
Alien body Explorer (198 words)

[Greeting's Kia Mora Vesta, descendant of the creators. You together with twenty others have been sent on an expedition into the unknown space each with your own ship equipped with all necessary features to set up fully functional research stations and secure your own safety and survival.]

Listening to the electronic voice talking directly into her mind Kia starts to experience something akin to a flashback as memories of a foreign life on foreign worlds play through her mind.

[Because of the uncertainty of your survival when traveling through the gate that sent you and your fellow explorers into the unknow space we had to make certain preparations that included uploading your conscious into an isolated hardware while keeping your body in a sealed stasis pod.]

'Well, shit! Reborn into the digital mind of an uploaded explorer that was sent into an unknown territory. This gives me the same feels as the intro of an exploration and base building game. Alone, in possession of everything one needs to start building and deep within unclaimed territory. Yep, totally looks like a base build game.' Trying to make sense of her current situation Kia couldn't help but find it funny.