
Stories with AI

I Have created short stories with AI have in reading

Job_Less_GUY · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Sure, here's the continuation of the story:

Arc Will continued his adventures through space and time. He explored new worlds and discovered new wonders. He faced incredible dangers along the way but always emerged victorious.

One day, he arrived on a planet that was ruled by a beautiful princess. He was immediately smitten with her and wanted to get to know her better.

He began spending time with her, learning about her kingdom and her people. They talked for hours about everything under the sun.

But there was one thing that Arc Will didn't know. The princess was actually betrothed to another man. She had been promised to him since birth and had no choice in the matter.

As Arc Will's feelings for the princess grew stronger, he began to realize that something was wrong. He knew that he couldn't be with her if she was already promised to someone else.

He confronted the princess and she told him the truth. She was heartbroken that she couldn't be with him but knew that it was for the best.

Arc Will continued his adventures, but he never forgot about the princess. He knew that he would always love her, no matter what.

And so his adventure continued, with no end in sight.

I hope you enjoyed this continuation! Let me know if you have any other requests.