
Story of Redo Daimyo

All it takes is one moment to ruin your dreams. If you had the opportunity to go back and change the future would you? I was one step from uniting all of japan under my rule, then I met my sudden end just to awaken to another chance. This time I will make the proper path the one where we all stand at the end of the path, the future we all wanted. No one gets left behind this time.

SunWillKong · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Preparations for Celebrations

Looking up at a familiar ceiling my vision still blurry I sit up feeling a crash of pain take my body, I remember being pretty beat up in the last battle. Now that the adrenaline is gone I can really start to feel how bad it really was. I look around to see a desk with a globe on it, I remember a foreigner bringing me something like that saying there a million of other people out. That was a while after I became daimyo. There's a inkbrush next to some ink with a blank sheet of paper. I slowly climb out of the bottom bunk groggily limping towards the door. I remember falling asleep in the medical bay Onnajo or Fumikage must have brought me up here. Although most likely it was Onnajo because Fumikage is still seriously injured.

As soon as I'm about to reach the door I feel a hand grab my soldier I look over my shoulder and its a partially naked Onnajo. This time she wasn't purely nude she had a kimono on showering her muscular cleavage. Reveling her abs as it was slightly open and I turn my face away from her sighing a bit. "Your leaving already Ishi, You barely got any rest and with those injuries your bound to end up passing out again?" She asks and states out of worry for my well being and I shake my head. "I have my duties as a daimyo, my people need me. This celebration I want to throw is needed so my people feel like they fought for something. So yeah I need to go now and wrap all this up so everyone can rest and return to their families." I say explaining my thought process.

"For a daimyo you sure think like a fucking a dumbass don't you? Too late your not going anywhere everyone is already on their way here and were gonna have a party on this ship and in the village. Everyone wants to be part of this party so stop being so damn selfish! Everyone became part of this war for you and you put on this front like your looking out for everybody but its just all in your self interest! We all follow you now but the route your going down your no better than that daimyo Dosarai! How many people have to get hurt for you huh?! I haven't known you that long but let me say this Ishi. Your little group of friends will baby you, but it is your fault your father died, he even babied you in death saying its not your fault. All of this happened because of your actions!

So every decision you make regardless of the outcome know that you made that decision and stand by it because in this land of daimyo you cant waste time on regret! Trust me as one who used to be a leader, I was a pirate and decided to turn a leaf for my brother. All at the opportunity you showed. I'm still a leader to my people but now I'm one of yours. Whatever goal your aiming for I hope its worth it because now every single one of our lives is in your fucking hand and I wont be a pawn to a child do you understand Ishi?! Man the fuck up!" She shows a hint of being a woman finally as a tear gathers in her eye no doubt from frustration, she yelled and yelled at me and that's what made her a true friend much like Fumikage who called me out on my rage.

I take her rough hand and pull her into a hug putting one hand behind her back patting it as I grip her hand the hug comrades in battle often use. Everything she said is actually the words I have been saying to myself. I know that everything to this point has been selfish, Wanting to unify this land something people will remember me for in history. My name will be the biggest that's selfish as selfish as it can get. I also want to rescue the woman of my dreams, my future wife Shiho that is also selfish. Good or bad the consequences didn't matter to me but maybe they should. I would also like to stop Kagashi from turning against me he is Shiho's little brother I would protect him with my life.

Maybe at some point I would have to open up to my closest friends about what happened and how I got sent back. I'll open up when the opportunity arises. "I get it alright, trust me I know what it takes to lead and no matter what people think of me I take each action seriously but I also have to uphold honor and deals. The situation I landed in wasn't ideal but you know what I met you out of it, a good comrade and the most loyal of friend. You and Fumikage both call me out on my shit I'm lucky to have you both." She almost gets taken aback from what I said separating some space between us and she inhales softly grabbing the collar of my kimono dragging me back to the bed.

"Your going to lay the fuck down and get some rest, Fumikage and I have been sitting on our asses the entire time you've been fighting. You have fought more than anybody in this entire army. Literally every single battle you've taken part of so your gonna catch some sleep and if you don't I'll make it really awkward by man handling you down to the bed. You don't stand a chance against these muscles so just get in and shut those damn eyes!" She yells and rants at me forcing me to lay down in the bed and I close my eyes softly trying to get some sleep but I act asleep for a little bit hoping that she would leave.

