
Story of Rain

Rain was the girl who faced bullies all over her life. Her life started to change into new when she heard the stranger's sound clearly. She couldn't see that person but hear his voice again and again. It was happening when her neighbors and friend ask the name of her father. Also, she was feeling sad because her mother never answer her that question. She was trying to ignore their questions. But those weren't stop themselves. It became worse when she attended elementary school. She was crying alone in the dark and called for help. Every time, the stranger's voice told her to let him in and he will change the situation. She couldn't ignore him so she accepted him.. She haven't feel any changes since he get into her body. But she found out what he is later. Her bully friend was keep pointing her weakness. This time, she wasn't her ahymore and shut her friend's mouth by herself. And then, the headmaster called her mother and the person who take care of her since she born. They also found out the devil eyes in her eyes. They tried to take care of her without force her all the time. But things changed again. Once she lacked of control upon that soul, it destroyed her family. She became the psycho murderer but the investigators take a mental test. At last, she ended up her life at mental health hospital. She tries to find out when she gets freedom. She traveled back to the place.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 18

Ms. Molina accidentally knew about the secret experiment on serial killing psychopaths at the hospital. Each residential group home wasn't being the place to start a new life. Those homes were the place for watching their improvements, skills, and talents. Ms. Molina was being the psychiatrist like Ms. Coral who work as Rain's psychiatrist. But Rain was being difficult to understand to cure and take talk therapy. When she once look at Rain's document, she saw that child kill the intruder and even like to kill the animals. None of them could guess what's inside Rain's mind. So, professor Kelvin and others loved to check Rain's brain. The medicial world wasn't being improve yet to cure those kinds of patients. The cold blood psychopaths were diversing around their environment and they even act like ordinary people. Rain was fully recovering and discharge from hospital. But she did run away from group home. Ms. Molina said, "Did she know that already?". Ms. Molina and others didn't know about this. But Rain knew they watch her steps and dislike to get watch everytime. At that time, Nora went into the room by knocking the door. ms. Molina said, "yes, Nora what else do you remember". Nora said, "Rain give me this since she come here". Ms. Molina looked at the black box and then she open it. The thing inside was being horrify for them. Because Rain put her best art in there. Ms. Molina said, "It look like someone's hands". Nora said, "I wasn't taking a look at that box why Rain treasuring this box too much". Ms. Molina said, "The hand with ring may be someone else". Nora said, "Can it be her mother?". Ms. Molina said, "I think so". Nora said, "Why police didn't take it away?". Ms. Molina said, "She may hide this thing somehow". Nora said, "Do you think she will come back for that?". Ms. Molina said, "If she let go of everything, she won't come back".

Rain was thinking about her mother when she went back home. Everyone was preparing for the party. At least, they got a chance to debut and perform on stage with Rain for over three months. On the other hand, they had to practice together for the rock championship. Rain was sitting on the bench right next to the white Lilac bush. She looked up to the sky to see the sunset. The sun goes down faster and the clouds covered the whole sky. All of sudden, someone was touching her cheek with the cold soda can. She was moving away from there. Zac said, "I am sorry for frightening you". She said, "My heart cold as ice because of you". Zac said, "I will call your soul back". She looked at him and said, "You can't do that". Zac said, "Take it and watch". Zac sang, "Butterfly...butterfly came back to her and make her clamer than now". Then, he touched her hair to end this spell. She said, "I am feeling much better now". Zac said, "Didn't I say so". She said, "Where have you learn this spell?". Zac said, "My father ever sang the spell on me if I frighten on something else". She said, "It will be nice to have a father". Zac said, "What about you?". She said, "I haven't seen my father since I was born". Zac said, "I am so sorry for that". She said, "I am coming here for finding the truth of me which my mother hide away from me". Zac said, "Can't you ask to your mother?". She said, "My mother just passed away a long time ago". Zac said, "I am sorry". She said, "You don't have to sorry for that". Zac said, "You are doing all these things for me so I am sorry". She said, "If I don't want to, I will reject your offer from that day". Zac said, "Thank you for everything". Their eyes met in the middle and Zac moved closer to her. She was looking at Zac without moving. At that time, Ned came to them and called their names. They were looking at Ned and said, "we heard it". Then, Ned went back inside. They drunk the coke and take the can back inside. When they got into the kitchen, their heads meet over trash bin. Both of them said, "Ouch". Rain said, "My head is hurt like rock so are you okay". Zac said, "I am fine". V said, "Shut up and have your foods now". Rain said, "Thank you guys for accepting me here and allow me to become one of your family". They were cheering up by raising their jar of beers. Rain was just taking the glass of coke. Zac said, "What happen Rain?". Rain said, "I am not feeling well when I take beer". Zac said, "Okay, leave the youngest member and cheer by ourselves". Their place was getting noisy with the clashing sound of beer jars and then the bunch of laughters to the sky. Rain was leaving that place after having full of stomach. She went back into the tiny room and lay on bed. Her head was aching too much and hear the weird voices over and over again. This time, she wasn't hearing the sound of demon. She heard the past voices of Mr. Drake, her mother, Christina and everyone else at holiday party. She was living with them over years so those memories aren't clearing like nothing happen. She was doing the serial treatments at hospital and spend most time at meditation and music therapy. She even went to take aromatherapy. But none of those could stop the voices in her head. Sometimes, she wanted to take her head off from body. She thought that will be nice and quiet. Whenever she tried to do it by taking the knife from nurses, they lock her up in the room without a window and walls.

The CEO of Troy music distribution was thinking about the past after meeting Rain. He was touching the girl in the photo by saying, "Tell me, Billie, is she your daughter or cousins's daughter?". He was kissing litely on that girl's photo and said, "Whoever she was, I will raise her to become a star". And then, he stepped up to the window and look up the sky. He said, "Do you see this Billie, the sky is crying again". The girl in the photo is Billie Elliot who lost her path to become a star because of a man. The CEO of Troy was being her fan and also the friend. His one sided love can't move her heart. He was getting jealous by the band called Judas invention. The rocker of Judas invention were being too rock and handsome. Every girls with red lips fall for them. But one of them attracted Billie. First, he tried t protect Billie from them. Later, Billie was dating with a guy named Grey. After that, the day of her first debut just arrive. Her manager haven't found Billie at her home and anywhere else they know. That was being the lost for the company.