
the Changes because of a new flamel(HP STORY STARTER)

It is 1960 September 3rd in a small house in France we see a old couple that is just sitting having some tea leisurely enjoying the morning. All of a sudden a fancy looking device starts making sounds and flashing very bright and noticeable lights that is on the mantle. Both of them stare in shock at the device and drop their tea cups on the ground breaking them a few seconds later they look at each other still in shock not believing what they're seeing. The woman gets up from her seat and in a speed that you would not believe someone of her age could achieve bolts to the device and starts waving a wand at the object soon a text stating time date and location of a Kevin Flamel is displayed in magical glowing words from the device. Shortly after the couple leaves to go to said location and when they arrive they a come upon a unfortunate sight a mother who has just passed away giving birth to a newborn boy. They using magic questioning the hospital staff to finding out the father died shortly before the baby was born and due to complications the mother has passed away. Immediately performing a magical blood tests and find out the little boy is the last of they're magical line which they fought desperately to keep alive and they thought was extinct many years ago. After convincing the staff the boy was there grandson they take the boy back to their small house and immediately started making plans to make sure this time their last family member does not get targeted and killed like the last ones. After a while they come up with a plan and ask a friend who now lives out of the spotlight to claim the child as his because he comes from a ancient and Noble line that no longer has any descendants to give the child status in their world as well making Albus Dumbledore to swear a oath. because of a debt he owns them he is forced to promise if he goes to Hogwarts that he will not try to influence him or manipulate him as well as protect him behind the scenes. This is the story of Kevin Flamel also known as Kevin Forest raised by Nicholas Flamel the greatest Alchemy practitioner ever known to history his wife Perenelle Flamel secretly known as one of the best Medi witches and a extreme Enthusiast of runes plus their friend Jacob Forrest a slightly mad genius spell researcher( Everyone will think he's Jacobs son and has no connection besides his father to the Flamels)