
Storytellers Creations(going to rewrite)

Some dream of being great heroes, with legions of armies under their command. Others dream of becoming magicians of unmatched power and knolwedge. The only thing Lukas strives for is being an author, creating worlds of fantasy for his readers to enjoy. As he watched the sun set on a particularly beautiful night he heard a ding. [Host has been selected by the Author System] [World creation will begin shortly, please be patient] Being granted the ability to create a true fantasy world full of life, and magic. With each new world Lukas creates he finds that he gets stronger. Perhaps through this system he’ll become a true author, the greatest of authors, a God! 10 powerstones = 1 extra chapter 20 powerstones = 2 extra chapters 30 powerstones = 3 extra chapters

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Planning the Story Part 2 + Designing

Hearing this Apep spoke up with a distant voice that sounded like it was being overlapped by several others.

"Perhaps a blessing for each of them, and a specially trained priest or healer of some sort?"

Hearing Lukas perked up looking at the five new gods and goddesses.

"That reminds at some point you five will have to go down to Terra and introduce yourself to the locals."

"Also everyone even Abaddon make sure you manage whatever religion worships you well, otherwise I might have to step in and help a bit more than I have to."

Hearing this all the Formless nodded with a few of them becoming a bit nervous. Not noticing this Lukas went back to his notebook."

"Anyway what type of blessing should each of you give if one of the hero's companions worships you?"

It was Set who spoke up first.

"For me...it should be the blessing of lighting...and it would give the user...unmatched speed equal to lighting...itself."

next was Geb who spoke in a low monotone voice.

"For me, it shall be the blessing of the beast, which would allow the user the ability to morph their body into one animal and increase their physical capabilities."

Next, it was Tefnut who spoke with a watery feminine voice.

"Me it shall be the blessing of water giving all who have it the ability to move swiftly like water and have better athletic abilities."

The others were more in thought about their blessings and seeing this Lukas began drawing a possible "holy" sword. It had the standard handle with a lion symbol in the center of it. It had a more bent sword guard and was more elegant looking than even a ruby ring. The blade itself was a standard straight one with black color in the center of both sides of it. Seeing his handiwork Lukas couldn't help but feel a little proud of his amateur work. Then Vulcan spoke up interrupting Lukas's spot process.

"For my blessing it shall be the blessing of fire, giving people immunity to fire itself."

Then it was Thoth.

"Mine shall be known as the blessing of mana, giving people knowledge into using mana more efficiently and help them create methods to better circulate mana within their mana storage organs."

Then Minerva spoke next.

"For me, it shall be the blessings of tactics giving people better insight into combat and develop better techniques in that field."

Gaia spoke, using the same elegant voice as before.

"Mine shall be the blessing of growth, giving those who grew plants or raise animals better results."

Then it was Apep who simply sat in silence showing no sign of emotion and with that same voice being overlapped by several others said.

"Mine will be reserved for the hero only if my creator will allow it?"

Hearing that Lukas nodded giving Apep a small smile.

"My blessing shall be one of danger, whenever the hero is in critical or moral danger their power gets stronger, or as you would put it "plot armor" giving the hero a bit of an edge."

Lukas jotted all this down, adding it to the list of blessings he complied.

"Okay before we disperse are there any questions or concerns?"

Both Athena and Gaia put their hands up immediately, seeing this Lukas pointed his pencil at the.

"What's your question, Minerva?"

"Yes, you said Tefnut is the goddess of the sea or water correct?"

"Yes, I did."

"Then why am I also the goddess of water?"

"That's simple actually you are the goddess of the mana element water and you are going to be one of the four gods of mana elements, with any other element being a branch of the main four, and if the lighting element is discovered it will be under both Vulcan and Set."

Satisfied Minerva nodded with Gaia putting her hand down.

"Anything else?"

no one spoke up.

"Okay then disperse and go create your religions and let's get this thing ready."

Hearing that they all stood up immediately and their chairs disappeared as blue portals opened up for each of them.

"Also Vulcan if you can get a good hammer and start forging the sword for the chosen hero if you can, I'll send some designs later so pick whichever one you like best."

Vulcan nodded walking through the portal.

Lukas went back to designing another possible hero sword. This time the handle was more bent on the end, with a more tree-like style. The sword guard was a bit more curved than the first design and had a dragon symbol on both ends. It was a straight sword as well, with a more gold-looking metal in the center. Unlike the first one, it looked more royal in design like a sword a king or emperor would wield.

He ripped out both designs and left them floating next to them. He began the next design next, having a thinner handle with a round end, and the sword guard followed suit having a more rapier design and a curved blade with the same metallic black as the first sword in the center of it. He ripped it out placing it with the others. for the next design, he went for a more long sword-looking design, with the handle having a traditional sword design with a sun symbol in the center of it. The sword guard was more straight with the ends curling upward forming a little battle at the end of it. In the middle of this sword was a crimson metallic color, Lukas added it to the small pile of possible sword designs forming.

The fifth one was a basic traditional sword with nothing special about it, except for the more tree root esquire handle with some roots pointing out of it, growing onto the sword guard as if it was a tree growing around a blade. The middle of the blade had a gold metal embedded in it, with symbols of royalty carved into it, reminiscent of the sword caliber or Excaliber.

He tore it off adding it to the small pile, and Lukas looked over them feeling satisfied after what felt like hours of work. Lukas opened a small portal leading to Vulcan's home and put his arm through alongside the papers and began moving around trying to find a place to set them. Finding a table beneath his arm he gently place them down adding a small note informing Vulcan that these were the hero's sword designs.