
Storytellers Creations(going to rewrite)

Some dream of being great heroes, with legions of armies under their command. Others dream of becoming magicians of unmatched power and knolwedge. The only thing Lukas strives for is being an author, creating worlds of fantasy for his readers to enjoy. As he watched the sun set on a particularly beautiful night he heard a ding. [Host has been selected by the Author System] [World creation will begin shortly, please be patient] Being granted the ability to create a true fantasy world full of life, and magic. With each new world Lukas creates he finds that he gets stronger. Perhaps through this system he’ll become a true author, the greatest of authors, a God! 10 powerstones = 1 extra chapter 20 powerstones = 2 extra chapters 30 powerstones = 3 extra chapters

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Abaddon's War

Abaddon swung his ice blade down, aiming for the draconic folk's head. They raised up their shield instantly blocking the ice sword, shattering it. Seeing this the draconic folk swung an upward cut at Abaddon's chest. Seeing this Abaddon quickly blocked the blade with its right hand, as a swirl of red energy surrounded it. Abaddon broke the bone instantly and stared at the creature. The draconic folk began backing away in fear, tossing its shield aside, and began running.


Abaddon instantly formed a small ice spear and launched it at the running draconic folk, piercing its chest. The draconic folk fell to the ground grasping at its chest and it stared at its fellow fallen warriors and began crying. He slowly slumped down to the ground and then to the ground dead. Abaddon walked towards the draconic folk's corpse and pulled the ice sword out of its torso and kicked it to the side. Twirling his blade, he walked across the battlefield and began traveling north.

"That guy was nothing like the gold ant, at least that guy had some strength the only thing this stupid creature had was a decent magic affinity."

Suddenly out of the ground a particularly big red ant warrior popped out with a large stone hammer in their left hand. Abaddon quickly slashed the ant's neck, killing them instantly. Resuming his walk, Abaddon saw his giant ice pillar was inches away from the ground. Smiling Abaddon pushed over one of the ice-encased warriors and sat on them, waiting for the moment the pillar touched the ground. A few more warriors charged at him, but he simply launched a few ice shards piercing their heads and killing them instantly.

The pillar finally touched the ground, shattering instantly as a rampaging blizzard began spewing from it. Freezing any creatures that remained near Abaddon and the battlefield, covering the entire terrain in snow and ice. Almost mimicking the ice age earth went through thousands of years ago. Abaddon saw all of this and smiled, it raised its hands into the air lifting up various frozen corpses, placing them in a circle around them.

"Creator watch as I bring about an age of ice and snow, let me show you I am worthy of being the incarnation of Destruction!"

With that Abaddon began creating a large mana circle with the frozen corpses serving as connecting points. As the points began connecting a large pillar of red mana burst into the air, reaching even into space. Then it burst out spreading across the sky and land, causing massive ice spikes to form and causing a massive blizzard to blow across the western part of the continent. Seeing his work complete Abaddon began walking east, to the purple humanoid's home.

Lukas looked at all the chaos and destruction caused by Abaddon and looked at the system pannel.

"System on the western coast what's the percentage of remaining lizardfolk and red ant species?"

[Dinosaur folk: 23%, Draconic folk: 30%, and red ants: 40%]

"Any reason why the red ant percentage is higher?"

[Host, most of the species hid underground and still hiding there now during the blizzard ravaging their home]

[But this will decrease if they don't come out in the future]

"Because they'll either starve to death, kill each other, or freeze to death right?"

[Correct host]

Lukas looked back at Terra as Abaddon steadily walked across the continent spreading more ice and snow as they walked.

Abaddon walked through the center of the continent simply freezing everything around him, leaving nothing but huge pillars of ice. Stopping Abaddon looked up ahead, as numerous figures began appearing in front of him. At first, it was just heavily armored purple humanoids with a few spears and shields in hand. Yet as they drew closer, black ants began appearing alongside them, and not just them the two lizardfolk subspecies followed, with the red ants in tow.

All four sentient species stood in front of Abaddon starring him down with nothing but fear, anger, and desperation in their eyes. Five figures stood in front of all of them, each one wore black bone armor, most likely made using high amounts of mana. Each one wore a face mask with various tribal symbols on it. The red ant held up a large stone hammer, the black ant held two black bone longswords. Both of the lizardfolk subspecies wielded long swords. Finally, the purple humanoid leader had a simple spear and shield, all five stood in battle stances ready to charge alongside their armor.

Abaddon simply looked at them all and a low chuckle began escaping his mouth. Soon it turned into a deep bellowing laughter.

"I can't believe it, you all came together to face me!"

"I'm flattered but you should have brought more!"

Abaddon crossed his arms spreading red mana across his body, slowly the red mana began turning into ice as it covered his entire body. They roared out in fury charging straight towards the army. Seeing this the four leaders roared out as well and began charging forward with their army in tow. Abaddon jumped towards the main army avoiding the five leaders in front. Materializing two large ice axes, they began slashing at the various species. Cutting off heads left and right but they never wavered, and still charged forward trying to get one good strike in.

The blood splattered across Abaddon's armor, with heads plopping onto the ground and limbs flying everywhere.

"I'll call this even the "Festival of Ruin"!"

Abaddon began rampaging hard making his ice axes bigger and sharper than before. He even froze a few of them and started creating huge ice spikes and impaling a couple of their soldiers. As Abaddon rampaged across the land, more and more soldiers poured each one trying to get a single blow in and try to injure them. The five leaders simply looked on in horror as their troops were slaughtered, as fathers and brothers fell one after the other. With Abaddon having nothing but blood-splattered ice armor and a simple smile on his face.

For Abaddon has fully embraced his title as "Incarnation of Destruction".

Sorry for the late update, hope you enjoy Abaddons rampage.

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