
Story Of Our Life

Ava was just a girl, a girl whose parents weren't in her life. A girl who had no real friends. Zion was just a boy, a boy who had a bad parent, a boy who had no real happiness. How will these two with their own damage help each other heal? How will they learn to lean on each other, and find out that they were made for each other?

Avallanti · Teen
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4 Chs

Songwriting Class.

The other classes apart from Algebra had no real impact on Ava. Ms.Welch was by far the best teacher Ava's seen in her years. Everything was boring until it was time for songwriting. Once she entered the class, she once again, took a spot at the back corner of the class.

However, she didn't even get a chance to fully settle in when she noticed Zion sitting down right next to her. Once again, the moment she looked him in the eyes that warm smile appeared once again.

"Hey Ava, how were your classes?" He asked with a knowing smile as he gazed at her.

"Well my first class was pretty cool, other than that though they were pretty boring." She said casually, shrugging her shoulders in nonchalance before rolling her eyes at the smirk that appeared on his face as if to say: 'I knew it.'

"Don't worry as long as I'm here, there won't be a boring moment in your life. That is, if you'll keep me." He coolly responded, before looking her in the eyes to gauge her response.

To which, Ava simply responded with a soft smile before closing her eyes and tilting her head while leaning back in her chair. He had 0 idea what that meant but he assumed it was good.

However, before he could follow up with anything the bell rang to alert the students to be in class and the teacher walked up from his desk, up to the board in the front of the class.

He had curly brown hair and plain hazel eyes, he also stood pretty tall, if she had to guess he was 6'7. Overall he also seemed friendly, not at the level of Ms.Welch but he was pretty cool.

"Welcome to my class guys and girls, my name is Mr.Nygma. Hope you all are having a luuuuvely evening today. This is the last class a day, but that does not mean it's the easiest or the one you relax on. In this class, I will be teaching you anything you want to learn pertaining to making songs. So! What does this mean? It means you can learn guitar, piano, vocals, flute, whatever we have in here. Are there any questions?" He finished as he scanned the room with a serious expression. Even the energy she got from his body language changed. It seemed the moment the class starts he's on top of his shit.


No one had expected him to start off like that. All of the teachers Ava saw were boring, of course excluding Ms.Welch. Even Zion was staring forward blankly, she had never seen Zion shocked, he always gave everyone and everything who wasn't her an indifferent but also condescending attitude. 

It seems this teacher has more to him than meets the eye...

"Since there are only 6 of you, which is the maximum for my class. We will individually go through what each of you wants to learn. Then, I will individually come around and start each of you on whatever you pick. Do keep in mind, that this is also a class where you are expected to work together. This means I expect you guys to help each other with your issues before you come to me, maybe even take the initiative to guide each other without needing it." He said, before individually asking each student what they wanted to learn. Finally, he stopped on Zion, to be honest, Ava was curious about what he wanted to learn too.

"I want to learn singing." Answered Zion, it seems his nonchalance returned since he answered the question as casually as possible as he leaned back in his chair and put one leg on top of his other in a v shape.

"What about you ms...?" Asked the teacher while adding a dramatic pause at the end as he waved his hand outwards.

"Ava, the names Ava, and I want to learn piano." This time, the teacher raised an eyebrow. Students usually pick a string instrument or they pick singing. She was the first one to ask to learn piano. 

"Would you mind explaining why by chance?" He asked, before slowly walking over to her and sitting in the chair in front of Zion and Ava.

"It's because I already know guitar and I know how to sing. So I just want to learn the piano." She answered while looking him in the eye. She didn't know why but this teacher awoke a challenging side of her. She wanted to be able to meet his gaze for some reason.

Neither Ava nor Zion liked to look people in the eyes for different reasons. For Zion, it's because he revealed too much in his eyes and he didn't want people to see it. For Ava, it's because it reminds her of the pity in the eyes of everyone who knew her, or maybe the gaze of her father as he told her not to bother him. However, the strange thing was they had no problem looking each other in the eyes.

Now this teacher makes the 3rd person she met the gaze of today. She could already tell there's something about this year that's gonna be special.

"Would you mind playing a song for us?" He asked, still not looking away from her.

She froze.

Ava didn't want to stand out, and she knew how good she was with music. She knew she'd attract some sort of attention. Her and her big mouth. She just had to say something.

She looked around, scanning the room. There were only 6 people here, 4 if you don't count her and Zion. Surely the entire school wouldn't find out about this because of 4 people right? Yeah, she convinced herself that her luck was nowhere near that terrible.

"Alright, I'll perform 'I Would Never Fall In Love'" she said, as she grabbed a guitar from the side of the wall and slid her chair to the front of the room. She could see Zion staring intently, she had never sung for him before. Although she did tell him it was something she enjoyed and something she was good at, he had never actually heard it. He was already looking forward to it.

She started off with a sweet hum as she smiled to brighten her tone, but also lowered it down from the original note. She knows her voice naturally sounds high, especially if she smiles while singing so she always sings lower.

However, if only Zion had looked at her seriously before, now everyone was. Even though it was only a beginning hum it sounded beautiful enough for them to know that she was good.

"Georgia. Wrap me up in all your, I want ya, in my arms oh let me hold ya." She mixed some fast vibrato on every 3rd word starting from the first, still holding her smile. Every note sounded like a blessing to everyone's ears. She also sang with a little extra breath and slightly slurred the words as an artistic choice to make it sound sweeter and more emotional. It proved to be effective since even Mr.Nygma was staring at her seriously.

She continued to sweetly perform each line until the end. To which she received a round of applause from everyone when she reached the end.

"Amazing, Ava, you sound amazing." Said Zion, still with his everlasting shocked face. She swore she could see him even close his eyes during her performance so as not to miss a single detail.

"Consider me thoroughly impressed Ava. It seems you really don't need to learn guitar or singing." Spoke Mr.Nygma, as admiration filled his gaze. He was impressed that she was already this good at 15 years of age.

The rest of the class though kinda went normally, he would individually come around and start to teach them the basics of whatever they picked, Ava also thought piano was a pretty intresting instrument. 

It was different from guitar, more soothing and flowy, she liked it.

To be honest, now she just couldn't wait for what the future holds.