
Prologue: Love for my Goddess

Sometimes I still feel her touch

Our cheesy conversations, the life we brought about, the ones we ended, the sound of her cries, the beats of success.

The way she smells.

Truly I miss everything about her, words can't put how much my heart breaks by the slightest thoughts of her.

Hah, she still crosses my mind like it's a hobby.

I can't even pay attention to conversations anymore

Everything is drowned out by the insistent nothingness of day-to-day.

I feel like the true embodiment of, " everything reminds me of her." And I can only chuckle at my dependence.

Things shouldn't have ended the way they did, she was my God, my everything. As she rose, I ascended and she fell, I crashed.

It'll never let it happen again,

I am inevitable but, she brings life. Purpose.

I need her. I'll break everything to just have her back once more. And if need be that's what I'll do.

This world is nothing without her and the only way to see her again is to go to the next.

Death was quick and was worth feeling her touch once more. In fact more than that, a pull, an invitation to see her once more.

Honestly could've skipped this. I wrote this while moping about my ex and thinking pretty much the relationship-ish of the mc and his god.

TheDangerousDinocreators' thoughts