

The cold winter season was once again upon us. You could see the path left behind by your breath, I could have sworn that there were shadows that moved through the night but then again who am I kidding, no one believes the "child demon" Yes! That's me the little girl with silver hair and amethyst eyes bundled up in a frail body with skin so pale you could call it white. The balcony was my go too spot whenever I had started feeling sorry for myself, I would look at the entire village from here and my sadness would be assuaged.

"Slyvia" "Slyvia" "where is that little brat" It seems even when I try to find peace they would deny me that too, I stood up from the lone chair in the balcony making sure I didn't make a sound, years and years of practice had me as silent as an owl flying in the night. Madam Rekel's voice had come from the dinning room which meant she was running out of places to search I had to act fast before she gets here. Moving quietly I ran down the spiral staircase straight to my room I could avoid her if I got there fast enough. But who could have told her I was out past curfew, was it Jane or Sarah or could it be both of them. With this thought in my head I limped over the kitchen counter and ran swiftly in to my room, as expected the girls were still awake each of them looking at me with utter disdain in their eyes I could sense what they were about to do, you could call it a foreboding feeling. Why wouldn't I know what was to come next it had happened several times before if I was being honest, I looked at Rachel and pleaded with her with my eyes she was the least wicked of the all or at least that what I thought "Mistress!!" "Slyvia just came into the room"

Yes she did what you are thinking but could I even blame her after all there was no love lost between us. I turned around quickly wasting no time asking her why she did that, I raced down the hallway searching for any open door or window to make my escape I would not endure Rekel's beatings at least not tonight. And there it was like the light at the end of the tunnel an open window to the far end of the hallway but like every good thing that ever happened to me it was accompanied with something bad... Rekel's foot steps sounded like thunder claps as she walked down the hall she was behind me but I needn't look back to know it was her and that I was screwed!! Tendrils of earth burst forth from the Mable floor each seeking refuge around my legs but I knew this trick I wasn't able to fall for it again, my legs moved with little effort as I ran as fast as I could towards the window like a witch she was gaining on me using the wall at the end of the hallway like a magnet pulling her self towards it, I placed my foot on the window railing and was about to jump when I felt it, like my entire back was on fire. While I had been running she must have realized that I was going to escape and decided to settle for at least one lash.

I don't know how I left the orphanage one minute I was writhing my teeth in pain the next I was running through the woods further than I have ever been before then all of a sudden my legs gave way and I landed roughly on the forest floor. It felt like my entire back was being pricked by countless tiny needles I wanted to scream but no sound came out of my lips only streams of tears flowed down my face. After what felt like forever I was conscious enough to observe my surroundings I knew I was in the woods but exactly where I had to find out. Through the clusters of leaves and branches I saw a bright blue light, it was so beautiful I that I was distracted from my pain I could feel it call out to me pulling me close and before I could understand what was happening I was staring at three men pulling a baby sea serpent into a black sack. I quickly hid behind a tree my eyes never leaving them.

"Jack are you sure about this, what if the mother comes after us? What then"

"o stop it Clinton you worry too much you should try to be more like John or don't you know once we sell this little guy we gonna be set for life"

"Why am I still here I should run away, if they see me am dead". My thoughts were chaotic I knew I should listen to the little common sense I still had left but something about the way the sea serpent looked at me made me want to help it. Is it really looking at me no it can't be, I should go but... No buts leave this place escape Slyvia! . But is this who I am a common slum rat whose only goal in life is to survive, would I see those in need and refuse the urge to help them because am afraid! Is this a life worth living? No! This can't be it, I picked up a stone and threw it at the opposite direction of the poachers and hide back behind the tree.

" what was that!? John go Check what that was. And Clinton how long is it gonna take u to put that damn fish in the bag."

"sorry I've never used an enchanted bag before"

" By the gods! Where did u grow up? In the beast country? Y must I have to do everything myself I mean what's the use of hiring you guys if u can't even use an enchanted bag!"

I drew on the water and a thick tendril of water rose up from behind Jack I wrapped it around his head and immediately froze it making his head look like an ice popsicle. He struggled with the ice sending burst of flames to his face trying to melt the ice before he would suffocate. Why Clinton had not being quiet either he had recovered from the initial shock and was running at me with an unnatural speed. "By the gods what have I done" I had acted without thinking and now I was in danger. The riverbank was soaked so I drew on the water and threw tiny ice spikes at my attacker but he easily dodged them and threw a wind spear at me. With my sloppy foot work I managed to dodge it but he would soon be upon me. " shit Slyvia what now.! Think! Think! Think!" I was panicking but then I saw it he was running toward me in a straight line he had likely underestimated me due to my size. I once again drew upon the water and as he was running toward me I casted an ice spear to arise directly from his path pointing in the opposite direction to his run. He impaled himself on it looking at me with shock evident in his deep brown eyes. I would have kept on looking but I wasn't out of the woods yet John had returned and seeing what happened to his friends was coming after me then it happened, the sea surface gave way to the most terrifying creature I have ever seen with large canine teeth bulging from its mouth it looked like a snake only bigger terrifyingly bigger it was as tall as the two storey orphanage with robust blue scales which reflected the moon light. Its eyes were a deep red and with lightning speed it struck and swallowed John whole. It looked at me and turned to the baby sea serpent like it was asking "should I kill her too" a blinding white light shone from its body and it turned into the most beautiful woman I had ever seen with bright blue hair which looked light the color of the ocean deep blue eyes that could suck u in. She wore a light white gown which bellowed in the sea breeze all of this together gave her an ethereal feeling.

" Human I am Hecate goddess of the sea and for the help you have rendered I bless you with the blessings of the sea may the waters of the world protect and may the sea obey your request for as long as you live"

And with a bright flash she disappeared and all that remained was me sitting on the sand and the dead poachers a reminder that what just happened was real and not a dream...

Hey guys. Thanks so much for picking this novel am new to writing so I may make a lot of errors pls forgive this lowly author. I will try as much as possible to update as wee as I can once again thank you for your time

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