


"Let me give him a call." she said as she picks up her Phone from the bed. "uhn I have a message, it's from Austin..

it says.....Meet me outside your place.

"seriously, he's waiting outside?" Now she was so shy to see him." "Mum, would be leaving now." she slams the door.

"Where is he." looked for him.

"Anita." he called.

she turns to look at him....." Oh my goodness he looks like a prince from heaven, with such a style on him." her heart dropped from inside. "I won't look so good beside him." she detailed. " You look so pretty." he bent over to tell her. she blushed. "Oh gush it's so freaking hot, don't you think." she gave an excuse.

"let's get going." he said. "Where we going by the way." "Let's fine out." made her browse around in her head.


"wow, it's like the game store we went to back then." she was surprised..

"I love this one, "THE ALIENS INVADED." She played the game..."I nailed it." feeling proud of herself. "let me give it a try."he said.

"He always looks good in every thing, wow all this thinking from having an handsome boyfriend." she pinned her heart out. "I don't look so good looking looking." he said while playing the game. "Are you kidding me? you look like prince Aurthur the third. He smiled. "I guess I said that out loud." itched the back of her head. He stood up.. "you can be so cute". he grabbed her chin cutely. "I thought this happens only in movies." she cut inside herself. "Want to play another." ... After some couples of games...

" wow it was fun in there." she said. " Am glad you had fun." he said

"We have one more place to go." he said.

"Really, where?" she asked surprised. "You will see." he said again... " Just tell me please." she begged as he sets his fingers into hers and laugh's... "You will see okay." "oh alright." her heart skipped.

"Wow where is this place." she found herself standing in front of a house. "My place." He broke out to her. "What your place?" she paused.

He smiled again, opens the door..

she walks in...." Wow you've got a wonderful place." she complimented.

"Yeah after my mum died and the grieving was over my dad travelled around the world to continue his acting business.

"oh, am sorry about that." feels sad.

"it's fine, I was staying with my Aunt for some time then I got my place." he said.

"It's a lovely place.." she said. "can feel so lonely atimes." he said.

"Wait here, do have a sit.." he said a he walked into his room.

She sat down on a very soft chair. " this is so comfortable, I could away if I get to comfortable..sigh I guess he's been so lonely." she said sadly.


"Am glad I brought this dress and heels for her, it was hard getting a perfect one.






He walks around checking out clothes.

" sorry I couldn't bring the person I wanted to check this dresses out." he said to the one of the costumers there..."I think you have the same body figure as her do mind helping check it out on you." he said Chucky. "smiles.. I see this person is so dear to you." the young lady said. " I don't mind it." she said again. "thanks." he smiled. He gave the dress to her. she changed into the dress and came out from the changing room. "it looks perfect." He analyzed. "yeah sure it's lovely." she said. She went back in and took it off.. then folded it neatly, she came out from the changing room. "hmm This would be a perfect match heels for her." the lady pointed out. "Thanks for trying it on." he thanked her dearly. "You welcome." she went on. "Ooowps, that wasn't easy." he said with shaded face.


He got out of his room dressed in a tuxedo and brushed out hair...his hair was shining and smooth. Anita was stunned at what she saw on him. "Here." he gave her the shopping bag. "What's in it?" She deeps her hand inside the bag and brought out the heels and a red velvet gown from the bag. "Wow, you got this for me?" she was amazed. "Go into that room and get changed." he said to her with a wonderful smile. Her mind bubbled so much she could pop off. She went into the room..."wow the lights off, where is the switch, helped her hand to search for the switch. "oh here it is." she said. she switched on the lights.. She was so excited, she couldn't read what was written on the door. (Austin's special room.) ..."what is this room"... she saw a digital camera on a table. "This room is so wide.".. said as she got cold chills.. she looks at a corner and saw something that blew her mind...,

"What's all this?"... she was shocked to see the pictures of herself on a board.. "This is me in this pictures." she wonders... just then a hand grabbed her from the waist and pulls her towards him then stares into her eyes...it was Austin, now he was so close..

