
games and story's

so this is the second chapter so I gonna talk a bit about games and story's I wrote when I've had time none of my Storys are good though but that fine as I not much of a writer but back to the point of this chapter I guess since this is kind of like a journal I'll say some of the games I like I kind of like first person shooters but third person ones are good to I've played a couple fighting games such as mortal Kombat and I thought that were fun but I can't say that they are favorite type of game though but one game I did like was forager its a small game and if you tried you could finish it in a day but it's still lots of fun in my opinion calming games like forager are great for you get stressed terraria is also a good game I enjoy a lot I havent played a all of terraria compared to a lot of people but I have beaten the game a couple of times you know I'm losing track of time while I writing this it's kind of funny as I thought writing this would take a lot more time but I guess I'm just writing what I'm thinking at the moment so these a just the thoughts of another human being on this earth what I think is quite neat to know the thinking process of someone else but this isn't exactly my thinking process all the time as I kind of have two sides one when I buy other people and one when I'm by myself and your experiencing the one for when Im by myself so back to the topic at hand the story's there not good but I wouldn't know much as I don't let other people read them I am the kind of person that is not very creative I can't just think of something and just start writing about about that topic well except now I guess I keep saying I guess its kind of funny but i keep straying away from the topic but yeah thought if I am given a topic I can write a good bit as I'm sorry for putting this story under game it's just there was nothing what this story really fit under so I just chose one maybe if someone asks and gives me a ok topic to write about will you get me to actually write a story well that's the end of this chapter