Knowing this was going to happen the butler waits in the halls of the second floor. Little squeaks echos the marble halls. Every so often the squeaks stop and a sound of a door opening and closing forcefully are heard. Catching sight of him a little girl marches in front of him.
" Good morning Rose," The Bulter smile amicably,
" Where's Mi-mi!? He's not in his room!"
He sighs, "Yes, Maria came back today but he has to have some rest. It looks like he's been through quite a lot."
The 10-year-old replies in a huff, " No! I. wanna. See. HIM!!"
" Rose, that's insensitive. It's lucky she's even back."
Not taking no for an answer her face turns red. " Tell me where he is!"
The huffs would be comical if it wasn't for the fact she might just walk in there. Her dumbs brothers taught her all sorts of ways to break into rooms and terrorize.
The thoughts take Borris back quite a bit. The four brats were certainly sweet if not deranged in their own ways.
Though he wasn't the head butler for no reason, there are tricks to dealing with kids that might throw a tantrum.
First, are they being unreasonable? Is this a hill to die on? If yes, proceed. ( In this case not exactly )
Second, distraction.
He pretends to consider and asks politely, " What color are your sneakers miss?"
" Huh ?"
" What color are they?"
" Um.. red?"
"That's funny I have something red too." He pulls out the emergency lollipop. The poor girl has always been weak to bribery.
Then, give them control.
" Would you like this before or after breakfast?"
Her eyes narrow.
Time to put the nail in the coffin, " Francine made it strawberry flavored."
A flash of recognition crosses her eyes and she angrily mutters, " Before."
" Will you walk with me to the dining room?" He holds out his hand with the candy.
Lucky day, she took the bait.
Rose snatches the candy out of his hand and stuffs it in her pajama pocket. She then sticks out her hand, glaring at him. Her gaze says it all, ' hold it or die.'
The battle has been won. He holds the tiny hand and walks with her. All that's left is the last step.
Positive reinforcement.
" Thank you Rose you've been very patient."
" Hmph!"
A/N TIME IS 0810