I can tell she standing there for moment contemplating something but then she decided to turn and leave. I could hear each one of her footsteps and the door opening and closing shutting hard. I open my eyes slowly and sit up just leaning against the bed looking at my feet. She probably went to go get Fumikage to get help with the party preparations. I just cant wait to have my own futon again, the pirate quarters are nice but I miss sleeping alone when I want to sleep. Life can be strange sometimes, I never thought I'd be spending my nights on a ship bunking with the captain. In the previous life I never once stepped foot on a ship I don't think well that's kind of a lie I did when it was docked. I had to go on the ships to look at the wares merchants brought from foreign lands.

I decided to pace around the room for a little while putting my hands behind my head being confined to this room and I don't face Onnajo's wraith there has been a lot of that lately. Fuck it I'll take me a little nap. I crawl back into the space of the lower bunk my usual sleeping spot this journey so far, I slide my arm under the pillow laying on my side pushing the left side of my face into it as I look at the wall before closing my eyes. I fall asleep shortly after closing my eyes the dark was so comforting surprisingly. I assume a few hours have passed because I wake up to the shaking of my shoulder I am hoping this is the freedom from my confinement. How I miss the battlefields already at least it helps pass the time.

Upon opening my eyes I see a woman with silver hair who seems to be more dressed for the occasion than myself. It's Onnajo but she got all dressed up and made herself pretty for this. "You do know everyone's gonna be in war attire this isn't a feast for a marriage haha" I laugh a bit to myself pushing myself up. "Well I'm counting myself lucky and I'm gonna ignore that comment and rude laughter because its not everyday you see the daimyo with saliva all over his face." I quickly swipe my chin and mouth looking at her with dead fish like eyes. She only said that because she wants to tease me. I start crawling out bed groggily walking towards the door scrubbing my eye crust.

"Hang on there Ishi you can go out looking like that!" She screams and grabs my collar throwing me into a chair she pulled out making it rock. She quickly zips behind me I don't think I have ever seen her so fast before. She takes out my top not and my rough scraggily hair falls down all knotted I haven't had time for hair maintenance lately. "We might be a little late damnit, well were gonna stop by a hot springs and do your hair there because this is a mess, and I cant fix this with my tools." She says this explaining it to me and I shrug my shoulders before shaking my head in disagreement. "Look just let yourself be the best looking one there I'll stay the same and just keep this rugged look I wanna be with my soldiers not dolled up like a geisha." I say getting up going to the door and I can hear Onnajo pouting and getting agitated.

I quickly make my way to the door walking out and walking down the steps in my kimono and armor, I just now realized I'm still in it because I've grown so accustomed to having it on. I can feel Onnajo's powerful steps behind me and ahead of me I see Fumikage dressed to the nines as well. Next to him arm to arm is Kyo, she's is also highlighted with a delighted kimono dress instead of her regular ninja attire. "Fumikage and Kyo, Also Kyo I would like to apologize for not coming back though you were unconscious I pushed myself too far and couldn't come back." I humbly apologize for not returning to the castle. "Oh its fine Lord Ishi, we all know you walked out with all your injuries and even made it back her that's a feat all in its own." She nods before smiling cheerfully.

They both peak behind me and see Onnajo all angry and temperamental, and they see my get up before they really start laughing. "She really didn't tell you what this celebration is about huh? You think its just about the battle we won?" Fumikage says knowing full well that Onnajo didn't say anything. "This party is your indoctrination into becoming the daimyo of Oda or Junichiro clan whatever you want to call it but all that matters to all of us is that your our leader officially." He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "So go to the hot springs and clean up I believe that we all worked hard setting this up for you so don't disappoint."

He says turning around with his date in hand and I sigh a bit, seems like a lot of work but I do owe them for making a big celebration out of a small ordeal. I walk down the steps of the ship onto the dock and I start walking towards the hot springs. I turn around for a moment to address Onnajo who's been following me around like a puppy. "Look I'll meet you back on the ship before I head out to the big thing, did you and Fumikage choose a half decent outfit for me?" I ask her and she nods her head silently before speaking. "Its in your room on the ship, I didn't know what to choose so Fumikage did most of the picking but considering his family is flashy I went with his opinions for everyone's outfits tonight." She explains and I just chuckle a bit. "He chose good you look nice in yours, but could you bring it to one of the hot springs keepers so after my bath I can wear it?"

She looks confused at me after I tell her that and a little frustrated "Yeah yeah sure I'll bring it, lately I've been feeling like a errand boy when I'm a captain damnit what have you done Ishi?!" She says storming off as I enter the building.