


Nathan frown as he heard a scream from a few distance away and so he close his eyes and search for the cause. Using his connection to nature to scan the Area, he found two beast-like man wearing some form of hospital gown? and a woman who's sprawled in the ground nursing her broken arm.

"Peoples?" He questioned before burrowing into the ground heading to their direction.

He was currently in the middle of the Canadian forest doing his job of restoration but for some reason he end up with this some kind of cliche event.

He arrived in the area and decided to observe the group while still hidden underground, he was shock to see the two beast-like men, who look similar to those of demi-humans from Isekai novel he used to read. The bulky person was similar to a Lion, while the lithe one seems to have similar characteristics to a cheetah.

Nathan's frown deepened especially when he saw the mark on the Beast man's gown, X156-L10N and the woman bearing a lab coat with US Department of Agriculture, suspicious he hurriedly inspected the immediate area and was shock to find an underground base a km away.

'US Department of Agriculture? What the! Why are they here? This is just too suspicious...' Nathan thought.

"We've waited our entire life for this day! To finally be able to defile your body and slowly kill you with our bare hands!" Snarled the Lion man.

The cheetah person laugh cruelly as he then grab the broken arm of the woman.


"How does it feel doctor? to cry in agony like we did as you simultaneously harvest our dna, the feeling of broken bones as you force bits of metals into it!" Said the Cheetah, he then grab her clothes and pulled, ripping her clothes off her. "But don't worry though... the pain will be temporary because you'll feel good when we're done with you!" The cheetah added with another laugh and let go of her.

The doctor cowered and fall down, she winced because of her arm and hug herself trying to cover her expose body. "I-I...was just following...o-orders!" sob the woman.

The duo laugh which then turned into full blown rage as the lion shouted with spite "orders...hahaha!! ...ORDERS!!! YOU FUCKING EXCUSE OF A HUMAN MURDERED MY WIFE, TORTURED MY KID AND LOCK ME UP FOR TWELVE YEARS LIKE AN ANIMAL!!...there's a hell to pay for what you did to my family and we'll start by ravaging your body..." which made the woman cower even more as more tears run down on her cheeks.

Nathan, who was listening underground was shock to say the least, as the talk of murder and torture made him question even more about the facility, it put him now in a dilemma as hearing everything the woman did to them made him question, if he should save the woman or just let the beast duo get their well deserve revenge.


A roar disrupted him from his musing as he felt tremors, he immediately search for the cause and saw a large yeti like beast moving very fast towards them.

"What the hell!" Shouted the Cheetah.

"O-oh no!" The trembling woman mouted.

The lion heard the woman and grab her by the neck and ask.

"What is that!" He ask but before the woman could answer, the monster jumps down infront of them and pummeled the cheetah into the ground and not even giving him time to react, thankfully though the Lion manages to jump away into a tree branch just in time, while also dragging the woman with him.

"Fuck!" The Lion man


The beast shouted once more as it grab the cheetah person's mungled body and eat it.

"We need to get out of here!" The woman shouted in panic.

Nathan who was shock from the turn of events manage to recover and created huge vines to snare the beast.


The beast easily tore the vines and made a jump and punch the ground where the vine sprouted creating tremors that can be felt a km away.

Nathan appeared out of the side of the tree and shouted to the other people and said "Run away! I'll distract it!"

Nathan didn't realize it that time but a mask formed around his face similar to the ones Obito wore when he decided to save Rin.

Nathan for this trip wore a white winter coat, camo cargo pants and combat boots.

The Lion and the woman was both shock at the appearance of this weird man, who just appeared beside the tree. The Lion frowned as he look at the woman he was carrying by her arms and to the beast who keeps punching the ground as new vines sprouted from it, lashing out. He then made a decision and throw the woman unto the Beast and run away.


"Shit!" Nathan curse as he immediately created a hand made of wood and catch the woman, The arm then got out of the immediate surrounding of the beast and formed into a large enclosed dome that protected the woman with enough holes for air.


The beast roared and jump once again slamming into the dome cracking it, Nathan then created huge log from the side of the dome and push the beast away.

"I need to finish this quickly" Nathan said as then three other arms sprouted from the ground and restrain the beast while he simultaneously jump off from the tree his currently in, to deliver a superpowered punch to the face which daze the creature momentarily.

He then created two wooden dragons that slam and wrap around the beast securely as huge spike grow out from the dragons impaling the beast.


The beast cried in pain but Nathan didn't let up and created a lot more spikes in the inside of its body.

"w-wenn-dii-goo-o...." and with that the beast cried its last.

Nathan sighed and swipe the sweat on his brows. He then turned to the dome towards the woman he just save, he open the dome and let the woman out.

The woman, who was let out was still trembling. She thank Nathan for saving her, which he just shook his head and said coldly to her "The only reason why I save you was because I need answers so talk, what was that thing?"

The woman trembled thinking that she was saved but only to jump in to a lion's den.

Nathan frown at the naked woman and created a dome huge dome over them, while vines grew and covered it to insulate them from the cold leaving only small port holes to serve as windows, followed by a small bell-like fruit sprouting from the vines that produces light and heat.

He took off his Jacket and then gave it to the woman, he said "wear it and tell me about the facility away from here."

The woman's eye widened after Nathan mention the facility and trembled...but after a few minute of being quiet she started talking.


"So you're telling me that, that place kidnaps mutants and experiments on them by the orders of the government!?" Nathan angrily ask.

The woman who introduce herself as Halsey trembled and just nodded.

Nathan close his eyes and then let out a few breaths to calm himself down.

"The others what happen to them and that creature what was that?"

"The people in the facility are already dead killed by a mutant called Wolverine, one of the more ferocious mutant in the facility. While the other mutants were save by an unknown mutant group that stormed the facility while I only manage to survive because those two wanted to get revenge on me....." Halsey pause and then added "The beast as you call it, is a Native around this part and was captured by the facility for experimentation but it cause them a lot of soldiers to capture the Wendigo and we only manage to capture it by chance." She added.

Nathan jog his memory about X-men origin and come to terms that everything doesn't add up although he knew the name Wolverine and he speculated that those unknown mutant group must be the X-men.

"Alright then, as thanks for answering my question I'll drop you off to the nearest town with enough money to survive from there you can only relyon yourselve to survive."

Nathan wanted to kill this woman infornt of him really badly for the things she did but he just can't do the deed! He's okay with monster like creature but a human? It's easier said than done so he would give this a woman a chance.

"Yes that'll be enough for me, thank you for sparing me" said Halsey, she was already happy just to be left alive and would not like to be with this man anymore or else he might decide to kill her just because and beside she can work her way their to the city.

"Hn." And with a wave of his hand the whole structure burrowed back to the ground and disappear as vines then grew and wrap around the woman while secretary planting a small seed on her back so he can track her later on, the vine then carried her to the towns direction.

After giving one hateful look towards the direction of the facility, he then burrowed to the ground and disappear.


A huge wooden dragon sprouted from the ground and slammed into the facility destroying everything in it sight as it then burrowed to ground and did the same to the underground level, destroying every floor there is to the facility and after everything was destroyed a huge forest then emerge from the ground and gobbled up the entire facility.

The dragon on the other hand planted itself to the ground and turned into a tree a bit larger than others leaving no evidence of what destroyed the facility.

New Chapter for all of you so enjoy!

MarineEngineercreators' thoughts