
Stories With No Home!?

A list potential series but I need more encouragement and time to even try in making these stories an actual story.

Katho_Mim · Theater
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Why? Just Why… (ONE-SHOT)

By: Kato Namikaze (Aka-Gerardo Dones Jr)

A Casual day, the sun is up and my friends are with me. "Hey Josh, you wanna head to the arcade" my friend Cage asks. I reply saying "Yes, but you're paying this time" he laughs and agrees. As we both head to the arcade we encounter an issue, well if you can call it that. A Hotdog stand owner and a Burger stand owner were fighting each other. "Place your bets everyone, place them now and see who wins!!" yells a strange man wearing a jester outfit. He reaches me and my friend and we also place bets, $15 on the Hotdog stand owner. As the fight begins we follow and the crowd cheers them on, even the police joined in on the betting.

HotDog Stand Owner- HSO

Burger Stand Owner- BSO

HSO swings first, BSO weaves and delivers his own gut punch that gets blocked and returned with a low kick to the leg, as it connects the HSO falters just for a second as BSO then throws a mean left hook. HSO takes a good amount of damage and steps back to get some space. He then charges back in and dodges a punch thrown by BSO, while hitting him with a disgusting knee kick that hits at the groin area. As BSO is now staggering while holding his family jewels, HSO sees this opportunity to bombard him with punches. Just like that, HSO began beating on BSO, stomping him down and those who betted on him winning began to do the same.

I'm just happy I got my money's worth, me and my friend leave that shit show of a situation. "Well aren't we lucky, who would've known we would make $200 while going to play arcade games." I said laughingly, my friend laughed along and we made our way to play. Though sadly the BSO can't do the same any more…

When we arrived at the arcade, we looked around and once we arrived we began… PLAYING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!! From Shooting aliens and basketballs, to driving motorcycle games, we went off, and I personally began breaking records. After 6 hours at the arcade, we left and made our way back home. "That was so much fun bro!" Cage says Joyfully I agree nodding my head and replies saying "Yeah and did you see how many people challenged me and got crushed!" Cage laughed saying "Facts, that was easy money we made off of them." We continued to joyfully talk about our time at the arcade and it wasn't very long until we arrived at my house. Cage looked at me, his expression changing into that of worry, "So, you'll let me live right?" he asked desperately. I looked at him confused and replied "You're funny, don't joke around like that" I began laughing, and Cage ran, ran as fast as he could. But…he wasn't fast enough… hehehehe

*Next Day*

I wake up bright and fresh, ready for another day. As I made my way to the living room, Cage's body hung from the ceiling like the rest who dared to be selfish enough to ask for their lives. "I should probably throw this in the trash for then garbage man can take it"

As I exited my house, I met with my friend Katie. "You ready to head to the Movie Theaters Josh"

A Tube filled with water and a body laying inside having their dream world being met, and that person's name is Josh. As we look around we see a whole country filled with these exact same tubes, and only one misty black figure stands at the top smiling as our view of this new world blacks out…

Why. Just Why? Why did this have to end so soon.