
Stormbound: Chronicles of the Wind Mage

A 12-year-old boy discovers his magical ability lies in the element of wind, considered the weakest and rarest among mages. As he embarks on a journey guided by a mysterious voice, he questions the true power of wind and sets out to uncover its potential in a series of adventures.

Hemal_Prajapati · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: Winds of Conflict

"I can solve this problem easily," came a heavy voice from a shadowy figure standing in the darkness at the gate of the room.

"Who is it? Show yourself!" Mahito demanded, drawing his sword.

"Relax, I am an ally," the figure said, stepping forward until his face became visible. It was Sicotes.

"Who the hell are you, and who let you enter this place without permission?" Mahito shouted angrily.

"Oh, I put all the guards to sleep, so there's nobody to stop me," Sicotes replied with a heavy voice.

"Who are you, and why are you intruding in my castle?" King Hirotaka asked sternly.

"Oh, you must be the king, huh?" Sicotes said, moving forward.

"Stop right there!" Mahito and Inuyaki said together, moving forward with their swords pointed at Sicotes.

"Relax. As I said, I am here to help you. At least give me a chance to speak," Sicotes requested.

"Okay, very well then. Sit," King Hirotaka said, pointing towards an empty seat. Sicotes sat down, and the king continued, "Now, tell me what you want to say."

"I will help you win this war," Sicotes said with an evil smile.

"What do you mean?" Hirotaka asked, intrigued.

"I am one of the Ahankaras from the Malvani clan. I can help you in this war against the Velcane country," Sicotes explained.

"How? And besides, we don't want any help from the Malvani clan," Hirotaka retorted.

"Believe me, you will need it," Sicotes said, his smile widening.

"What do you mean? Explain it clearly," Hirotaka demanded, his brow furrowed in frustration.

"See, if you start the war now, you will only have one reason to explain it to other countries: the mines in the northern part of Veloria that touch your border. Am I right?" Sicotes asked, his voice calm yet probing.

"Yes, so?" Hirotaka replied, his tone sharp.

"So, do you think that reason is enough?" Sicotes countered, a taunting smile playing on his lips.

Everyone else in the room looked down at the floor in shame, the weight of Sicotes' words sinking in.

"On the other hand, Veloria has a powerful reason: you killed their precious noble, Gridion Sailma. Every other country will side with them immediately. No matter how you see it, you don't have a good reason to start a war," Sicotes continued, his voice growing more intense.

"But we didn't kill him!" Inuyaki shouted, her face red with anger.

"I know, but how would you explain that to others?" Sicotes replied, his eyes narrowing.

Hirotaka took a deep breath, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "So, do you have any suggestions?" he asked, struggling to maintain his composure.

"Sure, I have a plan. But before I tell you, I want a promise from you," Sicotes said, his tone serious.

"What kind of promise?" Hirotaka asked warily.

"I will lead this war from your side," Sicotes declared, a glint of determination in his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? You know very well every country will be angry at us," Hirotaka said, exasperated.

"Don't worry. I am from the Malvani clan, but I am new, so nobody knows about me being a member. You can simply say that I was a mercenary and you hired me. If somebody finds out later on, you can claim ignorance of my true identity. Simple enough, don't you think?" Sicotes explained, his confidence unwavering.

"Do you have the authority to make such a big decision on behalf of the Malvani clan?" Hirotaka asked, skeptical.

"Don't worry. I have every right to decide this. Besides, I am the strongest in the Malvani clan," Sicotes assured him.

"But wasn't the strongest member of the Malvani clan Amara?" Hirotaka asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Yes, until one month ago, before I joined," Sicotes replied with a smirk.

King Hirotaka sighed deeply, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "Okay, I agree to your terms. Now explain the plan you have," he said, resigned.

Sicotes smiled triumphantly.

With that, the scene faded out and transitioned to the majestic castle in the Valcane Kingdom. The grand hall, adorned with intricate tapestries and illuminated by flickering torches, was the setting for a crucial meeting. King Frederick Winshield sat at the head of a massive oak table, flanked by his four most trusted advisors.

Mohan, the head of the Count family and the King's youngest brother, leaned forward with a furrowed brow. "What do you think, sir? Do you have any idea who might have killed Gridion?" His voice trembled with a mix of anger and frustration.

King Frederick's eyes darkened as he glanced at Mohan. Before he could respond, Santosh Singh, the head of the Agriculture Department, spoke up. "Yes, I have heard rumors. They say a lady from Aquafera was present when it happened." His voice was low, almost conspiratorial, and his gaze shifted nervously around the room.

Rustam, the Chief Guard, slammed his fist on the table, causing a few documents to flutter to the ground. "This matter should not be ignored! We must take action immediately," he declared, his voice brimming with righteous fury.

The king nodded solemnly, his face a mask of determination. "Yes, it is true. Although Gridion was not a good person, we cannot overlook the fact that Aquafera might have orchestrated a noble's murder on our land. We must respond decisively."

Suddenly, a servant burst into the room, his face pale and his breath ragged. He bowed quickly and stammered, "Glory to the king and his faithfuls! I know I have no authority to interrupt this important discussion, but sir, Aquafera has attacked us from our northern border!"

Everyone in the room froze, the shock palpable. Eyes widened, and mouths fell open as the gravity of the servant's words sank in. Mohan gripped the edge of the table until his knuckles turned white, while Santosh Singh's hand instinctively went to his heart. Rustam's expression turned from anger to resolve, his jaw clenching as he awaited the king's orders.

King Frederick rose slowly, his face a blend of fury and steely determination. "Prepare for battle," he commanded, his voice echoing through the hall. "We will not let this act of aggression go unanswered."

The room erupted into a flurry of activity as the advisors sprang into action, their earlier concerns now overshadowed by the imminent threat. The king watched them for a moment before turning to gaze out the window, his mind already strategizing their next move.

To be continued...

Note: Up until now, I have been uploading daily. However, from now on, new updates will be posted on Tuesdays and Fridays. Thank you for your support so far. I ask for your continued support moving forward.

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