
Stormbound: Chronicles of the Wind Mage

A 12-year-old boy discovers his magical ability lies in the element of wind, considered the weakest and rarest among mages. As he embarks on a journey guided by a mysterious voice, he questions the true power of wind and sets out to uncover its potential in a series of adventures.

Hemal_Prajapati · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 11: The Awakening of Aura and the Path to Vengeance

"Author's Note: Hey guys, here to explain a bit about the power system in this world. In this realm, aura serves as the fundamental energy source for wielding magic. There are two primary methods of utilizing aura:

Elemental Aura Magic: This technique is straightforward, requiring basic aura control and utilizes the body's natural energy. It's commonly used in daily activities due to its simplicity and comparable effectiveness.

Aura Manipulation: In contrast, aura manipulation demands advanced control and a heightened awareness of one's aura senses. 'Aura sense' refers to the proficiency in manipulating aura, categorized into five distinct levels. While elemental magic is popular for its ease of use, manipulation techniques offer versatility, allowing users to create diverse attacks and defenses.

Additionally, individuals with a high aura sense can concurrently harness both elemental magic and manipulation techniques, showcasing the breadth of their abilities."

chapter 11-

"A wolf with large teeth lunges at Arthur in the dark caves.

'Well, fighting one demon wolf is cool, but taking on seven at once? This is going to be fun,' Arthur's eyes glow with rage, forming a chilling smile.

'Wind blades,' he murmurs, walking calmly towards the pack of demon wolves. As they leap to attack, they are swiftly cut down before they reach him.

'Huh, I've been wanting to try this wind blade technique. It's really cool.'"

Arthur has noticeably bulked up over the past four years.

"He returned to the snow-covered mountains of the Himalayas, where the corpses of several demon wolves lay scattered—a testament to his latest conquest of a new type of monster.

"You've brought back another new monster today, huh," remarked Samarth.

Samarth thought to himself, "It's been about four years now. Arthur has awakened his fourth aura sense during this time, which is impressive. He's mastered numerous aura manipulation techniques as well, truly remarkable."

"Arthur, there's something I'd like to discuss with you," Samarth said, his expression serious.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, his face grave.

"Arthur, you're more than ready to venture into the dungeons and clear them on your own. This will be the last time we meet, so I'll share a few secret tips with you," Samarth suggested.

"Why is this the last time we're meeting? Am I not continuing my training here?" Arthur asked.

"No, your training here is complete. What you need now is real-life experience," Samarth explained.

Let me give you some tips. Firstly, do you know how Devourers can absorb a monster's power by consuming them?"

"I heard they use a forbidden technique," Arthur replied.

"Yes, it's an ancient demonic technique that shouldn't be used," Samarth explained. "However, there's a similar technique called the Tamana technique. If the monster consents, you can draw a portion of their power and replicate some of their abilities."

"That sounds cool. But are there any drawbacks?"

"Well, yes and no," Samarth replied. "There are a few drawbacks. Sometimes your body can react adversely to the technique, potentially causing explosions. However, it should be manageable for you, given your high aura sense."

"Now, let's move on to the next topic. This is serious—it's about your family and the traitor from the capital back then."

"My family?" Arthur asked anxiously.

"Yes. First, I must apologize for keeping a secret from you," Samarth said.

"What is it?" Arthur asked, hesitating.

"Your sister Celina is alive," Samarth revealed quietly.

Arthur froze, memories of his sister flooding back. Tears welled up in his eyes as he smiled, looking up at the sky. "Really? Is she really alive?"

"Yes, she is," Samarth confirmed. "She was at the temple for her name registration with a maid from the royal castle. Only the king and I know that she is alive."

Arthur sobbed, "She's alive... she's really alive... Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Samarth sighed, "What would you have done if I had told you? You were too weak to protect her. Let me be honest— that attack was meant to kill your family and cause you pain. If you had known she was alive, everyone else would have known too, and her life would have been in danger."

"Where is she? And who is the traitor?" Arthur asked, his face contorted with anger.

"She's safe at the maid's house," Samarth assured him. "The traitor is Gridion Sailma. He's consumed by madness because you killed his son, Mirion. That's what drove him to this."

"So, all this happened because I killed Mirion?" Arthur said, his voice filled with regret.

