
RiverStar Building in Gangnam (1) – PART 1

The general affairs manager took Team Leader Min-Sook Oh from GH Media to a plum farm close to the GH Mobile factory. Surprisingly, there was a restaurant on the farm that looked like a restaurant in a fairy tale book.

"Wow. I never expected to see a restaurant in this location."

Team Leader Min-Sook Oh was impressed by the unusual restaurant that was situated inside a plum farm. It certainly gave exotic feeling to Min-Sook who was staying most of the time in a busy city—Gangnam, Seoul. Moreover, there was a pond in front of the restaurant with all sorts of various flowers that were blooming.

"This restaurant specializes in Korean food."

The general affairs manager ordered the Korean table d'hote for two, which included more than 20 side dishes. Team Leader Min-Sook Oh thought she was having an extravagant lunch that day. The general affairs manager asked a few questions to Min-Sook, which he had been wondering about.

"Does President Gun-Ho Goo own 100% of the GH Media?"