Why is his heart racing so much?" she shockingly said. "Why does my heart want to burst out." He bent over to her face and kissed her softly... Her eyes wanted to bulge out.. "Is this Really happening" she said inside of her. She also kisses him back...


Awkward! for a moment... they blushed... "i.. uhm...they went short if words. "What's this place Austin and why are my pictures all over, this looks like a long time ago..." she asked with an amazed face. "I will tell you after dinners.." He said softly.. "get changed okay." he touches her chin again.. and left the room. "Wow it's a whole lot." she said as she dressed up.

she came out from the room.. " "My gush, she looks so beautiful." he said. "does it fit." she asked shyly. "You look beautiful." he rubs the back of his head and parted his heart. "Thanks." she blushed..

He takes her hand as they walked out of the house.


"WOW.. this is quite an expensive restaurant.." she giggled.

The waiter came and asked for their orders..

"we'll have your macaroni rolls with pizza and your special specials." Austin said.

They brought the food... "Do you like this place." he asked her. "it's lovely I must say, and their food tastes so delicious." she said. Gush my tasting buds are rejoicing, it's been a while I had something this nice. "Am glad you like it here." "I will just embrace this moment." she thought..

"Wow that hits the spot." she dazzled.

"Let me walk you home." he said.

He settles the bills and they both left the restaurant.

"silence! silence!silence..went all over.

"Now tell me how you have my pictures and fill it up in that room.

"yeah, back then...

"wait, back then? she gazed at him

"smiles..listen Alright.. you were the only girl I liked so much, I couldn't stop thinking about you. those days when you don't get to see me I use to follow you around and take pictures of you, I wanted to have them and smile when I don't get to see you." He said cutely. "smiles..I see you took alot of my pictures." she said. "Yeah..rubs the back of his neck. "I liked you back then too." she said lovingly.. That made his heart sparkle. "It's getting late now, let's me walk you home." he said.


"Thanks for everything." she gave him a lovely peck." "You..you welcome." he stammered sweetly. "Good night." she said as she walks towards the door ... "Goodnight."he said back. They both blushed sweetly and went their ways..

Calls Betty...

Betty: Whaaat, you guys kissed??? Freakingly amazed.

Anita: HAHAHAHA..yes we kissed.

"I don't have to tell her about the pictures." She thought.

Betty:awwn am so happy for you.

Anita: (she blushes). Thanks deary.

Betty: Alright see you tomorrow... Would you like to come to my work place tomorrow?

Anita: sure am totally free.

Betty: Alright see you then.

Anita: Bye.


Anita: Did you get home already.

Austin: yes my love, in bed now. What about you?

Anita: Am also in bed, sure had a lovely day.

Austin: yeah, it was.

Anita: Will talk tomorrow okay..

Austin: Alright...

"Will he just say Alright?

Austin: I love you

Takes a deep breath heeeeehee. "I feel so tingly" she went butterflies.

Anita: I love you too.

Austin: bye love

Anita: bye love.


"Aaarg, I thought of him the whole night I couldn't sleep well..




"What was that." She felt her lips... heeeheeee blushes in bed. "when I think about the kiss I go rubbed."

"He looked so manly too...gush am about to explode.


"Gush look at the sacks under my eyes." I would be using some makeup to cover those up.

"Wow am ready.. I need to get some lipsticks." She said calculating the money on her.

Am ready..

"Mum, am going over to Betty's work place."

"Alright don't be late for dinner, darling." Mrs Stella said.


"Hey Anita." Betty waved her hands to her feeling so happy

"Hi Betty.. she walked towards her..

"It's nice to see you.. it can be so boring atimes here.

"Am glad I could come." She said a she took her sit at there service area.

"So tell me how it went with Austin?" She asked..

