
Sorceress Suprem (291 words)

Inside a temple that goes by the name of Kamar-Taj, home and training ground to wielder of the mystic arts, are three people sitting opposite each other.

An old man with many wrinkles on his face and two young woman all wearing similar robes.

The old man or better know as Merlin, current sorcerer supreme and master of the sanctums on earth, is using one of the most powerful artefacts in his possession, the eye of Agomoto, to make his final decision as to which of his two apprentices shall inherit the title of supreme sorcerer.

He himself was already old and will in fact die this very night, so it was time to name his successor.

With the eye of Agomoto which contains one of the six infinity stones, the time stone, he gazes into two different possible futures.

In one he chooses Nuala, she would later on go by the name of the ancient one and make a contract with Dormammu the master of the dark dimension to life for a long time and lay the foundation for certain key events to guide a group of people to great things while protecting the world form mystical threats.

In the other one he chooses Noel, an anomaly with no past further back than when she was ten years old, and from her future actions, aware of a possible future even without access to the time stone.

She is driven by curiosity and ambition, in the future she will do many drastic things, but at the end of the day, earth will remain save and even suffer less destruction than when Nuala were the sorcerer supreme because of her proactive nature and willingness to interfere and stop none mystical threats too.