
Stormbound: Chronicles of the Wind Mage

A 12-year-old boy discovers his magical ability lies in the element of wind, considered the weakest and rarest among mages. As he embarks on a journey guided by a mysterious voice, he questions the true power of wind and sets out to uncover its potential in a series of adventures.

Hemal_Prajapati · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows of Despair

"Do you want to live?"

Just as Arthur was about to be struck by a powerful attack, he heard a familiar voice. He turned towards the source and saw a person with medium-length white hair, a handsome face, and a strong physique. Arthur asked, "Gimir, is that you?" He guessed it was Gimir because of the voice.

Certainly! Here's an improved version of your dialogue:

"Yes," Gimir said.

"Wow, if it is you, then how come I can see you? Aren't you just a soul?" Arthur asked.

"And why am I the only one moving? It's like time has stopped." Before Gimir could answer, Arthur continued, "And why are you here?"

"Well, you're not entirely wrong, but time hasn't stopped. You're in an internal space created by your mind."

"What do you mean?"

"We're in a world that your mind just created because of your fear."

"Okay, I kind of get that. Then why do you have a physical body instead of a soul form?"

"As I said before, this space is created by your mind, and this body is also created by your mind. You probably thought of this body whenever you thought about me or talked to me. As for why I am here, I am here because I want to save you."

"You want to save me? I... I don't get it," Arthur said hesitantly.

"Don't you want to live? You don't want to die by that man's hand, do you?" Gimir asked.

"Well, yes. But are you going to save me?"

"Yes and no. I can tell you how you can save yourself and your friends, but you'll have to sacrifice Mhamatya and the other soldiers."

"Is there any other way to save them?"

"No. If I help you by telling you how to save them, you will end up dead."

"So what is it? How can I save them?"

"I will tell you, but it's not a simple matter. By telling you this, I am disrupting the original timeline, and you will be punished for that."

"What kind of punishment?"

"I don't know. It is probably set by the gods already. Who knows what will happen? Just remember this: never lose your mind, no matter what happens."

Arthur sighed. "I can't really figure out what you mean, but okay. Tell me the way to save them and me."

"Alright. I can only take control of your body for about one minute and three seconds, so we have to split that time. First, I'll enter your body and transfer you to the back of those three men."

Arthur felt Gimir take over his body. He moved quietly, sneaking up behind the three men.

"Now, once I give you back control, don't waste any time. Pick up a few stones from the ground and throw them at the middle guy. Seeing how strong he is, it won't do much, but it will distract him from the others."

Arthur took control again. He quickly grabbed some stones from the ground and threw them at the man in the middle. The man flinched, distracted by the stones hitting him.

"Good. Give me control again, and I'll make you run."

Arthur let Gimir take over. His legs moved fast, running away from the men. Everything around him became a blur.

"When I give you back control, use the wind speed you practiced controlling yesterday to run to the edge of the cliff."

Arthur felt the wind help him run even faster. He raced towards the cliff's edge.

"Alright, give me control again."

Arthur let Gimir take over again just as he reached the cliff. Gimir kept him from falling and kept running straight.

"You will meet a man with a long white beard, white hair, and white clothes. Don't ask anything; just fall at his feet and beg for mercy."

Arthur's legs moved quickly. When he saw the man with white hair and clothes, he dropped to his knees and begged for mercy. He heard the sounds of fighting behind him, hoping Gimir's plan would work and they would all be safe.

"Sir Samarth, the Devourers are after me," Arthur said exactly as Gimir instructed him.

"Hmm, how do you know my name, kid? And more importantly, why are the Devourers after you?" Samarth replied, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Hey, old man, give me that child! I will kill him myself," the man who followed Arthur spoke from behind.

"Sir, please, save me. I will explain everything later," Arthur pleaded.

"Seeing how you know my name and all, I will protect you for the time being," Samarth decided.

The man who followed Arthur laughed evilly. "Ha ha ha! Do you think you can defeat me? I am not alone here. You should know whom you are fighting before promising something like that."

Samarth stepped forward in silence.

The silence seemed to provoke the man further, and he snapped, his hands crackling with energy.

The scene shifted to where the two men were fighting against Mahamatya and seven other guards. Prince August and Casia remained behind. With the middle man gone, the paralysis had lifted. Taking in the situation, Mahamatya shouted, "Prince August, you should go and run with the others."

"What about you, August?" Casia asked with concern.

"Don't be a fool, sir. You know why Arthur did that, don't you? If we don't run, Arthur's sacrifice will be in vain," August replied grimly.

By sacrifice, everyone assumed Arthur was likely dead, especially since the strongest man from the trio had pursued him. There was initial hesitation, but eventually, they understood and fled. As the two remaining men from the trio prepared to follow, after dispatching the guards, they heard a snapping sound and hurried to where Arthur had been. Sadly, Mahamatya and the seven guards had perished, but Prince August and the others managed to escape.

The scene returns to Arthur, where Acharya Samarth was About to Fight the trio.

To be continued...