved by Gianna's plea, continued to project his frustration. "You've pushed me too far, Gianna. Your disobedience has consequences, and death seems like a fitting one for a creature like you."

Behind the door, the room fell into a tense silence. Gianna's heavy breathing echoed her internal struggle as she grappled with the dire consequences laid out by her master.

"No, please! I'll do anything to make amends. Just give me a chance," Gianna implored, her voice trembling with fear. The air inside the locked room thickened with the weight of uncertainty, each word a fragile thread in the delicate balance between master and servant.

After a few minutes of the heated dispute, Tohpati decided to unlock the room. The absence of cries for help heightened the uneasy atmosphere. As the door swung open, Tohpati's eyes fell upon Gianna, now sprawled on the floor in an unconscious state. Her once-supple body seemed frail and defenseless, and the unexpected aging of her once-beautiful face added a surreal touch to the somber scene. The room held an air of solemnity as the consequences of their clash unfolded in ways Tohpati hadn't anticipated.

In the somber aftermath, Tohpati cradled Gianna's unconscious body, the room enveloped in an oppressive atmosphere laden with the consequences. A profound regret echoed through him as he observed the telltale wrinkles etched on her once beautiful face. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Tohpati's shoulders. The room seemed to vibrate with the profound impact of decisions that now reverberated through the intricate tapestry of their vampire existence, leaving an indelible mark on both their destinies.

Tohpati gently settled Gianna on her bed, the room still veiled in shadows. As he observed the wrinkles on her once-lively face, the weight of responsibility bore down on him. Reflecting on the profound impact of choices made, their consequences reverberated through the intricate threads of their vampire existence. The room remained an unspoken tension, a silent observer to the intricacies now shaping their intertwined fate.

"You must drink blood, Gianna," Tohpati urged, attempting to rouse her. Gradually, Gianna fluttered her eyes open, shaking her head in refusal. She couldn't bear to endanger Tohpati by continuously feeding on his blood.

As Gianna remained weak, Tohpati unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, revealing the tempting curve of his neck. "Drink, quickly!" Tohpati ordered, guiding her closer to the intimate connection that could restore her strength. 

Her adrenaline surged through her veins, the intoxicating aroma rising an enchanting pheromone. A spark of excitement illuminated Gianna's crimson gaze as her fangs instinctively extended. Despite her inner struggle against the desire to harm her master, the predatory instinct gripped her.

"I won't drink your blood! Stop!" Gianna shouted, her hands pushing against Tohpati's resilient frame. Despite her resistance, Tohpati persisted, gradually drawing himself closer to the perilous proximity of Gianna's sharpened fangs.

"Do it," Tohpati whispered.

In a fleeting moment, Tohpati released a subdued groan, feeling the gentle puncture of Gianna's twin fangs against his neck.