
Stormwind Mage God

This is a tale of a young guy who travels to the world of Azeroth. He's all about love and justice (and not turning into a ghoul), not afraid to give up everything (he can run back to his corpse to respawn), and on a mission to find what's been lost: morals/morality and humanity (integrity). He never stops trying to regain his integrity, even when he falls off the wagon. ------------- Hello everyone I am back with a new Project!!!!! Yes this was previously partially translated on here -https://www.webnovel.com/book/stormwind-mage-god_25830019606309105 I started over from scratch and did not use any of the previous translator's work. To reiterate- this is a CN translation and not an original story. If you're not into Chinese fanfics this is probably not for you. I am not a professional, this is just a hobby for me, and I am just a 1 man team. I do the best that I can with what I have. The more motivated I am the more active I will be in editing up to chapter 80ish to the current standard. If you like what I do feel free to buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GPTandChill - or sign up for my patreon @ patreon.com/GPT_And_Chill

Read_and_Chill · Others
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702 Chs

Chapter 610: The Arrogant Dragon

Fate is an enigmatic force.

For Duke, the past two and a half years on Earth seem but a distant memory.

Yet, Duke is acutely aware that without the tether of memories connecting him from the distant Earth to Azeroth, he wouldn't stand where he does today.

The Second Dark Portal War has drawn to a close.

The orcs, tainted by demonic blood, leading to their brutal savagery, are fated to fade into obscurity alongside the Old Horde.

The Alliance, too, is on the cusp of evolution. While the "Alliance of the Eleven Nations" holds prestige, transitioning from the Lordaeron Alliance to the grand Alliance of the future is no minor task.

Upon the vast terrace, Duke sporadically engages with several future Alliance monarchs. Drawing from memories that span across time, Duke 'foresees' and guides these rulers.

No monarch is without wit. Each possesses their beliefs, ideologies, and visions for their people's future. Influencing them isn't a mere trifle.

What Duke offers is the crux of the future Alliance's operations.

Principles of equality, collaboration, mutual aid, and the formation of a swift response force echo through time.

These concepts captivate the monarchs and their closest advisors.

If not for the fierce battle of the Guardian Dragons overhead, one might mistake this gathering for a governance symposium.

In the skies, the confrontation between the Guardian Dragons nears its climax.

In terms of sheer might, Neltharion, fighting against four, was at a disadvantage from the outset. Previous battle scars further compromised his defenses and agility. Yet, after enduring successive onslaughts, a window of opportunity presents itself to the four dragons.

"Now," Duke's magical message simultaneously resonates within the minds of the four Guardian Dragons.

This is prompted by a system alert: "Deathwing's vitality plummets below 20%, entering the [Execute] phase."

This crucial 20% threshold signals a foe on the brink, susceptible to abilities targeting the critically wounded.

Yet, it also heralds the adversary's final counterattack.

The tactics of the four dragons undergo a dramatic shift. Alexstrasza, previously entrenched in melee, abruptly distances herself, her chest swelling as if to unleash a potent dragon's breath. Yet, Nozdormu surges forth, ensnaring Neltharion in his grasp.

As Neltharion braces to parry the ranged assaults from the other two dragons, aiming to disrupt Alexstrasza's impending onslaught, an unexpected illusion manifests.

Ysera, suddenly invoking a fresh dreamscape, depicts... Sinestra, his inaugural mate.

In truth, Deathwing's corrosive form had inadvertently led to the demise of numerous black dragonesses during their intimate unions. Yet, this illusion wasn't of a lost mate, but of Sinestra obliterating... his cherished dragon eggs.


Deathwing, fiercely protective of his progeny, palpably falters.

Seizing this fleeting moment, the four Guardian Dragons converge.