
A Stoats Dilemma

I jerked awake.

 Not voluntarily, I assure you, because in normal circumstances, you wouldn't have caught me dead at this hour. I personally think that the monsters that call themselves "Morning people" are absolutely crazy.

Obviously, if you didn't guess already, this is far from normal circumstances.

 I sighed, and brushed off the dirt and pebbles that fell from the roof and onto my head mere moments before. I despise this place, maybe more than I hate morning people. And let me just say, that's definitely saying something. Especially considering that just a few weeks ago, my mortal enemy was my alarm clock. 

 You might be wondering, what circumstances could have brought me awake at such an early hour? What circumstances could force me to move to such a horrible place (which by the way, is absolutely spartan). What circumstances could I possibly hate more than I do morning people!  

 It's quite a simple situation really, I was turned into an animal. A stoat to be exact. And I HATE it.

 For the first few days, I ran under the delusion that it probably wouldn't be so bad. Because COME ON I am a flipping ferret! Those acrobatic, flexible, adorable little creatures. This was supposed to be an amazing experience.

 I wish I could go back in time to tell the foolish witch that too. The one who cast this ridiculous curse. A curse that was supposed to be a blessing. All i wished for was to experience the life of my pet, Lark Eater (yes, i hate early birds that much. But in fear of anyone shortening his name to Lark, i just call him Lune)

 I hadn't even meant for it to be granted. But that dumb sorceress overheard, then just up and decided what was best and made me a ferret.

 That useless woman forgot to even make me a pet. So now I'm stuck surviving out here in the wild. Acting nothing like what my exterior suggests, if what i've been told by the stoat I fought this small burrow for is true.

 And it probably was true. Actually, it was definitely true, because for starters I know what Lune liked to eat. And I have no intention of finding the wild alternative.

 I also have absolutely no idea what plants here are edible. And if a human could eat them, could a stoat? At this point though. I'm willing to ignore both of those misgivings if it would satisfy the roiling hunger eating away at me.

 At the edge hole that marked the exit of my living space, I hesitated. Finding food was one matter, but what of the creatures that wanted to eat me? The last few days i survived off the food that the dumb witch kindly transported along with me here. But i had finished those meager rations in a matter of days, and only because i was smart enough to conserve them.

 Fear and hesitation kept me from leaving this place. But that in itself was probably really stupid. The weaker I got, the more likely I was to get eaten out there. 

I just wanted to get out of this dumb place.  So, stealing my breath. I carefully stepped out.

 The world outside was beautiful. But I didn't stop and look around. I simply stared at the hunk of meat that stood a convenient three paces away from me. My hunger threw me towards the glorious food. Hushing the doubts that whispered in my brain.

Unsurprisingly, it was a trap. A human one.

Oh, the irony.

Please let this just be a bad dream.


 The little witch girl's eyes flew open. Panting, she flailed around in bed. The feelings of hunger, tiredness, and cynicism all flashed through her mind. Fading away to the point where she could barely remember them.

 As if she we're in a dream. 

 Exasperation filled her as she slowly realized what had just happened. She huffed as exhaustion slowed her movement. She wearily turned towards her familiar.

"Lune, could you please stop that. This isn't funny anymore."

Half hidden in the shadows, the spirit of a ferret could be seen, hardly noticeable except for the bright twinkle in its eyes.

so... i wanted to test out how writing was like here (i have a novel idea in mind) and decided to test this app out with a story collection

The_Collectercreators' thoughts