
Story of Minami Namizake

ROB ROBBED me of my life and gave me a skill by rolling roulette. I reincarnated as Minami Namizake genderbend version of Minato Namikaze.

abnormaly_smol · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Academy and Kushina

Today was academy enrollment day. Many clans and citizens came to enroll their children to academy. I am there alone as the higher-up of village already had information about me. The Academy teacher are testing students. After an hour, It was time for my batch for test. It was fairly easy, I aced all of them. And I was assigned in class 1A. There were many clan kids in that class like the heir Ino-shika-chou clans, Hyuga Twins Hiashi and Hizashi, From uchiha Fugaku uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha. There were a lot more canon fodders as well as most of parents of konoha 12 genin.

Anyway, The classes started like how it should be. Just like that time went on.

After 6months of time, Mito told me "That monkey and Danzo were very anxious about the next inheritor of kyuubi. They wants me to send a letter to my clan, so that they would send someone to become kyuubi vessel. What do you think? Do you want to meet Kushina? Your male version was couple with her in Anime." She asked me with teasing tone.

"Sure, why not? It's her fate to come here anyway. " I replied and she went to write message. Although she won't be going to inherit kyuubi because Mito won't be dying in this timeline. But it's still good to have a hot temper loli by your side.

After a month or so, Mito informed me that Kushina will come today. At noon, Mito came with a red hair nervous loli behind her. and said "Kushina meet Minami. She is my adopted granddaughter. Get along with her."

I stood up from seat and went to her " Hello there, I'm Minami. It's nice to meet you."

Kushina was surprised by attitude as when she came to village this morning, everyone was giving her stink her expect hokage and Mito-sama. It made her happy and she said boldly. "Hi, I'm Kushina Uzumaki it's nice to meet you. DATTEBAYO" [DATTEBAYO or 'YOU KNOW'? 🤔 Well whatever, anything goes with naruto and Kushina]

After that we had a chat with the three of us and After dinner the day came to an end.

Next morning, me and Kushina went to academy together as the village was giving us stink eyes for some reason.

After reaching academy we went on our different ways.

When our sensei came inside classroom, he was with kushina behind his back.

"Class we have a new student, ' gesturing to Kushina' now introduce yourself" Sensei said.

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki, DATTEBAYO" Kushina yelled. She didn't said anything about becoming hokage as in the first place she said that because she thought that people hated her and by becoming hokage they won't be doing it anymore. but I already told her about it that village higher-ups wants to manipulate her with this way and control her. Yes just like how naruto was.

Anyway, after Kushina introduced herself, most students in class started their shits about how ugly she is and insulting her hair. Most of those kids were civilians.

Ignoring their bickering, I shouted to Kushina to sit with me. She happily came while threatening those civilians.

Anyways, Just like that time went on 6 months passed and Kushina also became Mito's Disciple. The higher-up of village were confused as to why Mito is still alive as back a few years ago she could hardly control kyuubi anymore and now she's back to full health again. The most disturbed one was Danzo as he already had leaked the information about how to entre the Uzumaki village to other great villages. And they were preparing to destroy Uzumaki village.

Anyway, onto my Rinne-sharingan topic. I can use all six paths and susanoo that I practiced in other deserted dimensions. And I can use Kenjutsu in master level as well but I need real fighting experience. I learned many fuin-jutsu seals and mastered it, I can use my skill to materialized any type of seal that I can think of like perfect reanimation jutsu that uses nature energy and seals to create and revive someone with only someone's dna . I can already use FTG with my own fuin-formula. And it's been 2 years I started Taijutsu training with gravity and weight seals. As I'm now 9 year old and 7 year age is most appropriate to start hardcore body training. I started learning 8gate technique which was easy to use due to my regenerative factor. And I can open 3 gates as of now. On ninjutsu, as I have wind release primary before eating chakra fruit and cell mutation. So, I learned wind nature transformation as my first in a year as I can't spam it with shadow clones. I have a lot to do in my plate right now. Anyway, I can't make Wind style rasenshurikin without hurting my hand although it would heal right after that perfectly. I also learned my own materialized wind style jutsu like wind style: wind great blade , wind storm, Winged tiger, Wind Excalibur, Planetary breakthrough etc and these all are S rank jutsu with great potential that can reach Planetary level of destruction.

