
Story Shorts

random stories that were written for my children, 19 years worth of short stories.

Tiffany_Forrister · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Cream The Bunny

In a magical land where rainbows arched across the sky and unicorns galloped through fields of wildflowers, there lived a sweet little bunny named Cream. Cream was known far and wide for their fluffy, snow-white fur and their gentle, loving nature. They spent their days hopping through meadows and nibbling on sweet clover, always bringing joy to those around them.

One day, as Cream was hopping through the Enchanted Forest, they stumbled upon a group of dragons. These were not the fearsome, fire-breathing dragons of legend, but rather gentle creatures with scales shimmering in all the colors of the rainbow. The dragons were playing a game of tag and as Cream hopped by, they invited the bunny to join in the fun.

Cream hopped and dodged and giggled as they played with the friendly dragons, their laughter echoing through the forest. The dragons were so delighted by Cream's company that they invited the bunny to their home—a sprawling cave at the base of the Misty Mountain.

Inside the cave, Cream was greeted by a wondrous sight. Shimmering crystals lined the walls, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the cavern. The dragons had gathered treasures from all over the world—sparkling jewels, rare artifacts, and ancient relics. And nestled among the treasures were the most beautiful eggs Cream had ever seen, each one a different color of the rainbow.

The dragons explained that these were their prized possessions, each one containing a special magic. They were searching for someone worthy to watch over the eggs and ensure that their magic remained safe and protected.

Cream's heart swelled with joy at the dragons' trust in them. They promised to guard the eggs with all their might, and the dragons knew that they had found a true friend in the sweet bunny.

As the days passed, Cream dedicated themselves to their new duty. They kept watch over the eggs, singing lullabies and telling stories to keep the magic within them safe and secure. The dragons, in turn, shared their own stories with Cream—tales of far-off lands and daring adventures, of courage and friendship.

One day, as Cream sat nestled among the eggs, a sudden darkness swept over the forest. The sky grew cloudy, and a chill crept through the air. The dragons knew at once what was happening—a malevolent force was trying to steal the magic from the eggs.

The dragons rallied together, their scales gleaming as they prepared for battle. Cream, though small and gentle, stood bravely by their side, determined to protect the eggs at all costs.

And then, from beyond the trees, came a thunderous roar. A massive, shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its eyes glowing with a sinister light. It was a creature of pure darkness, with a form that seemed to twist and contort with every step.

The dragons leapt into action, breathing great gusts of rainbow-colored flames that clashed against the creature's shadowy form. But the darkness seemed to swallow their fire, and the creature advanced unscathed.

Cream's heart raced as they watched the battle unfold. They knew they had to act, but what could a sweet little bunny do against such a formidable foe?

And then, as if in answer to Cream's silent plea, the eggs began to glow with a radiant light. The magic within them surged and crackled, swirling around Cream in a dazzling display of colors. The darkness recoiled at the sight, its monstrous form quivering in fear.

With a determined hop, Cream leapt towards the darkness, a brilliant beam of light emanating from their tiny form. The creature let out a terrible shriek as the light pierced its shadowy veil, driving it back into the depths of the forest.

The dragons roared in triumph, their scales shimmering with pride as they realized the true power of the magic within the eggs. And Cream, their dear friend, was hailed as a hero—for it was their unwavering love and bravery that had saved the day.

From that moment on, Cream continued to watch over the eggs, and the dragons were forever grateful for their friendship and their courage. And so, in the Enchanted Forest, where rainbows arched across the sky and unicorns roamed freely, the sweet bunny named Cream became a legend—a symbol of hope, love, and the unyielding power of friendship