
New Product (3) – PART 2

Gun-Ho asked Jae-Sik to make a reservation for a good restaurant around the Gangnam Station area.

"How many seats do I need to reserve?"

"Around fifteen people will be coming. I guess the same number of people showed up when we had a gathering at Gyeongridan Street last time."

"Who are coming?"

"Those friends who talked bad behind you, that you were a swindler."

"Our classmates from high school?"


"I don't want to see those people."

"You sound just like Min-Hyeok."

"Is Min-Hyeok coming too?"

"Yeah. He is visiting Korea soon because his grandmother passed away. He will come to our gathering as well."

"If Min-Hyeok is coming, I will join the gathering too."

"Okay. Pick a quiet place."

"I know a good place in the area. I will make a reservation."

Gun-Ho's cell phone started ringing; it was a call form Won-Chul Jo who was working as a manager in a big company.

"Shoot. I feel like I am being surrounded by all the friends from high school these days."