"It's not just that," Samarth explained. "Even if you hadn't killed him, or had only beaten him, they would have still targeted your family. There was no way you could have protected them."

"I will kill him. I will kill him right away!"

"Do you really think you can do that?"

"What do you mean, Guru Samarth?"

"Gridion is not alone. He has the Malvani clan backing him up. You are not strong enough to defeat them. Do as I say."

Arthur didn't want to accept the truth, but he clenched his fists and, trembling with anger, said, "I will do as you say, Guruji. Tell me what to do."

"First, go to the dungeon you have been exploring. Clear it by reaching the last floor. After that, go to the city. You will understand what to do next."

Arthur said his goodbyes to Guru Samarth and headed for the dungeon. When he reached the dungeon gate, he whispered to himself, "I will destroy you, Gridion."

Arthur cut down every monster in his path until he reached the 17th floor of the dungeon. This floor was different. It was dark and barren, with no monsters in sight. He heard the sound of water to his right and followed it, discovering a waterfall.

"The waterfall goes all the way down to the 18th floor. Interesting," Arthur remarked.

He rested there for a while, drinking some water from the waterfall. After that, he continued to explore the dungeon. As he ventured deeper into the 17th floor, he stumbled upon a huge door.

"This door is enormous. Is there someone behind it?" Arthur wondered aloud. He knocked a few times. Suddenly, a loud noise, "THUD!!," echoed, and the door creaked open.

Inside was a vast room. A single torch in the center cast enough light to reveal the entire space.

As Arthur walked in, he called out loudly, "Is there someone here? Hello?" The door closed automatically behind him, and Arthur became alert.

A heavy, serpentine voice echoed, "Are you here to challenge the dungeon boss?"

Arthur thought to himself, I didn't know the 18th floor was the last. He responded aloud, "Yes, I am here to challenge the dungeon boss. Are you the dungeon boss?"

"I am not," the voice replied. "But if you manage to defeat me, I will teleport you to the 19th floor where the dungeon boss resides." A massive snake materialized before him from thin air.

The snake was enormous, its head nearly touching the ceiling. Its massive scales provided formidable protection, shimmering menacingly in the dim light.

Arthur swallowed hard, gathering his courage to stand against the colossal serpent. "Who are you?" he asked, secretly preparing an attack.

The giant snake hissed, "Are you here to chit-chat? Because I am not." With that, the snake lunged towards Arthur, its fangs bared in a vicious attack.

Arthur's instincts kicked in—he dodged, feeling the rush of displaced air as the fangs missed him by inches. Gathering his energy, he retaliated.

"Gale Force Blast!" Arthur thrust his palm forward, unleashing a cyclone of wind from his hand. The serpent staggered, its scales ruffled, but it recovered swiftly.

Arthur summoned a protective shield—a swirling vortex of air. "Cyclone Shield!" The snake's strike collided with the barrier, sparks flying. Arthur seized the opportunity, launching a barrage of wind blades. Each cut left shallow marks, like paper cuts on the beast's impenetrable hide.

But the serpent struck back, its tail slamming Arthur into the wall. Pain flared, but he pushed through, propelling himself with wind magic. His movements blurred—"Tempest Step!"—as he danced around the snake, seeking weaknesses.

Desperation fueled Arthur's next move. "Whirlwind Prison!" The tornado lifted the serpent, but it twisted free, jaws clamping onto his arm. Blood stained the ground. Arthur got flustered by losing his right arm. His surroundings became blurry. For a moment, Arthur felt nothing, but then the pain hit him. He screamed, a sound raw enough to tear his throat. His mind teetered on the edge of instability as he grappled with the reality of his lost limb. But amid the agony, he quickly regained his focus.

"Aura Manipulation Technique - Wind Abstain!" Arthur chanted. His aura intensified, creating a blinding glow. With his left hand, he shaped wind into a colossal blade—the Sky Severer. The air screamed as he swung it.

The blade sliced through the snake's scales, cleaving it in two. The cavern shook, dust raining down. Arthur collapsed, gasping, victory and pain warring within him.

As consciousness slipped away, a warm presence enveloped him. A voice echoed, "You have proven yourself. Prepare to be teleported to the 19th floor."

To be continued...

Next : The 19th Floor...

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