"Firstly we went to the game center to play some games... just when I thought it was over he took me to his house."she was saying...

"Wait, to his house, for real babe?" Betty was shocked to hear that

"I was just shocked as you are right now."Anita said.

"smiles..the Austin I know won't do that to just any girl." Betty briefed to her.

"Guess what..


"He got me a dress." she gloried.

"wow, really?" same with Betty

"like no guy has ever gotten me a dress before." she said.

"I feel so happy for you." Betty said sweetly.

That gave Anita a wonderful chill.

"A cup of black coffee, please." a voice said.

"Oops anita I would be right back." "oh, alright." she left to sell some coffee.


Anita: Hey Austin

Austin: hey babe

Anita: how are you doing.

Austin: Not so good I got a cold.

Anita: Really? sorry about that love.

Anita: used anything..

Austin:no not yet but I will.

Anita: Take a rest okay.

Austin: Thanks babe, I will.

Anita: bye!

Austin: bye babe.

" I should go see him today, would be a surprise and I also have to get him some meds for the cold." she thought.

"Betty, would come again next time, I've got to get going."she said.

"oh alright Ani, thanks for coming." she waves a sweet bye at her.


"Alright, I guess this all he will be needing for the cold." she said as she walks out from the store..


DING DONG..the door bell rang.

Austin went to look who was there..


"Hey":she said.

"you didn't tell me you'll be coming." he was surprised.

"wanted to surprise you and give you this." she gave the box of meds to him it says VITAMINS on it. "oh come inside." he said.

She went inside.. and sat down on the soft sofa. "Thanks for this." he said sweetly as it gave her goosebumps."

"Eaten anything?" she asked.

"Uhm ate some snack couldn't cook anything." he said

Cough cough cough..he coughed out gently.

"sorry babe." she moved closer to were he stood. "Why don't you lie down and I make hot soup for you, then you use your meds." she said looking like an angel.

That also gave him goosebumps..

"sniffs in, Alright."

He went and laid on a couch..

Now she was done with the soup. puts it on a plate and brought it to him.

He pretends to sleep...

"oh he's asleep already." she said.

" let me just cover this then..

she bent down to his face..

" he looks just like an angel when he sleeps."

"Austin's brows, eyes, nose and his lips." she noted just then he opens his eyes..

"That got her to freak out as she stood up immediately to look away.

"where you studying my face." He said with a big smile.

" You weren't sleeping the whole time?" she dropped.

The nodded his head left and right slowly.

"oh my gush and i was doing all that, I feel so embarrassed." she said in her thoughts as she covers the left side of her face.

"sit up you have to drink the soup, it's still warm." she said with a frown on her face.

"you don't have to feel embarrassed about it." " I love when you act so cute." he said as he took her chin again and kissed her softly. Grabs her from her waist..

"I don't want this to stop.."she thought..

Her phone rang out... says SWEET MUM

They both stopped what they were doing.

"uhm it my mum." she picks.

Anita: hey mum

Mum: Ani there would like you to get so food items from the food store on your way home.

Anita: Alright mum text it to me.

mum: Alright darling, byee

"she wants me to get some items from the food store." she said.

"Oh alright, so I guess I will see you tomorrow at school." He said looking so cute. "yes sure." she said.

"The test would be coming up in two days time" he including.

"Am seriously studying on that." she lied.

"sadly I have to leave" she thought.

saw her to the door.. "Take the hot soup alright, it should help along with your meds." she said. He hugged her warmly. "thanks for caring." he said gently.

"it's fine ok, she placed her hand on his left cheek.. I love you." she said sweetly

That made is inside tickle..

They both waved byee.


"Mum, I got the items." she said. "Thanks my angel." Mrs Stella said as she checks the items out.

"I will be up in my room studying." she said.

"Will call you when, dinner's ready." her mum said.


She lies in her bed..

she got a text...

Austin: taken my meds, thanks...

"it was thoughtful of me to have done that." she praised herself.