
chapter 1

Serenity was a nice, kind girl with dark greyish hair. Her eyes were a lovely lavender purple and they shined softly when people looked into them. She was often cheerful and loved meeting new people, which was hard because her parents were very strict. She came from old money, a rich girl born into a rich family. Her parents tried to raise her to believe that she was special, but not for her heart, but for her money. She was told to avoid anybody in town that was poorer that her, which meant pretty much everybody. The funny thing was, her parents could be both bossy and neglectful at the same time. Serenity was given more gifts and luxury items than she wanted. She was given her own maids to clean for her and serve her meals. Once her parents felt certain that Serenity knew the rules about how she should behave, they ignored her for long periods of time. Serenity was quite alright with that. She used this as an opportunity to do the things that were important to her. Serenity often went into town to help people with their low budget shops. She had a special touch for gardening and knew how to make everything look peachy perfect. Her family didn't realize she was doing this, or they would have kept her inside. They would have been outraged at anything that would hurt their family reputation. Serenity wouldn't dream of hurting anybody - not her parents, not the hard working maids, or the poor people in the town. She was kind hearted. She loved baking and gardening in her spare time. She loved animals, though her parents would never allow her to have any pets. Sometimes, the folks in town would let her pet their big dogs and other animals. On this particular day, Serenity went into town, wondering what beauty or joy could bring to it this time.