Anyway, on to my relationship with kushina. I turned her into bisexual. We kiss a lot these days because it feels good but not that good when you do it during and puberty as I can't even feel myself getting turned on. Same for Kushina. But we do a lot of shameless things in front of Mito who also joins our lesbian gang.

Anyway, I thought about having nano bots inside my body with which I can give my body more nutrition and get information about body in details as well as my progress. it will be a good assistant. But first I should decide which metal I will be using to make.

Uru from marvel can store energy inside of it and vibranium absorbs kinetic energy. Well, I will merge them into one.

After materializing both metals and thought about fusion of both of them and here you go a new metal appeared. I then thought about nano bots for my body with a advance AI. After getting an injection full of nano bots and injected in myself and I got my self an AI for assistance.


"Your name will be Eve from now on. Now then, System show me my current status."


Name: Minami Namizake / Uzumaki (Adoption)

Age: 9

Bloodline: Unique to host (name can be given)

Kekkai Genkai: None (can be obtained with enough nature transformation practice)

Affinities: 5 basic nature, Yin Yang , Space, Time (Due to Rinne-sharingan)

Nature transformation Practice: Wind 100%

Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning 15%, 12%, 13%, 16%


Rinne-sharingan ↑

Time travel (No restrictions)

Dimensional Travel


[No inferior version like rinnegan or Sharingan were found hence the abilities are limited to evolution of dojutsu]

Unique Skill: Arc of embodiment


Ninjutsu ↓ (all ninjutsu technique that he learned)

Taijutsu ↓

Fuin-jutsu ↓

Kenjutsu ↓





I was impressed by my Status. "Eve try to turn my body into most perfect state as you can and absorb inside yourself and then mutate my cells into more advanced state."

Well these things are done. Now I have a few more things to next. Soul meditation, as I already have a strong body which made my soul strong too but I should still get something for my soul training before my soul becomes my weakness. And next should be Senjutsu or more like Six path mode. I can get that by obtaining all 9 tailed beasts chakra. Alrighty the, I will train my soul for now.

After materializing a few of the best soul training method for myself I Started my soul training.

ANYWAY, It looks like other villages are ready to attack Uzumaki village and Mito was also ready to revive both Hashi and Tobi. She wanted to make an epic entrance with these two brothers by going against the three great villages with just the three of them. And her preparations were done. And she activated the seal. I was right beside her, Kushina was also with us.

We saw all the process, as nature energy started to get absorb inside the given DNA. Their bodies started to come to shape. After a while There lies the soulless bodies of both Hashi and Tobi. Then bright light shine and two soul entered their respected bodies.

Both of them opened their eyes and looked around, when Hashirama's eyes met with Mito. He was about to say something but he couldn't as Mito jumped on him and hugged him and started crying.

Hashirama's mouth was still opened as he couldn't process what was happening but after calming down he tried to comfort Mito as much as he can. While those were on their emotional scenes. Tobirama understood his situation and inspected his body which was out of his expectations. As he thought that he was reanimated with imperfect reincarnation technique of his but he was in his natural body. he could feel that he was perfectly alive.

After calming Mito down, Hashirama asked her " Mito what's going on? We were dead and were residing in pure land. But suddenly we both are in impure world. how?"

Mito wiped her tears and yelled at him, saying "What? you don't like being here with me. Anyway you were revived by me and you won't be leaving this world until I say so. And that goes the same thing for you too Tobirama. You were still single before your death so you're going to find someone to marry and have children." Mito lectured the both of them and two of them agreed as they didn't had anything to do in pure land anyway.

Mito then introduced both Kushina and I to Hoshi and Tobi. After all talk was done we inspected their bodies and the results were. Both of them have Ageless body because it was made with nature chakra. They both had permanent sage mode. 8 gates were also opened permanently.

After finishing inspection, I told them that they can train their new power and get use to it in different dimension. Both of them agreed.

After a few days, the trio of Mito, Hashi and Tobi were used to their powers. As three of them sparred each other. And they prepared themselves for the next coming event of battle of Uzushigakure.